Have Some Fun with 'HTTP' Headers
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/as-data-frame.R
\title{Turn `httr::headers()`` objects into a data frame}
\method{as.data.frame}{insensitive}(x, tbl = TRUE, ...,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
\item{x}{an object returned from a call to \code{\link[httr:headers]{httr::headers()}}. This is
a \code{list} classed as \code{insensitive} which is pretty generic but
this method has a pretty thin use case and shouldn't cause issues.}
\item{tbl}{if \code{TRUE} (the default) will class the output as a tibble}
\item{stringsAsFactors}{\emph{always} \code{FALSE} (unless you say otherwise)}
Turn `httr::headers()`` objects into a data frame