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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/read_docs.r
\title{Read in a Word document for table extraction}
read_docx(path, track_changes = NULL)
\item{path}{path to the Word document}
\item{track_changes}{if not \code{NULL} (the default) then must be one of
"\code{accept}" or "\code{reject}" which will, respectively, accept all or
reject all changes. NOTE: this functionality relies on the
\code{pandoc} utility being available on the system \code{PATH}. Both
system \code{PATH} and the \code{RSTUDIO_PANDOC} (RStudio ships with
a copy of \code{pandoc}) environment variables will be checked.
If no \code{pandoc} binary is found then a warning will be issued
and the document will be read without integrating or ignoring
any tracked changes. The original Word document \emph{will not be modified}
and this feature \emph{only works} with \code{docx} files.}
Local file path or URL pointing to a \code{.docx} file. Can also take
\code{.doc} file as input if \code{LibreOffice} is installed
(see \url{} for more info and to download).
doc <- read_docx(system.file("examples/data.docx", package="docxtractr"))
doc <- read_docx(
system.file("examples/trackchanges.docx", package="docxtractr"),
track_changes = "accept"
# from a URL
budget <- read_docx(