#' Text annotations in plot coordinate system #' #' Annotates the plot with text. Compared to \code{annotate("text",...)}, the #' placement of the annotations is specified in plot coordinates (from 0 to 1) #' instead of data coordinates. #' #' @param label text annotation to be placed on the plot #' @param x,y positions of the individual annotations, in plot coordinates #' (0..1) instead of data coordinates! #' @param facets facet positions of the individual annotations #' @param hjust,vjust horizontal and vertical justification of the text relative #' to the bounding box #' @param color, alpha, family, size, fontface, lineheight font properties #' @param box_just placement of the bounding box for the text relative to x,y #' coordinates. Per default, the box is placed to the center of the plot. Be #' aware that parts of the box which are outside of the visible region of the #' plot will not be shown. #' @param margin margins of the bounding box #' @examples #' p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + geom_point() #' p <- p + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE) #' p + annotate_textp(x = 0.9, y = 0.35, label="A relative linear\nrelationship", hjust=1, color="red") #' @export annotate_textp <- function(label, x, y, facets=NULL, hjust=0, vjust=0, color='black', alpha=NA, family=theme_get()$text$family, size=theme_get()$text$size, fontface=1, lineheight=1.0, box_just=ifelse(c(x,y)<0.5,0,1), margin=unit(size/2, 'pt')) { # based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22488563/ggplot2-annotate-layer-position-in-r/22500252#22500252 if (x < 0 || x > 1){ stop("x values must be in plot coordinates (between 0 and 1)") } if (y < 0 || y > 1){ stop("y values must be in plot coordinates (between 0 and 1)") } x <- scales::squish_infinite(x) y <- scales::squish_infinite(y) data <- if (is.null(facets)) data.frame(x=NA) else data.frame(x=NA, facets) tg <- grid::textGrob( label, x=0, y=0, hjust=hjust, vjust=vjust, gp=grid::gpar(col=alpha(color, alpha), fontsize=size, fontfamily=family, fontface=fontface, lineheight=lineheight) ) ts <- grid::unit.c(grid::grobWidth(tg), grid::grobHeight(tg)) vp <- grid::viewport(x=x, y=y, width=ts[1], height=ts[2], just=box_just) tg <- grid::editGrob(tg, x=ts[1]*hjust, y=ts[2]*vjust, vp=vp) inner <- grid::grobTree(tg, vp=grid::viewport(width=unit(1, 'npc')-margin*2, height=unit(1, 'npc')-margin*2)) layer( data = NULL, stat = StatIdentity, position = PositionIdentity, geom = GeomCustomAnn, inherit.aes = TRUE, params = list( grob=grid::grobTree(inner), xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=-Inf, ymax=Inf ) ) }