% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/install-fonts.R \name{install_eau_sans} \alias{install_eau_sans} \title{Install Eau Sans} \usage{ install_eau_sans() } \description{ Eau Sans is (via the creator): "In 1992, I wanted to design a perfectly faceless typeface of my own. I chose Eau, meaning water in French, as the name. I planned to do two variations; a sanserif and a Roman serif style version. I could not decide on the design details for the Roman variation, so only the sanserif version was completed. Although I think that Eau Sans needs more refinement, present it here as it was originally designed. At the time of release, I re-formatted the Eau Sans family with numeric characters in three variations: proportional, lining and old-styled figures. This typeface is used for my electronic sound project: parabola." } \examples{ install_eau_sans() } \references{ \href{http://www.yoworks.com/eau/index.html}{Eau Sans} }