% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/preview-variant.R \name{preview_variant} \alias{preview_variant} \title{Preview numbers, kerning, and ligatures from font variants you create} \usage{ preview_variant( font_variant, font_size = 5, test_label = "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. => A⃝\\n−0+1:2~3,456789\\n−9+8:7~6,543210" ) } \arguments{ \item{font_variant}{a font variant object created with \code{\link[=reconfigure_font]{reconfigure_font()}}} \item{font_size}{passed to \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_text]{ggplot2::geom_text()}}} \item{test_label}{a specially designed preview string to showcase some specific font features} } \value{ A ggplot2 object } \description{ Use this function to preview the special features of fonts you create including how well the default kerning ruls work, how tabular numbers behave, and whether or not modern, fun ligatures are supported. Change the \code{test_label} if you wish to use a custom preview string. } \examples{ reconfigure_font( family = "Trattatello", width = "normal", ligatures = "discretionary", calt = 1, tnum = 1, case = 1, dlig = 1, kern = 1, zero = 0, salt = 0 ) -> trat preview_variant(trat) reconfigure_font( family = "Barlow", width = "normal", ligatures = "standard", tnum = 1, kern = 1 ) -> barlow preview_variant(barlow) }