選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
boB Rudis 028ad69341
R CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
inst CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
man CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
tests basic tests 7年前
.Rbuildignore CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
.codecov.yml initial commit 7年前
.gitignore initial commit 7年前
.travis.yml Travis 6年前
CONDUCT.md CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
DESCRIPTION CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
NAMESPACE CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
NEWS.md better printing 7年前
appveyor.yml CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
codecov.yml CRAN prep; tests updated; docs updated 6年前
hgr.Rproj initial commit 7年前


Travis-CI BuildStatus AppVeyor BuildStatus CoverageStatus


Tools to Work with the ‘Postlight’ ‘Mercury’ ‘API’


The ‘Postlight’ ‘Mercury’ ‘API’ https://mercury.postlight.com takes any web article and returns only the relevant content - headline, author, body text, images and more - free from any clutter and including only minimal markup. Tools are provided to access the ‘API’ and also further clean up retrieved text through the the application of ‘XSLT’ style sheets. An ‘RStudio’ ‘Addin’ is also provided which makes it possible to preview the cleaned content from a ‘URL’ on the clipboard.

You need an API key which you can get from here.

What’s inside the tin?

The following functions are implemented:

  • just_the_facts: Retrieve parsed content of a URL processed by the Postlight Mercury API
  • clean_text: Remove all HTML/XML tags from an HTML document/atomic character vector





# current verison
## [1] '0.3.0'
story <- "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/18/world/asia/aircraft-carrier-north-korea-carl-vinson.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0"

doc <- just_the_facts(story)

## List of 12
##  $ title         : chr "Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested"
##  $ content       : chr "<div><article id=\"story\" class=\"story theme-main   \">\n\n    \n\n                        \n    \n\n    \n\n"| __truncated__
##  $ author        : chr "Mark Landler and Eric Schmitt"
##  $ date_published: POSIXct[1:1], format: "2017-04-18 17:57:41"
##  $ lead_image_url: chr "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/04/19/world/19carrier-sub/19carrier-sub-facebookJumbo.jpg"
##  $ url           : chr "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/18/world/asia/aircraft-carrier-north-korea-carl-vinson.html"
##  $ domain        : chr "www.nytimes.com"
##  $ excerpt       : chr "The saga might never have come to light had the Navy not posted a photograph of the Carl Vinson sailing through"| __truncated__
##  $ word_count    : int 1499
##  $ direction     : chr "ltr"
##  $ total_pages   : int 1
##  $ rendered_pages: int 1
##  - attr(*, "row.names")= int 1
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "hgr"
substr(doc$content, 1, 100)
## [1] "<div><article id=\"story\" class=\"story theme-main   \">\n\n    \n\n                        \n    \n\n    \n\n  "
plain <- clean_text(doc$content)

substr(plain, 1, 100)
## [1] "WASHINGTON — Just over a week ago, the White House declared that ordering an American aircraft carri"

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Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.