You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

179 lines
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#' Helper to flush ggplot2 plot components to the left
#' Stolen from the BBC (don't tell Scotland Yard)
#' @param gg ggplot2 plot
#' @param components ggplot2 named gtable components to operate on
#' @family Econodist legend helpers
#' @export
left_align <- function(gg, components){
grob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(gg)
n <- length(components)
grob$layout$l[grob$layout$name %in% components] <- 2
#' Create a legend grob that can be used with econodist charts
#' @param family font family
#' @param label_size size of legend text
#' @param tenth_lab,tenth_col label & color for the tenth bar
#' @param med_lab,med_col label & color for the median point
#' @param ninetieth_lab,ninetieth_col lanbel & color for the ninetieth bar
#' @param label_col color of the legend text
#' @family Econodist legend helpers
#' @export
econodist_legend_grob <- function(family = "EconSansCndLig",
label_size = 10,
tenth_lab = "10th percentile",
tenth_col = econ_tenth,
med_lab = "Median",
med_col = econ_median,
ninetieth_lab = "90th percentile",
ninetieth_col = econ_ninetieth,
label_col = econ_text_col) {
x_pos <- unit(4, "points")
y_pos <- unit(label_size / 2, "points")
yq <- unit(label_size / 4, "points")
x0 = x_pos, y0 = y_pos + yq,
x1 = x_pos, y1 = y_pos - yq,
default.units = "points",
gp = gpar(
lwd = 3 *,
lty = "solid",
lineend = "square",
col = tenth_col
) -> tenth_seg
x_pos <- x_pos + convertUnit(grobWidth(tenth_seg), "points") + unit(6, "points")
label = tenth_lab,
x = x_pos, y = y_pos,
hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5,
gp = gpar(
fontfamily = family,
fontsize = label_size,
col = label_col
) -> tenth_text
x_pos <- x_pos + convertUnit(grobWidth(tenth_text), "points") + unit(label_size, "points")
x = x_pos, y = y_pos,
size = unit(label_size, "points"), pch = 19,
gp = gpar(
col = med_col,
fill = med_col
) -> med_pt
x_pos <- x_pos + convertUnit(grobWidth(med_pt), "points") + unit(8, "points")
label = med_lab,
x = x_pos, y = y_pos,
hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5,
gp = gpar(
fontfamily = family,
fontsize = label_size,
col = label_col
) -> med_text
x_pos <- x_pos + convertUnit(grobWidth(med_text), "points") + unit(label_size, "points")
x0 = x_pos, y0 = y_pos - yq,
x1 = x_pos, y1 = y_pos + yq,
gp = gpar(
lwd = 3 *,
lty = "solid",
lineend = "square",
col = ninetieth_col
) -> ninth_seg
x_pos <- x_pos + grobWidth(ninth_seg) + unit(8, "points")
label = ninetieth_lab,
x = x_pos, y = y_pos,
hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5,
gp = gpar(
fontfamily = family,
fontsize = label_size,
col = label_col
) -> ninth_text
width <- x_pos + grobWidth(ninth_text)
vp <- viewport(x = 0, just = "left", default.units = "points", width = width)
name = "econodist-legend",
children = gList(
tenth_seg, tenth_text,
med_pt, med_text,
ninth_seg, ninth_text
childrenvp = vp,
vp = viewport(x = 0, just = "left", width = width)
#' Helper utility to get an econodist legend into a ggplot2 plot
#' @param gg ggplot2 plot object to add
#' @param legend legend grob (any grob, really)
#' @param below which named gtable element to stick it below?
#' @param just legend position: "`left`" (aligned with left veritcal axis),
#' "`center`" (center of plot panel), or "`right`" (aligned with right
#' vertical axis). Uses [pmatch()] so partial matching is supported.
#' @param legend_height height of the legend row
#' @param spacer height of the spacer that is put below `legend`?
#' @family Econodist legend helpers
#' @export
add_econodist_legend <- function(gg, legend, below = "subtitle",
just = c("left", "center", "right"),
legend_height = unit(16, "points"),
spacer = unit(10, "points")) {
choices <- c("left", "center", "right")
just <- choices[pmatch(just[1], choices, duplicates.ok = FALSE)]
if (!inherits(gg, "gtable")) gg <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(gg)
st <- gg$layout[gg$layout$name == below,]
gtable::gtable_add_rows(gg, legend_height, st$b),
legend, t = st$b + 1, l = st$l, b = st$b + 1, r = st$r,
name = "econodist-legend"
spacer, st$b + 1
) -> gg2
w <- gg2$grobs[[which(gg2$layout$name == "econodist-legend")]]$vp$width
hw <- unit(as.numeric(convertUnit(w, "points"))/2, "points")
left = gg2$grobs[[which(gg2$layout$name == "econodist-legend")]]$vp$x <-
unit(0, "npc"),
right = gg2$grobs[[which(gg2$layout$name == "econodist-legend")]]$vp$x <-
unit(1, "npc") - w,
center = gg2$grobs[[which(gg2$layout$name == "econodist-legend")]]$vp$x <-
unit(0.5, "npc") - hw