% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/wage_decomposition.r \name{get_wage_decomposition} \alias{get_wage_decomposition} \title{Retreive Wage Decomposition} \usage{ get_wage_decomposition(by = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{by}{\code{NULL} or character string of \code{g} (Gender)} } \value{ \code{tbl_df} with data filtered by the selected criteria. data frame } \description{ Wage inequality data shows the overall wage inequality and the within-group and between-group wage inequality over time. These measures allow an examination of how much of the change in overall wage inequality in particular periods was due to changes in within-group and between-group wage inequality. } \details{ Population sample: Wage and salary workers age 18–64 } \note{ Data source: CPS ORG } \examples{ get_wages_by_percentile() get_wages_by_percentile("g") } \references{ \href{https://www.epi.org/data/}{Economic Policy Institute Data Library} }