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#' Find and sync a copy of the latest MowerPlus database file from an iOS backup
#' @md
#' @note You may need to [setup permissions](
#' to be able to use this method depending on which macOS version you're on.
#' @param backup_id the giant hex string of a folder name
#' @param data_loc where `mowtrack.sqlite` will be sync'd
#' @param overwrite nuke ^^ if present (def: `TRUE`)
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' mow_db <- src_mowerplus("28500cd31b9580aaf5815c695ebd3ea5f7455628")
#' mow_db
#' glimpse(tbl(mow_db, "ZMOWER"))
#' glimpse(tbl(mow_db, "ZACTIVITY"))
#' }
src_mowerplus <- function(backup_id, data_loc = "~/Data", overwrite = TRUE) {
# root of mobile backup dir for `backup_id`
mb <- path.expand(file.path("~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup", backup_id))
data_loc <- path.expand(data_loc)
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".sqlite")
on.exit(unlink(tf), add=TRUE)
# path to the extracted sqlite file
out_db <- file.path(data_loc, "mowtrack.sqlite")
file.copy(file.path(mb, "Manifest.db"), tf, overwrite = TRUE)
manifest_db <- src_sqlite(tf)
fils <- tbl(manifest_db, "Files")
filter(fils, relativePath == "Library/Application Support/MowTracking.sqlite") %>%
pull(fileID) -> mowtrackdb_loc
file.path(mb, sprintf("%s/%s", substr(mowtrackdb_loc, 1, 2), mowtrackdb_loc)),
file.path(data_loc, "mowtrack.sqlite"),
overwrite = overwrite