#' Use hgr as a mini-browser (RStudio Addin) #' #' @export mini_browser <- function() { # Get the document context. context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext() # Set the default data to use based on the selection. text <- context$selection[[1]]$text defaultData <- text # Generate UI for the gadget. ui <- miniPage( gadgetTitleBar("BrowseR"), miniContentPanel( shiny::div( style="width:100%", textInput("URL", "Location:", width="70%"), submitButton("Go!") ), shiny::br(), htmlOutput("output") ) ) # Server code for the gadget. server <- function(input, output, session) { output$output <- renderText({ goto_url <- input$URL %||% "" if (goto_url != "") { tmp <- hgr::just_the_facts(goto_url) tmp$content } # data <- reactiveData() # if (nzchar(data) > 0) { # tweet_base <- stringi::stri_wrap(data, 134, whitespace_only = TRUE) # paste0(sprintf("%s %d/%d", tweet_base, 1:length(tweet_base), length(tweet_base)), collapse="
\n") # } else { # "" # } }) # Listen for 'done'. observeEvent(input$done, { invisible(stopApp()) }) } # Use a modal dialog as a viewr. viewer <- dialogViewer("BrowseR", width = 800, height = 600) runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer) }