Content Security Policy Decomposer & Evaluator
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#' Fetch and/or parse a content security policy header value
#' Use [fetch_csp()] to load & parse a CSP from a remote site. Use [parse_csp()]
#' to parse an already fetched or composed CSP.
#' @param csp_text length 1 character vector containing CSP text
#' @param origin_url site to fetch CSP from or to use when just parsing a
#' plain text (possibly already fetched) CSP
#' @param method method to use fetch CSP (sites may change headers returned
#' depending on the method used)
#' @references [Content Security Policy Level 3](
#' @export
parse_csp <- function(csp_text, origin_url) {
ParserWithLocation <- J("com.shapesecurity.salvation.ParserWithLocation")
policy = ParserWithLocation$parse(csp_text, origin_url),
origin = origin_url
) -> p
class(p) <- c("csp")
#' @rdname parse_csp
#' @export
fetch_csp <- function(origin_url, method = c("head", "get")) {
method <- match.arg(tolower(method), c("head", "get"))
r <- if (method == "head") httr::HEAD(origin_url) else httr::GET(origin_url)
h <- httr::headers(r)
csp <- h[["content-security-policy"]]
if (length(csp) == 0) {
stop("Content-Security-Policy header not found at ", origin_url, call.=FALSE)
p <- parse_csp(csp, origin_url)
p[["origin"]] <- origin_url
# #' Update an origin in a `csp` object
# #'
# #' @param csp a `csp` object created with [fetch_csp()] or [parse_csp()]
# #' @param origin_url origin URL
# #' @return `csp` object
# #' @export
# set_origin <- function(csp, origin_url) {
# csp[["origin"]] <- origin_url
# csp
# }
#' Convert a parsed CSP into a data frame of directives and values
#' @param x a `csp` object created with [fetch_csp()] or [parse_csp()]
#' @param include_origin if the `csp` object has an origin URL should
#' it be included in the data frame? Default: `TRUE`
#' @param ... ignored
#' @references [Content Security Policy Level 3](
#' @export <- function(x, include_origin = TRUE, ...) {
p <- x$policy
d <- p$getDirectives(),
lapply(d$toArray(), function(.x) {
directive = .x$name,
value = sapply(.x$values()$toArray(), function(.y) .y$show()),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) -> xdf
if ((!$origin)) && include_origin) xdf[["origin"]] <- x$origin
class(xdf) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")