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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/extract_all.r
\title{Extract all tables from a Word document}
docx_extract_all_tbls(docx, guess_header = TRUE, preserve = FALSE,
trim = TRUE)
\item{docx}{\code{docx} object read with \code{read_docx}}
\item{guess_header}{should the function make a guess as to the existence of
a header in a table? (Default: \code{TRUE})}
\item{preserve}{preserve line breaks within a cell? Default: `FALSE`. NOTE: This overrides `trim`.}
\item{trim}{trim leading/trailing whitespace (if any) in cells? (default: \code{TRUE})}
\code{list} of \code{data.frame}s or an empty \code{list} if no
tables exist in \code{docx}
Extract all tables from a Word document
# a "real" Word doc
real_world <- read_docx(system.file("examples/realworld.docx", package="docxtractr"))
# get all the tables
tbls <- docx_extract_all_tbls(real_world)
\code{\link{assign_colnames}}, \code{\link{docx_extract_tbl}}