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#' Convert a Document (usually PowerPoint) to a PDF
#' @md
#' @param path path to the document, can be PowerPoint or DOCX
#' @param pdf_file output PDF file name. By default, creates a PDF in the
#' same directory as the `path` file.
#' This functionality requires the use of
#' LibreOffice and the `soffice` binary it contains. See
#' [set_libreoffice_path] for more information. Note,
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path = system.file("examples/ex.pptx", package="docxtractr")
#' pdf <- convert_to_pdf(path, pdf_file = tempfile(fileext = ".pdf"))
#' path = system.file("examples/data.docx", package="docxtractr")
#' pdf_doc <- convert_to_pdf(path, pdf_file = tempfile(fileext = ".pdf"))
#' }
convert_to_pdf <- function(path, pdf_file = sub("[.]pptx", ".pdf", path)) {
stopifnot(is_pptx(path) | is_doc(path) | is_docx(path))
lo_path <- getOption("path_to_libreoffice")
# making temporary file because by default soffice
# will make sub("[.]pptx", ".pdf", path) output
# and don't want to do that in case pdf_file in other location
cp_path = tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
cp_pdf = sub("[.](pptx|docx|doc)$", ".pdf", cp_path)
file.copy(path, cp_path)
if (["sysname"] == "Windows") {
convert_win(lo_path, dirname(cp_path), cp_path, convert_to = "pdf")
} else {
convert_osx(lo_path, dirname(cp_path), cp_path, convert_to = "pdf")
if (!file.exists(cp_pdf)) {
stop("Conversion from PPTX to PDF did not succeed")
file.copy(cp_pdf, pdf_file)