% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/chrome-shot.r \name{chrome_shot} \alias{chrome_shot} \title{Capture a screenshot} \usage{ chrome_shot(url, width = NULL, height = NULL, path = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, chrome_bin = Sys.getenv("HEADLESS_CHROME")) } \arguments{ \item{url}{URL to read from} \item{width, height}{screen size to emulate} \item{path}{path (with optional output filename) for the generated PDF. If \code{NULL} then and \code{overwrite} is \code{FALSE}, the fuction will will ensure a uniquely-named file is placed in the current working directory by incrementing trailing numbers before the end of it.} \item{overwrite}{overwrite existing file? Default: \code{TRUE}} \item{chrome_bin}{the path to Chrome (auto-set from \code{HEADLESS_CHROME} environment variable)} } \value{ \code{magick} } \description{ For the moment, the capture file is in the current working directory and named \code{screenshot.png}. This will change, soon. } \details{ A \code{magick} image object is returned. } \note{ The default Chrome filename is \code{screenshot.png} } \examples{ chrome_shot("https://www.r-project.org/logo/Rlogo.svg") }