Orchestrate and Exchange Data with 'EtherCalc' Instances
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/ec-append.R
\title{Append a data frame to a "room", optionally starting at a given row}
ec_append(x, room, at = "end", append = TRUE, col_names = FALSE,
browse = FALSE, ..., ec_host = ethercalc_host())
\item{x}{a data frame}
\item{room}{name of an existing EtherCalc "room".}
\item{at}{if not "\code{end}" then the row where the data will be inserted and pasted at.}
\item{append, col_names}{see \code{\link[readr:write_csv]{readr::write_csv()}} and this function's Note}
\item{browse}{if \code{TRUE} (\code{FALSE} is the default) then open up a browser tab/window to
the room}
\item{...}{passed on to \code{\link[=write.csv]{write.csv()}}}
\item{ec_host}{See \code{\link[=ethercalc_host]{ethercalc_host()}}}
the commands used by EtherCalc to process the append operation (invisibly)
Append a data frame to a "room", optionally starting at a given row
Since this is an append operation the header will not be sent. Set
\code{col_names} and \code{append} (both) to \code{TRUE}
You will receive an error if \code{x} has a total cell count over 500,000.
ec_edit(iris, "test")
ec_append(iris, "test")
Other EthercCalc importers/exporters: \code{\link{ec_edit}},
\code{\link{ec_export}}, \code{\link{ec_read}}
\concept{EthercCalc importers/exporters}