[![Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](http://www.repostatus.org/badges/0.1.0/active.svg)](http://www.repostatus.org/#active) [![Travis-CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hrbrmstr/ggalt.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/hrbrmstr/ggalt) [![CRAN\_Status\_Badge](http://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/ggalt)](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggalt) ![downloads](http://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/badges/grand-total/ggalt) `ggalt` : Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms, Statistical Transformations, Scales & Fonts for 'ggplot2' A compendium of 'geoms', 'coords', 'stats', scales and fonts for 'ggplot2', including splines, 1d and 2d densities, univariate average shifted histograms, a new map coordinate system based on the 'PROJ.4'-library and the 'StateFace' open source font 'ProPublica'. The following functions are implemented: - `geom_ubar` : Uniform width bar charts - `geom_horizon` : Horizon charts (modified from ) - `coord_proj` : Like `coord_map`, only better (prbly shld use this with `geom_cartogram` as `geom_map`'s new defaults are ugh) - `geom_xspline` : Connect control points/observations with an X-spline - `stat_xspline` : Connect control points/observations with an X-spline - `geom_bkde` : Display a smooth density estimate (uses `KernSmooth::bkde`) - `geom_stateface`: Use ProPublica's StateFace font in ggplot2 plots- `stat_bkde` : Display a smooth density estimate (uses `KernSmooth::bkde`) - `geom_bkde2d` : Contours from a 2d density estimate. (uses `KernSmooth::bkde2D`) - `stat_bkde2d` : Contours from a 2d density estimate. (uses `KernSmooth::bkde2D`) - `stat_ash` : Compute and display a univariate averaged shifted histogram (polynomial kernel) (uses `ash::ash1`/`ash::bin1`) - `geom_encircle`: Automatically enclose points in a polygon - `byte_format`: + helpers. e.g. turn `10000` into `10 Kb` - `geom_lollipop()`: Dead easy lollipops (horizontal or vertical) - `geom_dumbbell()` : Dead easy dumbbell plots - `stat_stepribbon()` : Step ribbons - plotly integration for a few of the ^^ geoms ### Installation ``` r # you'll want to see the vignettes, trust me install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages("ggalt") # OR: devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ggalt") ``` ### Usage ``` r library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) library(ggalt) # current verison packageVersion("ggalt") ## [1] '0.5.0' set.seed(1492) dat <- data.frame(x=c(1:10, 1:10, 1:10), y=c(sample(15:30, 10), 2*sample(15:30, 10), 3*sample(15:30, 10)), group=factor(c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10), rep(3, 10))) ) ``` ### Horzon Chart Example carved from: ``` r library(hrbrthemes) library(ggalt) library(tidyverse) sports <- read_tsv("https://github.com/halhen/viz-pub/raw/master/sports-time-of-day/activity.tsv") sports %>% group_by(activity) %>% filter(max(p) > 3e-04, !grepl('n\\.e\\.c', activity)) %>% arrange(time) %>% mutate(p_peak = p / max(p), p_smooth = (lag(p_peak) + p_peak + lead(p_peak)) / 3, p_smooth = coalesce(p_smooth, p_peak)) %>% ungroup() %>% do({ rbind(., filter(., time == 0) %>% mutate(time = 24*60)) }) %>% mutate(time = ifelse(time < 3 * 60, time + 24 * 60, time)) %>% mutate(activity = reorder(activity, p_peak, FUN=which.max)) %>% arrange(activity) %>% mutate(activity.f = reorder(as.character(activity), desc(activity))) -> sports sports <- mutate(sports, time2 = time/60) ggplot(sports, aes(time2, p_smooth)) + geom_horizon(bandwidth=0.1) + facet_grid(activity.f~.) + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0), breaks=seq(from = 3, to = 27, by = 3), labels = function(x) {sprintf("%02d:00", as.integer(x %% 24))}) + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(name = "Activity relative to peak", discrete=TRUE, labels=scales::percent(seq(0, 1, 0.1)+0.1)) + labs(x=NULL, y=NULL, title="Peak time of day for sports and leisure", subtitle="Number of participants throughout the day compared to peak popularity.\nNote the morning-and-evening everyday workouts, the midday hobbies,\nand the evenings/late nights out.") + theme_ipsum_rc(grid="") + theme(panel.spacing.y=unit(-0.05, "lines")) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(hjust=0, angle=360)) + theme(axis.text.y=element_blank()) ``` ### Splines! ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=group)) + geom_point() + geom_line() ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point() + geom_line() + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point(color="black") + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) + geom_xspline(size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point(color="black") + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) + geom_xspline(spline_shape=-0.4, size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point(color="black") + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) + geom_xspline(spline_shape=0.4, size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point(color="black") + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) + geom_xspline(spline_shape=1, size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point(color="black") + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) + geom_xspline(spline_shape=0, size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x, y, group=group, color=factor(group))) + geom_point(color="black") + geom_smooth(se=FALSE, linetype="dashed", size=0.5) + geom_xspline(spline_shape=-1, size=0.5) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' ``` #### Alternate (better) density plots ``` r # bkde data(geyser, package="MASS") ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) + stat_bkde(alpha=1/2) ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.14', via KernSmooth::dpik. ``` ``` r ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) + geom_bkde(alpha=1/2) ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.14', via KernSmooth::dpik. ``` ``` r ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) + stat_bkde(bandwidth=0.25) ``` ``` r ggplot(geyser, aes(x=duration)) + geom_bkde(bandwidth=0.25) ``` ``` r set.seed(1492) dat <- data.frame(cond = factor(rep(c("A","B"), each=200)), rating = c(rnorm(200),rnorm(200, mean=.8))) ggplot(dat, aes(x=rating, color=cond)) + geom_bkde(fill="#00000000") ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.36', via KernSmooth::dpik. ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.31', via KernSmooth::dpik. ``` ``` r ggplot(dat, aes(x=rating, fill=cond)) + geom_bkde(alpha=0.3) ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.36', via KernSmooth::dpik. ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.31', via KernSmooth::dpik. ``` ``` r # ash set.seed(1492) dat <- data.frame(x=rnorm(100)) grid.arrange(ggplot(dat, aes(x)) + stat_ash(), ggplot(dat, aes(x)) + stat_bkde(), ggplot(dat, aes(x)) + stat_density(), nrow=3) ## Estimate nonzero outside interval ab. ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.43', via KernSmooth::dpik. ``` ``` r cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Dark2") ggplot(dat, aes(x)) + stat_ash(alpha=1/3, fill=cols[3]) + stat_bkde(alpha=1/3, fill=cols[2]) + stat_density(alpha=1/3, fill=cols[1]) + geom_rug() + labs(x=NULL, y="density/estimate") + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid=element_blank()) + theme(panel.border=element_blank()) ## Estimate nonzero outside interval ab. ## Bandwidth not specified. Using '0.43', via KernSmooth::dpik. ``` ### Alternate 2D density plots ``` r m <- ggplot(faithful, aes(x = eruptions, y = waiting)) + geom_point() + xlim(0.5, 6) + ylim(40, 110) m + geom_bkde2d(bandwidth=c(0.5, 4)) ``` ``` r m + stat_bkde2d(bandwidth=c(0.5, 4), aes(fill = ..level..), geom = "polygon") ``` ### `coord_proj` LIVES! (still needs a teensy bit of work) ``` r world <- map_data("world") ## ## Attaching package: 'maps' ## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr': ## ## map world <- world[world$region != "Antarctica",] gg <- ggplot() gg <- gg + geom_cartogram(data=world, map=world, aes(x=long, y=lat, map_id=region)) gg <- gg + coord_proj("+proj=wintri") gg ``` ### ProPublica StateFace ``` r # Run show_stateface() to see the location of the TTF StateFace font # You need to install it for it to work set.seed(1492) dat <- data.frame(state=state.abb, x=sample(100, 50), y=sample(100, 50), col=sample(c("#b2182b", "#2166ac"), 50, replace=TRUE), sz=sample(6:15, 50, replace=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) gg <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) gg <- gg + geom_stateface(aes(label=state, color=col, size=sz)) gg <- gg + scale_color_identity() gg <- gg + scale_size_identity() gg ``` ### Encircling points automagically ``` r d <- data.frame(x=c(1,1,2),y=c(1,2,2)*100) gg <- ggplot(d,aes(x,y)) gg <- gg + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0.5,1)) gg <- gg + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0.5,1)) gg + geom_encircle(s_shape=1, expand=0) + geom_point() ``` ``` r gg + geom_encircle(s_shape=1, expand=0.1, colour="red") + geom_point() ``` ``` r gg + geom_encircle(s_shape=0.5, expand=0.1, colour="purple") + geom_point() ``` ``` r gg + geom_encircle(data=subset(d, x==1), colour="blue", spread=0.02) + geom_point() ``` ``` r gg +geom_encircle(data=subset(d, x==2), colour="cyan", spread=0.04) + geom_point() ``` ``` r gg <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) gg + geom_encircle(data=subset(mpg, hwy>40)) + geom_point() ``` ``` r ss <- subset(mpg,hwy>31 & displ<2) gg + geom_encircle(data=ss, colour="blue", s_shape=0.9, expand=0.07) + geom_point() + geom_point(data=ss, colour="blue") ``` ### Step ribbons ``` r x <- 1:10 df <- data.frame(x=x, y=x+10, ymin=x+7, ymax=x+12) gg <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) gg <- gg + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), stat="stepribbon", fill="#b2b2b2") gg <- gg + geom_step(color="#2b2b2b") gg ``` ``` r gg <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) gg <- gg + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), stat="stepribbon", fill="#b2b2b2", direction="vh") gg <- gg + geom_step(color="#2b2b2b") gg ``` ### Lollipop charts ``` r df <- read.csv(text="category,pct Other,0.09 South Asian/South Asian Americans,0.12 Interngenerational/Generational,0.21 S Asian/Asian Americans,0.25 Muslim Observance,0.29 Africa/Pan Africa/African Americans,0.34 Gender Equity,0.34 Disability Advocacy,0.49 European/European Americans,0.52 Veteran,0.54 Pacific Islander/Pacific Islander Americans,0.59 Non-Traditional Students,0.61 Religious Equity,0.64 Caribbean/Caribbean Americans,0.67 Latino/Latina,0.69 Middle Eastern Heritages and Traditions,0.73 Trans-racial Adoptee/Parent,0.76 LBGTQ/Ally,0.79 Mixed Race,0.80 Jewish Heritage/Observance,0.85 International Students,0.87", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=",", header=TRUE) library(ggplot2) library(ggalt) library(scales) ## ## Attaching package: 'scales' ## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr': ## ## discard ## The following object is masked from 'package:readr': ## ## col_factor gg <- ggplot(df, aes(y=reorder(category, pct), x=pct)) gg <- gg + geom_lollipop(point.colour="steelblue", point.size=2, horizontal=TRUE) gg <- gg + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0), labels=percent, breaks=seq(0, 1, by=0.2), limits=c(0, 1)) gg <- gg + labs(x=NULL, y=NULL, title="SUNY Cortland Multicultural Alumni survey results", subtitle="Ranked by race, ethnicity, home land and orientation\namong the top areas of concern", caption="Data from http://stephanieevergreen.com/lollipop/") gg <- gg + theme_minimal(base_family="Arial Narrow") gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid.major.y=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(axis.line.y=element_line(color="#2b2b2b", size=0.15)) gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.y=element_text(margin=margin(r=0, l=0))) gg <- gg + theme(plot.margin=unit(rep(30, 4), "pt")) gg <- gg + theme(plot.title=element_text(face="bold")) gg <- gg + theme(plot.subtitle=element_text(margin=margin(b=10))) gg <- gg + theme(plot.caption=element_text(size=8, margin=margin(t=10))) gg ``` ``` r library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(scales) library(ggplot2) library(ggalt) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ggalt") health <- read.csv("https://rud.is/dl/zhealth.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=FALSE, col.names=c("pct", "area_id")) areas <- read.csv("https://rud.is/dl/zarea_trans.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE) health %>% mutate(area_id=trunc(area_id)) %>% arrange(area_id, pct) %>% mutate(year=rep(c("2014", "2013"), 26), pct=pct/100) %>% left_join(areas, "area_id") %>% mutate(area_name=factor(area_name, levels=unique(area_name))) -> health setNames(bind_cols(filter(health, year==2014), filter(health, year==2013))[,c(4,1,5)], c("area_name", "pct_2014", "pct_2013")) -> health gg <- ggplot(health, aes(x=pct_2014, xend=pct_2013, y=area_name, group=area_name)) gg <- gg + geom_dumbbell(colour="#a3c4dc", size=1.5, colour_xend="#0e668b", dot_guide=TRUE, dot_guide_size=0.15) gg <- gg + scale_x_continuous(label=percent) gg <- gg + labs(x=NULL, y=NULL) gg <- gg + theme_bw() gg <- gg + theme(plot.background=element_rect(fill="#f7f7f7")) gg <- gg + theme(panel.background=element_rect(fill="#f7f7f7")) gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid.major.y=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(panel.grid.major.x=element_line()) gg <- gg + theme(axis.ticks=element_blank()) gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="top") gg <- gg + theme(panel.border=element_blank()) gg ``` ``` r library(hrbrthemes) df <- data.frame(trt=LETTERS[1:5], l=c(20, 40, 10, 30, 50), r=c(70, 50, 30, 60, 80)) ggplot(df, aes(y=trt, x=l, xend=r)) + geom_dumbbell(size=3, color="#e3e2e1", colour_x = "#5b8124", colour_xend = "#bad744", dot_guide=TRUE, dot_guide_size=0.25) + labs(x=NULL, y=NULL, title="ggplot2 geom_dumbbell with dot guide") + theme_ipsum_rc(grid="X") + theme(panel.grid.major.x=element_line(size=0.05)) ``` ### Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.