#' "Print" to PDF #' #' @md #' @note The default Chrome filename is `output.pdf` #' @param url URL to read from #' @param path path (with optional output filename) for the generated PDF. If `NULL` then #' and `overwrite` is `FALSE`, the fuction will will ensure a uniquely-named file is #' placed in the current working directory by incrementing trailing numbers before #' the end of it. #' @param overwrite overwrite existing file? Default: `TRUE` #' @param chrome_bin the path to Chrome (auto-set from `HEADLESS_CHROME` environment variable) #' @return output fileame (invisibly) #' @export #' @examples #' chrome_dump_pdf("https://www.r-project.org/") chrome_dump_pdf <- function(url, path=NULL, overwrite=TRUE, chrome_bin=Sys.getenv("HEADLESS_CHROME")) { curwd <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(curwd), add = TRUE) if (is.null(path)) path <- "." path <- normalizePath(path.expand(path[1])) if (!grepl("\\.pdf$", path)) { fil_nam <- "output.pdf" dir_nam <- path } else { fil_nam <- basename(path) dir_nam <- dirname(path) } fil_ext <- tools::file_ext(fil_nam) fil_pre <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(fil_nam) td <- tempdir() setwd(td) args <- c("--headless") args <- c(args, "--disable-gpu") args <- c(args, "--no-sandbox") args <- c(args, "--allow-no-sandbox-job") args <- c(args, sprintf("--user-data-dir=%s", .get_app_dir())) args <- c(args, sprintf("--crash-dumps-dir=%s", .get_app_dir())) args <- c(args, sprintf("--utility-allowed-dir=%s", .get_app_dir())) args <- c(args, "--print-to-pdf", url) processx::run( command = chrome_bin, args = args, error_on_status = FALSE, echo_cmd = FALSE, echo = FALSE ) -> res first_fil <- file.path(dir_nam, sprintf("%s.%s", fil_pre, fil_ext)) out_fil <- first_fil if (!overwrite) { moar_fils <- sprintf(file.path(dir_nam, sprintf("%s%%04d.%s", fil_pre, fil_ext)), 0:9999) fils <- c(first_fil, moar_fils) out_fil <- fils[which(!file.exists(fils))[1]] if (is.na(out_fil)) stop("Cannot create unique filename") } file.copy("output.pdf", out_fil, overwrite = overwrite) return(invisible(out_fil)) }