% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/decapitated-package.R \docType{package} \name{decapitated} \alias{decapitated} \alias{decapitated-package} \title{Headless 'Chrome' Orchestration} \description{ The 'Chrome' browser \url{https://www.google.com/chrome/} has a headless mode which can be instrumented programmatically. Tools are provided to perform headless Chrome' instrumentation on the command-line, including retrieving the javascript-executed web page, PDF output or screen shot of a URL. } \section{Important}{ You'll need to set an envrionment variable \code{HEADLESS_CHROME} to one of these two values: \itemize{ \item Windows(32bit): \code{C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe} \item Windows(64bit): \code{C:\\Program Files (x86)/Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe} \item macOS: \code{/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome} \item Linux: \code{/usr/bin/google-chrome} } A guess is made (but not verified yet) if \code{HEADLESS_CHROME} is non-existent. Use \code{~/.Renviron} to store this value for the time being. } \author{ Bob Rudis (bob@rud.is) }