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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/read-html.r
\title{Read a URL via headless Chrome and return the raw or rendered \code{<body>} \code{innerHTML} DOM elements}
chrome_read_html(url, render = TRUE, prime = TRUE, work_dir = NULL,
chrome_bin = Sys.getenv("HEADLESS_CHROME"))
\item{url}{URL to read from}
\item{render}{if \code{TRUE} then return an \code{xml_document}, else the raw HTML (invisibly)}
\item{prime}{if \code{TRUE} preliminary URL retrieval requests will be sent to "prime" the
headless Chrome cache. This seems to be necessary primarily on recent versions of macOS.
If numeric, that number of "prime" requests will be sent ahead of the capture request.
If \code{FALSE} no priming requests will be sent.}
\item{work_dir}{See special Section.}
\item{chrome_bin}{the path to Chrome (auto-set from \code{HEADLESS_CHROME} environment variable)}
Read a URL via headless Chrome and return the raw or rendered \code{<body>} \code{innerHTML} DOM elements
This only grabs the \code{<body>} \code{innerHTML} contents
\section{Working around headless Chrome & OS security restrictions}{
Security restrictions on various operating systems and OS configurations can cause
headless Chrome execution to fail. As a result, headless Chrome operations should
use a special directory for \code{decapitated} package operations. You can pass this
in as \code{work_dir}. If \code{work_dir} is \code{NULL} a \code{.rdecapdata} directory will be
created in your home directory and used for the data, crash dumps and utility
directories for Chrome operations.\cr
\code{tempdir()} does not always meet these requirements (after testing on various
macOS 10.13 systems) as Chrome does some interesting attribute setting for
some of its file operations.
If you pass in a \code{work_dir}, it must be one that does not violate OS security
restrictions or headless Chrome will not function.