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29 lines
775 B

#' #' Issue commands to the headless REPL
#' #'
#' #'
#' #' @md
#' #' @param url visit this URL on start
#' #' @export
#' decapitate <- function(cmds, url, pass = rstudioapi::askForPassword()) {
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".cmds")
#' on.exit(unlink(tf))
#' writeLines(c(pass, cmds, "quit"), con = tf)
#' args <- c("--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--repl")
#' if (["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
#' tmp <- system2("sudo", c("-kS", gsub(" ", "\\\\ ", chrome_bin), args, url), stdout=TRUE, stdin=tf)
#' } else {
#' tmp <- system2(gsub(" ", "\\\\ ", chrome_bin), c(args, url), stdout=TRUE, stdin=tf)
#' }
#' tmp
#' }
#' decapitate(c("location.href", "document.body.outerText"), "")