% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/reconfigure-font.R \name{reconfigure_font} \alias{reconfigure_font} \title{Create an complete, alternate font family with the same customized features} \usage{ reconfigure_font( family, width = "normal", ligatures = NULL, letters = NULL, numbers = NULL, prefix = uuid::UUIDgenerate(), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{family}{font family name} \item{width}{font width (defaults to "normal")} \item{ligatures, letters, numbers}{See \code{\link[systemfonts:font_feature]{systemfonts::font_feature()}}} \item{prefix}{string to use as a prefix to the names of the newly generated font family. If not specified, a guaranteed unique identifier will be used.} \item{...}{Extra four-letter font feature flags passed on to \code{\link[systemfonts:font_feature]{systemfonts::font_feature()}}. See See \href{https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/featurelist}{Microsoft} and \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_typographic_features}{Wikipedia} for tag descriptions.} } \value{ list with names of all the customized font family members. A \code{family} attribute is included which is the name of the family this variant is based on. } \description{ Create an complete, alternate font family with the same customized features } \examples{ reconfigure_font( family = "Inter", width = "normal", ligatures = "discretionary", calt = 1, tnum = 1, case = 1, dlig = 1, ss01 = 1, kern = 1, zero = 0, salt = 0 ) -> inter_1 }