Parse ‘URLs’ with ‘libcurl’
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#' Parse response headers
#' Parse response header data as returned by curl_fetch, either as a set of strings
#' or into a named list.
#' The parse_headers_list function parses the headers into a normalized (lowercase
#' field names, trimmed whitespace) named list.
#' If a request has followed redirects, the data can contain multiple sets of headers.
#' When multiple = TRUE, the function returns a list with the response headers
#' for each request. By default it only returns the headers of the final request.
#' @param txt raw or character vector with the header data
#' @param multiple parse multiple sets of headers separated by a blank line. See details.
#' @export
#' @rdname parse_headers
#' @examples req <- curl_fetch_memory("")
#' parse_headers(req$headers)
#' parse_headers(req$headers, multiple = TRUE)
#' # Parse into named list
#' parse_headers_list(req$headers)
parse_headers <- function(txt, multiple = FALSE){
txt <- rawToChar(txt)
if(length(txt) > 1){
txt <- paste(txt, collapse = "\n")
# Allow for either "\r\n" line breaks or just "\r" or "\n" (i.e. windows servers)
sets <- strsplit(txt, "\\r\\n\\r\\n|\\n\\n|\\r\\r")[[1]]
headers <- strsplit(sets, "\\r\\n|\\n|\\r")
} else {
#' @export
#' @rdname parse_headers
parse_headers_list <- function(txt){
headers <- grep(":", parse_headers(txt), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
out <- lapply(headers, split_string, ":")
names <- tolower(vapply(out, `[[`, character(1), 1)) #names are case insensitive
values <- lapply(lapply(out, `[[`, 2), trimws)
names(values) <- names