Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'
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8 years ago
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9 years ago
% Please edit documentation in R/geom_bkde.r
\title{Display a smooth density estimate.}
geom_bkde(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "bkde",
9 years ago
position = "identity", bandwidth = NULL, range.x = NULL,
na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE, ...)
9 years ago
stat_bkde(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "area",
9 years ago
position = "stack", kernel = "normal", canonical = FALSE,
bandwidth = NULL, gridsize = 410, range.x = NULL, truncate = TRUE,
na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE, ...)
9 years ago
6 years ago
\item{mapping}{Set of aesthetic mappings created by \code{\link[=aes]{aes()}} or
\code{\link[=aes_]{aes_()}}. If specified and \code{inherit.aes = TRUE} (the
8 years ago
default), it is combined with the default mapping at the top level of the
plot. You must supply \code{mapping} if there is no plot mapping.}
9 years ago
8 years ago
\item{data}{The data to be displayed in this layer. There are three
6 years ago
8 years ago
6 years ago
If \code{NULL}, the default, the data is inherited from the plot
data as specified in the call to \code{\link[=ggplot]{ggplot()}}.
8 years ago
6 years ago
A \code{data.frame}, or other object, will override the plot
data. All objects will be fortified to produce a data frame. See
\code{\link[=fortify]{fortify()}} for which variables will be created.
8 years ago
6 years ago
A \code{function} will be called with a single argument,
the plot data. The return value must be a \code{data.frame.}, and
will be used as the layer data.}
9 years ago
\item{position}{Position adjustment, either as a string, or the result of
a call to a position adjustment function.}
\item{bandwidth}{the kernel bandwidth smoothing parameter. see
9 years ago
\code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}} for details. If \code{NULL},
it will be computed for you but will most likely not yield optimal
9 years ago
\item{range.x}{vector containing the minimum and maximum values of x at which
to compute the estimate. see \code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}} for details}
\item{na.rm}{If \code{FALSE}, the default, missing values are removed with
a warning. If \code{TRUE}, missing values are silently removed.}
9 years ago
\item{show.legend}{logical. Should this layer be included in the legends?
\code{NA}, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped.
6 years ago
\code{FALSE} never includes, and \code{TRUE} always includes.
It can also be a named logical vector to finely select the aesthetics to
9 years ago
\item{inherit.aes}{If \code{FALSE}, overrides the default aesthetics,
rather than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functions
that define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour from
6 years ago
the default plot specification, e.g. \code{\link[=borders]{borders()}}.}
9 years ago
6 years ago
\item{...}{Other arguments passed on to \code{\link[=layer]{layer()}}. These are
8 years ago
often aesthetics, used to set an aesthetic to a fixed value, like
\code{color = "red"} or \code{size = 3}. They may also be parameters
to the paired geom/stat.}
9 years ago
8 years ago
\item{geom, stat}{Use to override the default connection between
9 years ago
\code{geom_bkde} and \code{stat_bkde}.}
\item{kernel}{character string which determines the smoothing kernel. see
\code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}} for details}
\item{canonical}{logical flag: if TRUE, canonically scaled kernels are used.
see \code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}} for details}
\item{gridsize}{the number of equally spaced points at which to estimate the
9 years ago
density. see \code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}} for details.}
9 years ago
\item{truncate}{logical flag: if TRUE, data with x values outside the range
specified by range.x are ignored. see \code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}}
for details}
A kernel density estimate, useful for displaying the distribution of
variables with underlying smoothness.
9 years ago
8 years ago
A sample of the output from \code{geom_bkde()}:
\figure{geombkde01.png}{options: width="100\%" alt="Figure: geombkde01.png"}
8 years ago
8 years ago
A sample of the output from \code{geom_bkde()}:
\figure{geombkde01.png}{options: width=10cm}
8 years ago
8 years ago
9 years ago
\code{geom_bkde} understands the following aesthetics (required aesthetics
are in bold):
\item \strong{\code{x}}
\item \strong{\code{y}}
\item \code{alpha}
\item \code{color}
\item \code{fill}
\item \code{linetype}
\item \code{size}
\section{Computed variables}{
\item{density}{density estimate}
\item{count}{density * number of points - useful for stacked density
\item{scaled}{density estimate, scaled to maximum of 1}
7 years ago
9 years ago
data(geyser, package="MASS")
ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) +
ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) +
ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) +
9 years ago
ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) +
See \code{\link{geom_histogram}}, \code{\link{geom_freqpoly}} for
other methods of displaying continuous distribution.
See \code{\link{geom_violin}} for a compact density display.