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`hrbraddins` : Additional Addins for RStudio

The following functions are implemented:

- `bare_combine`: Turn a selection of comma-separated bare strings into a - `base::combine`: statement
- `join_rows`: Join `cr`/`lf`-separated selected rows of text into a single space-separated row

### Bare Combine

Similarly, the RStudio Addins menu selection "Bare Combine" will take a text selection and make it into a `c()` statement. For example:

a,b c,d,e f


a, b c, d, e f

will be converted to:

c("a", "b c", "d", "e f")

**NOTE**: not all double-quote edge cases are handled (yet).

### Join Rows

Finally, unless I'm missing something, RStudio doesn't have a "join rows" option, so you can use the RStudio Addins menu selection "Join Rows" to do just that. So:



a b c d

The best way to find out if I'm wrong about that is by doing this tho since the internet will gladly tell me if I'm wrong.

### Installation

```{r eval=FALSE}