Package: ggalt Title: Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2' Version: Maintainer: Bob Rudis Authors@R: c( person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Ben", "Bolder", role = c("aut", "ctb")), person("Jan", "Schulz", role = c("aut", "ctb")), person("Rosen", "Matev", role="ctb", comment="Original annotate_textp implementation on stackoverflow"), person("Ingemar", role="dtc", comment="Pokémon javascript color palette"), person("ProPublica", role="dtc", comment="StateFace font") ) Description: A compendium of 'geoms', 'coords', 'stats', scales and fonts for 'ggplot2', including splines, 1d and 2d densities, univariate average shifted histograms, a new map coordinate system based on the 'PROJ.4'-library and the 'StateFace' open source font 'ProPublica'. License: AGPL + file LICENSE LazyData: true URL: BugReports: Encoding: UTF-8 Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), ggplot2 (>= 2.2.0) Suggests: testthat, gridExtra, knitr, rmarkdown, ggthemes Imports: graphics, grDevices, dplyr, RColorBrewer, KernSmooth, proj4, scales, grid, gtable, ash, maps, MASS, extrafont, plotly (>= 3.4.1) RoxygenNote: 5.0.1 VignetteBuilder: knitr Collate: 'a-pokemon-colors.r' 'annotate_textp.r' 'coord_proj.r' 'formatters.r' 'fortify.r' 'geom2plotly.r' 'geom_ash.r' 'geom_bkde.r' 'geom_bkde2d.r' 'geom_dumbbell.R' 'geom_cartogram.r' 'geom_encircle.r' 'geom_lollipop.r' 'geom_table.r' 'geom_twoway_bar.r' 'geom_xspline.r' 'geom_xspline2.r' 'stat-stepribbon.r' 'ggalt-package.r' 'grob_absolute.r' 'guide_axis.r' 'pokemon.r' 'stateface.r' 'utils.r' 'zzz.r'