% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/zbulk-query.R \name{bulk_query} \alias{bulk_query} \title{Vectorized query, returning only answers in a data frame} \usage{ bulk_query(entities, type = 1, edns_client_subnet = "") } \arguments{ \item{entities}{character vector of entities to query} \item{type}{RR type can be represented as a number in [1, 65535] or canonical string (A, aaaa, etc). More information on RR types can be found \href{http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xhtml#dns-parameters-4}{here}.} \item{edns_client_subnet}{The edns0-client-subnet option. Format is an IP address with a subnet mask. Examples: \code{}, \code{2001:700:300::/48}.\cr If you are using DNS-over-HTTPS because of privacy concerns, and do not want any part of your IP address to be sent to authoritative nameservers for geographic location accuracy, use \code{edns_client_subnet=}. Google Public DNS normally sends approximate network information (usually replacing the last part of your IPv4 address with zeroes). \code{} is the default.} } \value{ \code{data.frame} of only answers (use \code{query()} for detailed responses) } \description{ Vectorized query, returning only answers in a data frame } \note{ this is a fairly naive function. It expects \code{Answer} to be one of the return value list slots. The intent for it was to make it easier to do bulk forward queries. It will get smarter in future versions. } \examples{ hosts <- c("rud.is", "r-project.org", "rstudio.com", "apple.com") gdns::bulk_query(hosts) } \references{ \url{https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/dns-over-https} }