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Fonts, themes, and utilities are provided to create ‘ggplot2’ plots intended for rendering on ‘ragg’ graphics devices. ## What’s Inside The Tin The following functions are implemented: - `adaptive_color`: Adaptive colors colors for hrbragg themes - `elb`: Shortcut for element\_blank - `ell`: Shortcut for element\_line - `elr`: Shortcut for element\_rect - `elt`: Shortcut for element\_text - `feature_dict`: OpenType feature description lookup table - `gs_pkg`: Goldman Sans & Goldman Sans Condensed Font Variants - `install_goldman_sans`: Install Goldman Sans - `install_inter`: Install Inter - `install_roboto_condensed`: Install Roboto Condensed - `inter_pkg`: Inter Font Variants - `opentype_typographic_features`: OpenType Typographic Features - `preview_variant`: Preview numbers, kerning, and ligatures from font variants you create - `rc_pkg`: Roboto Condensed Font Variants - `reconfigure_font`: Create an complete, alternate font family with the same customized features - `reset_ggplot2_defaults`: Restore all ggplot2 geom to default aesthetics - `scale_x_percent`: X & Y scales with opinionated pre-sets for percent & comma label formats - `theme_gs`: ggplot2 Theme Based On The Goldman Sans Font Family - `theme_inter`: ggplot2 Theme Based On The Inter Font Family - `theme_rc`: ggplot2 Theme Based On The Roboto Condensed Font Family ## Installation ``` r remotes::install_git("https://git.rud.is/hrbrmstr/hrbragg.git") # or remotes::install_gitlab("hrbrmstr/hrbragg") # or remotes::install_bitbucket("hrbrmstr/hrbragg") # or remotes::install_github("hrbrmstr/hrbragg") ``` NOTE: To use the ‘remotes’ install options you will need to have the [{remotes} package](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes) installed. ## Usage ``` r library(tibble) library(hrbragg) library(ggplot2) # current version packageVersion("hrbragg") ## [1] '0.1.0' ``` For the moment, you’ll need to install Inter: ``` r install_inter() ``` ### Inspect the definitions of the feature codes: ``` r str(inter_pkg, 1) ## List of 17 ## $ ultralight : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Thin" ## $ ultralight_italic: chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Thin Italic" ## $ light : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Extra Light" ## $ light_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Extra Light Italic" ## $ normal_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Light Italic" ## $ normal : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Regular" ## $ normal_light : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Light" ## $ medium_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Medium Italic" ## $ medium : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Medium" ## $ semibold_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Semi Bold Italic" ## $ semibold : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Semi Bold" ## $ bold : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Bold" ## $ bold_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Bold Italic" ## $ ultrabold : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Extra Bold" ## $ ultrabold_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Extra Bold Italic" ## $ heavy : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Black" ## $ heavy_italic : chr "hrbragg-pkg tab Inter Black Italic" ## - attr(*, "family")= chr "Inter" data("feature_dict") feature_dict[feature_dict$tag %in% textshaping::get_font_features("Inter")[[1]],] ## # A tibble: 19 x 3 ## tag long_name description ## ## 1 aalt Access All Alternates Special feature: used to present user with choice all alternate forms of the charact… ## 2 calt Contextual Alternates Applies a second substitution feature based on a match of a character pattern within… ## 3 case Case Sensitive Forms Replace characters, especially punctuation, with forms better suited for all-capital… ## 4 ccmp Glyph Composition/Decomp… Either calls a ligature replacement on a sequence of characters or replaces a charac… ## 5 cpsp Capital Spacing Adjusts spacing between letters in all-capitals text ## 6 dlig Discretionary Ligatures Ligatures to be applied at the user's discretion ## 7 dnom Denominator Converts to appropriate fraction denominator form, invoked by frac ## 8 frac Fractions Converts figures separated by slash with diagonal fraction ## 9 kern Kerning Fine horizontal positioning of one glyph to the next, based on the shapes of the gly… ## 10 locl Localized Forms Substitutes character with the preferred form based on script language ## 11 mark Mark Positioning Fine positioning of a mark glyph to a base character ## 12 numr Numerator Converts to appropriate fraction numerator form, invoked by frac ## 13 ordn Ordinals Replaces characters with ordinal forms for use after numbers ## 14 pnum Proportional Figures Replaces numerals with glyphs of proportional width, often also onum ## 15 salt Stylistic Alternates Either replaces with, or displays list of, stylistic alternatives for a character ## 16 subs Subscript Replaces character with subscript version, cf. numr ## 17 sups Superscript Replaces character with superscript version, cf. dnom ## 18 tnum Tabular Figures Replaces numerals with glyphs of uniform width, often also lnum ## 19 zero Slashed Zero Replaces 0 figure with slashed 0 ``` ### Let’s make a plot! ``` r ggplot() + geom_point( data = mtcars, aes(mpg, wt, color = factor(cyl)) ) + geom_label( aes( x = 15, y = 5.48, label = "<- A fairly useless annotation\n that uses the custom Inter\n variant by default." ), label.size = 0, hjust = 0, vjust = 1 ) + labs( x = "Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y = "Weight (tons)", title = "Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", subtitle = "A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", caption = "Brought to you by the letter 'g'" ) -> gg1 ``` ### Dark & light mode support with just a parameter change! ``` r gg1 + theme_inter(grid = "XY", mode = "dark") ``` Note the ligatures aren’t as nice in Goldman Sans ``` r gg1 + theme_rc(grid = "XY", mode = "dark") ``` ### Note the ligatures aren’t as nice in or Roboto Condensed ``` r gg1 + theme_gs(grid = "XY", mode = "dark") ``` ``` r gg1 + theme_inter(grid = "XY", mode = "light") ``` ``` r gg1 + theme_rc(grid = "XY", mode = "light") ``` ``` r gg1 + theme_gs(grid = "XY", mode = "light") ``` ### Making sure we got all the various plot components styled ``` r ggplot() + geom_point( data = mpg, aes(displ, hwy, color = trans) ) + facet_wrap( vars(cyl, drv), scales = "free", drop = TRUE ) + labs( x = "Displacement", y = "Highway", title = "Another seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", subtitle = "A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", caption = "Brought to you by the letter 'g'" ) -> gg2 ``` ``` r gg2 + theme_inter(grid = "XY", mode = "light") ``` ``` r gg2 + theme_inter(grid = "XY", mode = "dark") ``` ### Here’s a way to preview any variants you create: ``` r preview_variant(inter_pkg) ``` ``` r reconfigure_font( family = "Trattatello", width = "normal", ligatures = "discretionary", calt = 1, tnum = 1, case = 1, dlig = 1, kern = 1, zero = 0, salt = 0 ) -> trat preview_variant(trat) ``` ``` r reconfigure_font( family = "Barlow", width = "normal", ligatures = "standard", tnum = 1, kern = 1 ) -> barlow preview_variant(barlow) ``` ## hrbragg Metrics | Lang | \# Files | (%) | LoC | (%) | Blank lines | (%) | \# Lines | (%) | |:-----|---------:|-----:|-----:|-----:|------------:|-----:|---------:|-----:| | SVG | 1 | 0.02 | 2574 | 0.35 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | | R | 21 | 0.46 | 977 | 0.13 | 158 | 0.39 | 679 | 0.46 | | Rmd | 1 | 0.02 | 75 | 0.01 | 43 | 0.11 | 67 | 0.04 | | SUM | 23 | 0.50 | 3626 | 0.50 | 201 | 0.50 | 746 | 0.50 | clock Package Metrics for hrbragg ## Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.