Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/pokemon.r
\title{Pokemon color scales}
scale_colour_pokemon(avatar = "bulbasaur", ...)
scale_color_pokemon(avatar = "bulbasaur", ...)
scale_fill_pokemon(avatar = FALSE, ...)
\item{avatar}{avatar name. Use \code{list_avatars()} to see them all!}
\item{...}{Other arguments passed on to \code{\link{discrete_scale}}
to control name, limits, breaks, labels and so forth.}
Color scales using the colors in the Pokemon characters
Pokémon & Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.
\href{http://www.pokegraphs.com/}{Original JSON color list}.
Other pokemon aeshetics: \code{\link{list_avatars}},