#' Headless 'Chrome' Orchestration #' #' The 'Chrome' browser has a headless mode #' which can be instrumented programmatically. Tools are provided to perform headless #' 'Chrome' instrumentation on the command-line and will eventually provide support #' for the 'DevTools' instrumentation 'API' or the forthcoming 'phantomjs'-like higher-level #' 'API' being promised by the development team. #' #' @section Important: #' #' This pkg will eventually do much under the covers to find the location of the Chrome binary #' on all operating systems. For now, you'll need to set an envrionment variable `HEADLESS_CHROME` to one of these two values: #' #' - Windows: `C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe` #' - macOS: `/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome` #' #' Linux folks will know where their binary is (many of you use non-default locations for things). #' #' Use `~/.Renviron` to store this value for the time being. #' #' @md #' @name decapitated #' @docType package #' @author Bob Rudis (bob@@rud.is) #' @import xml2 magick NULL