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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/chrome-pdf.r
\title{"Print" to PDF}
chrome_dump_pdf(url, path = NULL, overwrite = TRUE,
chrome_bin = Sys.getenv("HEADLESS_CHROME"))
\item{url}{URL to read from}
\item{path}{path (with optional output filename) for the generated PDF. If \code{NULL} then
and \code{overwrite} is \code{FALSE}, the fuction will will ensure a uniquely-named file is
placed in the current working directory by incrementing trailing numbers before
the end of it.}
\item{overwrite}{overwrite existing file? Default: \code{TRUE}}
\item{chrome_bin}{the path to Chrome (auto-set from \code{HEADLESS_CHROME} environment variable)}
\item{prime}{if \code{TRUE} preliminary URL retrieval requests will be sent to "prime" the
headless Chrome cache. This seems to be necessary primarily on recent versions of macOS.
If numeric, that number of "prime" requests will be sent ahead of the capture request.
If \code{FALSE} no priming requests will be sent.}
output fileame (invisibly)
"Print" to PDF
The default Chrome filename is \code{output.pdf}