#' Inter Font Variants #' #' On load hrbragg creates two custom Inter font family variants: #' (`inter_pkg`, `inter_pkg_prop`) and makes them available in the #' global environment. #' #' The reconfigured family variants share the following features: #' #' - `calt`: (_Contextual Alternates_): Applies a second substitution feature #' based on a match of a character pattern within a context of surrounding patterns #' - `case` (_Case Sensitive Forms_): Replace characters, especially punctuation, with forms better suited for all-capital text, cf. titl #' - `dlig`/`ligatures` (_Discretionary Ligatures_): Ligatures to be applied at the user's discretion #' - `kern` (_Kerning_): Fine horizontal positioning of one glyph to the next, based on the shapes of the glyphs #' - `salt` (_Stylistic Alternates_): **DISABLED** — Either replaces with, or displays list of, stylistic alternatives for a character #' - `ss01` (_Stylistic set 1: Alternate digits_): An alternate style of digits. #' - `zero` (_Slashed Zero_): **DISABLED** — Replaces 0 figure with slashed 0 #' #' They differ in that the `_prop` variant does not have tabular numbers #' (`tnum`) enabled (which is more appropriate for titles and general #' annotations). #' #' Inter online documentation has [specific descriptions and examples of these features](https://rsms.me/inter/#features). #' #' The objects have the following names corresponding to individual, #' customized font variants (ordered by font weight): #' #' - `ultralight` #' - `ultralight_italic` #' - `light` #' - `light_italic` #' - `normal_italic` #' - `normal` #' - `medium_italic` #' - `medium` #' - `semibold_italic` #' - `semibold` #' - `bold` #' - `bold_italic` #' - `ultrabold` #' - `ultrabold_italic` #' - `heavy` #' - `heavy_italic` #' #' @docType data #' @name inter_pkg #' @format A list NULL #' @name inter_pkg_prop #' @rdname inter_pkg NULL #' Roboto Condensed Font Variants #' #' On load hrbragg creates two custom Roboto Condensed font family variants: #' (`rc_pkg`, `rc_pkg_prop`) and makes them available in the global environment. #' #' The reconfigured family variants have the following features: #' #' - `ccmp` (_Glyph Composition/Decomposition_): Either calls a ligature replacement #' on a sequence of characters or replaces a character with a sequence of glyphs. #' Provides logic that can for example effectively alter the order of input characters. #' - `liga`/`ligatures` (_Standard Ligatures_): Replaces (by default) sequence of characters with a single ligature glyph #' - `kern` (_Kerning_): Fine horizontal positioning of one glyph to the next, based on the shapes of the glyphs #' #' They differ in that the `_prop` variant does not have tabular numbers #' (`tnum`) enabled (which is more appropriate for titles and general #' annotations). #' Roboto Condensed #' [font family preview/info](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto+Condensed) #' #' This objects have the following names corresponding to individual, #' customized font variants (ordered by font weight): #' #' - `normal_light` #' - `normal` #' - `normal_italic` #' - `bold` #' #' @docType data #' @format A list #' @name rc_pkg NULL # rc_pkg <- NULL #' @name rc_pkg_prop #' @rdname rc_pkg NULL #' Goldman Sans & Goldman Sans Condensed Font Variants #' #' On load hrbragg creates four custom Goldman Sans & Goldman Sans Condensed #' font family variants: (`gs_pkg`, `gs_pkg_prop`, `gsc_pkg`, `gsc_pkg_prop`) #' and makes them available in the global environment. #' #' The reconfigured family variants have the following features: #' #' - `dlig`/`ligatures` (_Discretionary Ligatures_): Ligatures to be applied at the user's discretion #' - `kern` (_Kerning_): Fine horizontal positioning of one glyph to the next, based on the shapes of the glyphs #' #' They differ in that the `_prop` variant does not have tabular numbers #' (`tnum`) enabled (which is more appropriate for titles and general #' annotations). #' #' The objects have the following names corresponding to individual, #' customized font variants (ordered by font weight): #' #' **Goldman Sans** (`gs_pkg`, `gs_pkg_prop`) #' #' - `light` #' - `normal_italic` #' - `normal_light` #' - `medium` #' - `medium_italic` #' - `bold` #' - `bold_italic` #' - `heavy` #' #' **Goldman Sans Condensed** (`gsc_pkg`, `gsc_pkg_prop`) #' #' - `normal` #' - `bold` #' #' @docType data #' @format A list #' @name gs_pkg NULL #' @name gs_pkg_prop #' @rdname gs_pkg NULL #' @name gsc_pkg #' @rdname gs_pkg NULL #' @name gsc_pkg_prop #' @rdname gs_pkg NULL