% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/x-font-reg.R \docType{data} \name{gs_pkg} \alias{gs_pkg} \alias{gs_pkg_prop} \alias{gsc_pkg} \alias{gsc_pkg_prop} \title{Goldman Sans & Goldman Sans Condensed Font Variants} \format{ A list } \description{ On load hrbragg creates four custom Goldman Sans & Goldman Sans Condensed font family variants: (\code{gs_pkg}, \code{gs_pkg_prop}, \code{gsc_pkg}, \code{gsc_pkg_prop}) and makes them available in the global environment. } \details{ The reconfigured family variants have the following features: \itemize{ \item \code{dlig}/\code{ligatures} (\emph{Discretionary Ligatures}): Ligatures to be applied at the user's discretion \item \code{kern} (\emph{Kerning}): Fine horizontal positioning of one glyph to the next, based on the shapes of the glyphs } They differ in that the \verb{_prop} variant does not have tabular numbers (\code{tnum}) enabled (which is more appropriate for titles and general annotations). The objects have the following names corresponding to individual, customized font variants (ordered by font weight): \strong{Goldman Sans} (\code{gs_pkg}, \code{gs_pkg_prop}) \itemize{ \item \code{light} \item \code{normal_italic} \item \code{normal_light} \item \code{medium} \item \code{medium_italic} \item \code{bold} \item \code{bold_italic} \item \code{heavy} } \strong{Goldman Sans Condensed} (\code{gsc_pkg}, \code{gsc_pkg_prop}) \itemize{ \item \code{normal} \item \code{bold} } }