You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#' Create an complete, alternate font family with the same customized features
#' @param family font family name
#' @param width font width (defaults to "normal")
#' @param ligatures,letters,numbers See [systemfonts::font_feature()]
#' @param prefix string to use as a prefix to the names of the newly generated font family.
#' If not specified, a guaranteed unique identifier will be used.
#' @param ... Extra four-letter font feature flags passed on to [systemfonts::font_feature()]. See
#' See [Microsoft]( and
#' [Wikipedia]( for tag descriptions.
#' @return list with names of all the customized font family members. A `family`
#' attribute is included which is the name of the family this variant is
#' based on.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reconfigure_font(
#' family = "Inter",
#' width = "normal",
#' ligatures = "discretionary",
#' calt = 1, tnum = 1, case = 1,
#' dlig = 1, ss01 = 1, kern = 1,
#' zero = 0, salt = 0
#' ) -> inter_1
reconfigure_font <- function(family, width = "normal",
ligatures = NULL, letters = NULL, numbers = NULL,
prefix = uuid::UUIDgenerate(), ...) {
# make sure the font exists
fam <- systemfonts::system_fonts()
fam <- fam[tolower(fam$family) == tolower(family) & fam$width == width,]
if (nrow(fam) == 0) stop("No font family found with the specified name and width.", call. = FALSE)
# order by weight
fam <- fam[order(fam$weight),]
# make sure the font supports all the features specified
supports <- unlist(textshaping::get_font_features(family))
supplied <- list(...)
supplied <- setdiff(names(supplied), c("ligatures", "letters", "numbers"))
unsupported <- supplied[!(supplied %in% supports)]
if (length(unsupported) != 0) {
"%s does not support (%s) feature%s but does support (%s).",
paste0(unsupported, collapse = ", "),
if (length(unsupported == 1)) "" else "s",
paste0(supports, collapse = ", ")
call. = FALSE
# set the features we'll use with each variant
ligatures = ligatures,
letters = letters,
numbers = numbers,
) -> feat
# make some room for the return value
ret <- list()
# go through each default variant and make a new font with
# the specified feature(s) configuration
for (idx in 1:nrow(fam)) {
tmp_nam <- sprintf("%s %s %s", prefix, family, fam$style[idx])
idx_nam <- as.character(fam$weight[idx])
if (fam$italic[idx]) idx_nam <- sprintf("%s_italic", idx_nam)
if (fam$monospace[idx]) idx_nam <- sprintf("%s_mono", idx_nam)
ret[[idx_nam]] <- tmp_nam
name = tmp_nam,
weight = as.character(fam$weight[idx]),
features = feat,
family = family,
width = width
# keep the font name handy
attr(ret, "family") <- family