#' ggplot2 Theme Based On The Goldman Sans Font Family #' #' Uses the built-in [gs_pkg] custom font. #' #' - `background_colour` dark mode is "`#121212`" else "`white`" #' - `foreground_colour` dark mode is "`#e1e1e1`" else "`#262626`" #' - `grid_col` dark mode is "`#606367`" else "`#cccccc`" #' - `axis_col` dark mode is "`#606367`" else "`#2b2b2b`" #' #' @note this function updates `Geom` defaults; use [reset_ggplot2_defaults()] to #' restore ggplot2 geom default aeshetics #' @param base_size base font size #' @param line_height default line height #' @param plot_title_size plot title size #' @param plot_title_position plot title position #' @param plot_title_margin plot title margin #' @param subtitle_size subtitle size #' @param subtitle_margin subtitle margin #' @param strip_text_size strip text size #' @param strip_placement strip placement #' @param caption_size caption size #' @param caption_margin caption margin #' @param axis_text_size axis text size #' @param axis_title_size axis title size #' @param axis_title_just axis title just #' @param text_geom_size text geom size #' @param panel_spacing panel spacing #' @param plot_margin plot margin #' @param grid_col grid col #' @param grid grid #' @param axis_col axis col #' @param axis axis #' @param axis_text axis text labels #' @param ticks ticks #' @return ggplot2 theme #' @export #' @examples #' ggplot() + #' geom_point( #' data = mtcars, #' aes(mpg, wt) #' ) + #' geom_label( #' aes( #' x = 30, y = 4.5, #' label = "A fairly useless\nannotation that\nuses the custom\nInter variant\nby default." #' ), #' label.size = 0 #' ) + #' labs( #' x = "Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y = "Weight (tons)", #' title = "Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' subtitle = "A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' caption = "Brought to you by the letter 'g'" #' ) + #' theme_gs(grid = "XY") theme_gs <- function( base_size = 11.5, line_height = 0.875, plot_title_size = 18, plot_title_position = "panel", plot_title_margin = 10, subtitle_size = 12, subtitle_margin = 12, strip_text_size = 12, strip_placement = "outer", caption_size = 10, caption_margin = 12, axis_text_size = base_size, axis_title_size = 10, axis_title_just = "rt", panel_spacing = grid::unit(2, "lines"), plot_margin = margin(30, 30, 30, 30), mode = c("light", "dark", "rstudio"), background_colour = theme_background_color(mode, light = "white", dark = "#121212"), foreground_colour = theme_foreground_color(mode, light = "#262626", dark = "#e1e1e1"), grid_col = theme_foreground_color(mode, light = "#cccccc", dark = "#606367"), axis_col = theme_foreground_color(mode, light = "#2b2b2b", dark = "#606367"), grid = TRUE, axis = FALSE, axis_text = TRUE, ticks = FALSE) { base_family <- gsc_pkg$normal plot_title_family <- gs_pkg_prop$bold subtitle_family <- gs_pkg_prop$normal strip_text_family <- gs_pkg_prop$bold axis_text_family <- gsc_pkg$normal caption_family <- gs_pkg_prop$normal axis_title_family <- gs_pkg_prop$medium finish_theme( base_size = base_size, line_height = line_height, plot_title_size = plot_title_size, plot_title_position = plot_title_position, plot_title_margin = plot_title_margin, subtitle_size = subtitle_size, subtitle_margin = subtitle_margin, strip_text_size = strip_text_size, strip_placement = strip_placement, caption_size = caption_size, caption_margin = caption_margin, axis_text_size = axis_text_size, axis_title_size = axis_title_size, axis_title_just = axis_title_just, panel_spacing = panel_spacing, plot_margin = plot_margin, mode = mode, background_colour = background_colour, foreground_colour = foreground_colour, grid_col = grid_col, axis_col = axis_col, grid = grid, axis = axis, axis_text = axis_text, ticks = ticks, base_family = base_family, plot_title_family = plot_title_family, subtitle_family = subtitle_family, strip_text_family = strip_text_family, axis_text_family = axis_text_family, caption_family = caption_family, axis_title_family = axis_title_family ) }