Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations, Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/formatters.r
\title{Bytes formatter: convert to byte measurement and display symbol.}
byte_format(symbol = "auto", units = "binary")
bytes(x, symbol = "auto", units = c("binary", "si"))
\item{symbol}{byte symbol to use. If "\code{auto}" the symbol used will be
determined by the maximum value of \code{x}. Valid symbols are
"\code{b}", "\code{K}", "\code{Mb}", "\code{Gb}", "\code{Tb}", "\code{Pb}",
"\code{Eb}", "\code{Zb}", and "\code{Yb}", along with their upper case
equivalents and "\code{iB}" equivalents.}
\item{units}{which unit base to use, "\code{binary}" (1024 base) or
"\code{si}" (1000 base) for ISI units.}
\item{x}{a numeric vector to format}
a function with three parameters, \code{x}, a numeric vector that
returns a character vector, \code{symbol} the byte symbol (e.g. "\code{Kb}")
desired and the measurement \code{units} (traditional \code{binary} or
\code{si} for ISI metric units).
Bytes formatter: convert to byte measurement and display symbol.
byte_format()(sample(3000000000, 10))
bytes(sample(3000000000, 10))
Units of Information (Wikipedia) :