Tools to work with the Google DNS over HTTPS API in R
25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#' Split out all SPF records in a domain's TXT record
#' Given a vector of TXT records, this function will return a list of vectors
#' of all the SPF records for each. If the given TXT record is not an SPF
#' record, \code{NA} is returned (which makes it easy to skip with \code{purrr}
#' functions).
#' @param spf_rec a character vector of DNS TXT records
#' @export
split_spf <- function(spf_rec) {
map(spf_rec, .split_spf)
.split_spf <- function(spf_rec) {
if (has_spf(spf_rec)) {
spf_rec <- stringi::stri_trim(stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(spf_rec, '"', ""))
recs <- stri_trim(unlist(stringi::stri_split_regex(spf_rec, "\ +")))
grep("v=spf1", recs, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
} else {
#' Test for whether a DNS TXT record is an SPF record
#' @param spf_rec a character vector of DNS TXT records
#' @export
has_spf <- function(spf_rec) {
grepl("v=spf1", spf_rec)
#' SPF "all" type test
#' @param spf_rec a character vector of DNS TXT records
#' @export
is_soft_fail <- function(spf_rec) {
ret <- vector("logical", length(spf_rec))
spf_rec <- stringi::stri_trim(stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(spf_rec, '"', ""))
SPF <- which(has_spf(spf_rec))
ret[SPF] <- grepl("~all$", stringi::stri_trim(spf_rec[SPF]))
ret[!SPF] <- NA
#' @rdname is_soft_fail
#' @export
is_hard_fail <- function(spf_rec) {
ret <- vector("logical", length(spf_rec))
spf_rec <- stringi::stri_trim(stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(spf_rec, '"', ""))
SPF <- which(has_spf(spf_rec))
ret[SPF] <- grepl("\\-all$", stringi::stri_trim(spf_rec[SPF]))
ret[!SPF] <- NA
#' @rdname is_soft_fail
#' @export
passes_all <- function(spf_rec) {
ret <- vector("logical", length(spf_rec))
spf_rec <- stringi::stri_trim(stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(spf_rec, '"', ""))
SPF <- which(has_spf(spf_rec))
ret[SPF] <- grepl("[\\+ ]all$", stringi::stri_trim(spf_rec[SPF]))
ret[!SPF] <- NA
#' SPF field extraction functions
#' Various helper functions to extract SPF record components.
#' @param spf_rec a character vector of DNS TXT records
#' @export
spf_ipv4s <- function(spf_rec) {
map(split_spf(spf_rec), function(x) {
stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(grep("ip4", x, value=TRUE), "^ip4:", "")
#' @rdname spf_ipv4s
#' @export
spf_ipv6s <- function(spf_rec) {
map(split_spf(spf_rec), function(x) {
stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(grep("ip6", x, value=TRUE), "^ip6:", "")
#' @rdname spf_ipv4s
#' @export
spf_includes <- function(spf_rec) {
map(split_spf(spf_rec), function(x) {
stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(grep("include", x, value=TRUE), "^include:", "")
#' @rdname spf_ipv4s
#' @export
spf_ptrs <- function(spf_rec) {
map(split_spf(spf_rec), function(x) {
stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(grep("ptr", x, value=TRUE), "^ptr[:]", "")
#' @rdname spf_ipv4s
#' @export
spf_exists <- function(spf_rec) {
map(split_spf(spf_rec), function(x) {
stringi::stri_replace_all_regex(grep("exists", x, value=TRUE), "^exists:", "")