Browse Source

Goldman Sans

boB Rudis 4 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 1D7529BE14E2BBA9
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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
This package was submitted to CRAN on 2020-03-05. This package was submitted to CRAN on 2020-03-06.
Once it is accepted, delete this file and tag the release (commit f6d2a276cd). Once it is accepted, delete this file and tag the release (commit a599f17a1d).


@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: hrbrthemes Package: hrbrthemes
Type: Package Type: Package
Title: Additional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2' Title: Additional Themes, Theme Components and Utilities for 'ggplot2'
Version: 0.8.0 Version: 0.8.5
Date: 2020-03-05 Date: 2020-06-24
Authors@R: c( Authors@R: c(
person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"), person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5670-2640")), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5670-2640")),
@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ Imports:
tools, tools,
magrittr, magrittr,
gdtools gdtools
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2 RoxygenNote: 7.1.0
VignetteBuilder: knitr VignetteBuilder: knitr


@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ export(font_an)
export(font_es) export(font_es)
export(font_es_bold) export(font_es_bold)
export(font_es_light) export(font_es_light)
export(font_ps) export(font_ps)
export(font_ps_light) export(font_ps_light)
export(font_pub) export(font_pub)
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ export(ft_pal)
export(ft_text_col) export(ft_text_col)
export(gg_check) export(gg_check)
export(import_econ_sans) export(import_econ_sans)
export(import_plex_sans) export(import_plex_sans)
export(import_public_sans) export(import_public_sans)
export(import_roboto_condensed) export(import_roboto_condensed)
@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ export(scale_y_percent)
export(theme_ft_rc) export(theme_ft_rc)
export(theme_ipsum) export(theme_ipsum)
export(theme_ipsum_es) export(theme_ipsum_es)
export(theme_ipsum_ps) export(theme_ipsum_ps)
export(theme_ipsum_pub) export(theme_ipsum_pub)
export(theme_ipsum_rc) export(theme_ipsum_rc)


@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#' # seminal scatterplot #' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + #' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() + #' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
#' ggplot(aes(class, n)) + #' ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
#' geom_col() + #' geom_col() +
#' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + #' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#' A precise & pristine [ggplot2] theme with opinionated defaults and an emphasis on typoghraphy
#' You should [import_goldman_sans()] first and also install the fonts on your
#' system before trying to use this theme.
#' There is an option `hrbrthemes.loadfonts` which -- if set to `TRUE` -- will
#' call `extrafont::loadfonts()` to register non-core fonts with R PDF & PostScript
#' devices. If you are running under Windows, the package calls the same function
#' to register non-core fonts with the Windows graphics device.
#' @md
#' @section Why Goldman Sans?:
#' See <>.
#' @md
#' @param base_family,base_size base font family and size
#' @param plot_title_family,plot_title_face,plot_title_size,plot_title_margin plot tilte family, face, size and margin
#' @param subtitle_family,subtitle_face,subtitle_size plot subtitle family, face and size
#' @param subtitle_margin plot subtitle margin bottom (single numeric value)
#' @param strip_text_family,strip_text_face,strip_text_size facet label font family, face and size
#' @param caption_family,caption_face,caption_size,caption_margin plot caption family, face, size and margin
#' @param axis_title_family,axis_title_face,axis_title_size axis title font family, face and size
#' @param axis_title_just axis title font justificationk one of `[blmcrt]`
#' @param axis_text_size font size of axis text
#' @param plot_margin plot margin (specify with [ggplot2::margin])
#' @param grid_col grid color
#' @param grid panel grid (`TRUE`, `FALSE`, or a combination of `X`, `x`, `Y`, `y`)
#' @param axis_col axis color
#' @param axis add x or y axes? `TRUE`, `FALSE`, "`xy`"
#' @param ticks ticks if `TRUE` add ticks
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dplyr)
#' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
#' theme_ipsum_gs()
#' # seminal bar chart
#' update_geom_font_defaults(family=font_gs_light)
#' count(mpg, class) %>%
#' ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
#' geom_col() +
#' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
#' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
#' theme_ipsum_gs(grid="Y") +
#' theme(axis.text.y=element_blank())
#' }
theme_ipsum_gs <- function(
base_family="Goldman Sans Condensed",
base_size = 11.5,
plot_title_family="Goldman Sans Condensed",
plot_title_size = 18,
plot_title_margin = 10,
subtitle_family=if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "Goldman Sans Condensed" else "Goldman Sans Condensed",
subtitle_size = 13,
subtitle_face = "plain",
subtitle_margin = 15,
strip_text_family = "Goldman Sans",
strip_text_size = 12,
strip_text_face = "bold",
caption_family=if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "Goldman Sans Condensed" else "Goldman Sans Condensed",
caption_size = 9,
caption_face = "plain",
caption_margin = 10,
axis_text_size = 9,
axis_title_family = base_family,
axis_title_size = 9,
axis_title_face = "plain",
axis_title_just = "rt",
plot_margin = margin(30, 30, 30, 30),
grid_col = "#cccccc", grid = TRUE,
axis_col = "#cccccc", axis = FALSE, ticks = FALSE) {
ret <- ggplot2::theme_minimal(base_family=base_family, base_size=base_size)
ret <- ret + theme(legend.background=element_blank())
ret <- ret + theme(legend.key=element_blank())
if (inherits(grid, "character") | grid == TRUE) {
ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid=element_line(color=grid_col, size=0.2))
ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid.major=element_line(color=grid_col, size=0.2))
ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid.minor=element_line(color=grid_col, size=0.15))
if (inherits(grid, "character")) {
if (regexpr("X", grid)[1] < 0) ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid.major.x=element_blank())
if (regexpr("Y", grid)[1] < 0) ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid.major.y=element_blank())
if (regexpr("x", grid)[1] < 0) ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid.minor.x=element_blank())
if (regexpr("y", grid)[1] < 0) ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid.minor.y=element_blank())
} else {
ret <- ret + theme(panel.grid=element_blank())
if (inherits(axis, "character") | axis == TRUE) {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line=element_line(color=axis_col, size=0.15))
if (inherits(axis, "character")) {
axis <- tolower(axis)
if (regexpr("x", axis)[1] < 0) {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line.x=element_blank())
} else {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line.x=element_line(color=axis_col, size=0.15))
if (regexpr("y", axis)[1] < 0) {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line.y=element_blank())
} else {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line.y=element_line(color=axis_col, size=0.15))
} else {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line.x=element_line(color=axis_col, size=0.15))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line.y=element_line(color=axis_col, size=0.15))
} else {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.line=element_blank())
if (!ticks) {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
} else {
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(size=0.15))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size=0.15))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size=0.15))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.ticks.length = grid::unit(5, "pt"))
xj <- switch(tolower(substr(axis_title_just, 1, 1)), b=0, l=0, m=0.5, c=0.5, r=1, t=1)
yj <- switch(tolower(substr(axis_title_just, 2, 2)), b=0, l=0, m=0.5, c=0.5, r=1, t=1)
ret <- ret + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=axis_text_size, margin=margin(t=0)))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=axis_text_size, margin=margin(r=0)))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.title=element_text(size=axis_title_size, family=axis_title_family))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=xj, size=axis_title_size,
family=axis_title_family, face=axis_title_face))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.title.y=element_text(hjust=yj, size=axis_title_size,
family=axis_title_family, face=axis_title_face))
ret <- ret + theme(axis.title.y.right=element_text(hjust=yj, size=axis_title_size, angle=90,
family=axis_title_family, face=axis_title_face))
ret <- ret + theme(strip.text=element_text(hjust=0, size=strip_text_size,
face=strip_text_face, family=strip_text_family))
ret <- ret + theme(panel.spacing=grid::unit(2, "lines"))
ret <- ret + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0, size=plot_title_size,
family=plot_title_family, face=plot_title_face))
ret <- ret + theme(plot.subtitle=element_text(hjust=0, size=subtitle_size,
family=subtitle_family, face=subtitle_face))
ret <- ret + theme(plot.caption=element_text(hjust=1, size=caption_size,
family=caption_family, face=caption_face))
ret <- ret + theme(plot.margin=plot_margin)
#' Import Goldman Sans font for use in charts
#' Goldman Sans is a trademark of Goldman Sachs and distributed under the
#' [Goldman Sachs Restricted Font License](
#' There is an option `hrbrthemes.loadfonts` which -- if set to `TRUE` -- will
#' call `extrafont::loadfonts()` to register non-core fonts with R PDF & PostScript
#' devices. If you are running under Windows, the package calls the same function
#' to register non-core fonts with the Windows graphics device.
#' @md
#' @note This will take care of ensuring PDF/PostScript usage. The location of the
#' font directory is displayed after the base import is complete. It is highly
#' recommended that you install them on your system the same way you would any
#' other font you wish to use in other programs.
#' @export
import_goldman_sans <- function() {
gs_font_dir <- system.file("fonts", "goldman-sans", package="hrbrthemes")
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(extrafont::font_import(gs_font_dir, prompt=FALSE)))
"You will likely need to install these fonts on your system as well.\n\nYou can find them in [%s]",
#' @rdname GoldmanSans
#' @md
#' @title Goldman Sans font name R variable aliases
#' @description `font_gs` == "`Goldman Sans Condensed`"
#' @format length 1 character vector
#' @export
font_gs <- "Goldman Sans Condensed"


@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#' @importFrom gdtools set_dummy_conf #' @importFrom gdtools set_dummy_conf
#' @import rmarkdown knitr htmltools #' @import rmarkdown knitr htmltools
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext #' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' hrbrthemes exported operators #' hrbrthemes exported operators
#' #'


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#' # seminal scatterplot #' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + #' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() + #' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#' ggplot(aes(class, n)) + #' ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
#' geom_col() + #' geom_col() +
#' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + #' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#' # seminal scatterplot #' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + #' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() + #' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
#' ggplot(aes(class, n)) + #' ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
#' geom_col() + #' geom_col() +
#' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + #' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#' # seminal scatterplot #' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + #' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() + #' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
#' ggplot(aes(class, n)) + #' ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
#' geom_col() + #' geom_col() +
#' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + #' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
#' # seminal scatterplot #' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + #' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() + #' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#' # seminal scatterplot #' # seminal scatterplot
#' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + #' ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
#' geom_point() + #' geom_point() +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#' ggplot(aes(class, n)) + #' ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
#' geom_col() + #' geom_col() +
#' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + #' geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
#' labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", #' labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
#' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", #' title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
#' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", #' subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
#' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + #' caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ The following functions are implemented/objects are exported:
Themes: Themes:
- `theme_ipsum`: Arial Narrow - `theme_ipsum`: Arial Narrow
- `theme_ipsum_gs`: Goldman Sans Condensed
- `theme_ipsum_es`: Econ Sans Condensed - `theme_ipsum_es`: Econ Sans Condensed
- `theme_ipsum_rc`: Roboto Condensed - `theme_ipsum_rc`: Roboto Condensed
- `theme_ipsum_ps`: IBM Plex Sans font - `theme_ipsum_ps`: IBM Plex Sans font


@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ The following functions are implemented/objects are exported:
Themes: Themes:
- `theme_ipsum`: Arial Narrow - `theme_ipsum`: Arial Narrow
- `theme_ipsum_gs`: Goldman Sans Condensed
- `theme_ipsum_es`: Econ Sans Condensed - `theme_ipsum_es`: Econ Sans Condensed
- `theme_ipsum_rc`: Roboto Condensed - `theme_ipsum_rc`: Roboto Condensed
- `theme_ipsum_ps`: IBM Plex Sans font - `theme_ipsum_ps`: IBM Plex Sans font


@ -1,23 +1,13 @@
## Test environments ## Test environments
* local OS X install, R 3.6.3
* local OS X install + travis-ci, R 3.5.0 & devel (Travis is currently failing * ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.6.3
- if folks check - due to a missing CRAN mirror component in RStudio's CRAN
mirror for Travis)
* ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R oldrel, current, devel
* win-builder (devel and release) * win-builder (devel and release)
* rhub::check_for_cran()
## R CMD check results ## R CMD check results
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes%>% hrbrthemes exported operators 0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
## Reverse dependencies
- [BAwiR, fontHind, fontMPlus, ggstatsplot, mlr] all OK * This is an update
--- i think i fixed the named package link in the revdep.
- new fonts, a new white theme and a new dark theme
- fixed typos in documentation
- resubmitted after errors noted on
- re-re-submitted (gdtools in the right place now)


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
\name{font_an} \name{font_an}
\alias{font_an} \alias{font_an}
\title{Arial Narrow font name R variable aliases} \title{Arial Narrow font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
\usage{ \usage{
font_an font_an
} }


@ -6,7 +6,13 @@
\alias{font_es_bold} \alias{font_es_bold}
\alias{font_es_light} \alias{font_es_light}
\title{Econ Sans Condensed font name R variable aliases} \title{Econ Sans Condensed font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
\usage{ \usage{
font_es font_es


@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/goldmansans.R
\title{Goldman Sans font name R variable aliases}
length 1 character vector
\code{font_gs} == "\verb{Goldman Sans Condensed}"


@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
\alias{font_ps} \alias{font_ps}
\alias{font_ps_light} \alias{font_ps_light}
\title{PlexSans font name R variable aliases} \title{PlexSans font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
\usage{ \usage{
font_ps font_ps


@ -7,7 +7,15 @@
\alias{font_pub_light} \alias{font_pub_light}
\alias{font_pub_thin} \alias{font_pub_thin}
\title{Public Sans font name R variable aliases} \title{Public Sans font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
\usage{ \usage{
font_pub font_pub


@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
\alias{font_rc} \alias{font_rc}
\alias{font_rc_light} \alias{font_rc_light}
\title{Roboto Condensed font name R variable aliases} \title{Roboto Condensed font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
\usage{ \usage{
font_rc font_rc


@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
\name{font_th} \name{font_th}
\alias{font_th} \alias{font_th}
\title{TinyHand Web font name R variable aliases} \title{TinyHand Web font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
\usage{ \usage{
font_th font_th
} }


@ -6,7 +6,13 @@
\alias{font_tw_bold} \alias{font_tw_bold}
\alias{font_tw_light} \alias{font_tw_light}
\title{Titillium Web font name R variable aliases} \title{Titillium Web font name R variable aliases}
\format{length 1 character vector} \format{
length 1 character vector
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
\usage{ \usage{
font_tw font_tw


@ -5,7 +5,11 @@
\alias{ft_cols} \alias{ft_cols}
\alias{ft_text_col} \alias{ft_text_col}
\title{FT color palette} \title{FT color palette}
\format{An object of class \code{list} of length 9.} \format{
An object of class \code{list} of length 9.
An object of class \code{character} of length 1.
\usage{ \usage{
ft_cols ft_cols


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
\docType{package} \docType{package}
\name{hrbrthemes} \name{hrbrthemes}
\alias{hrbrthemes} \alias{hrbrthemes}
\title{Additional Themes and Theme Components for 'ggplot2'} \title{Additional Themes and Theme Components for 'ggplot2'}
\description{ \description{
A compilation of extra themes and theme components for 'ggplot2' with an A compilation of extra themes and theme components for 'ggplot2' with an
@ -22,6 +23,14 @@ call \code{extrafont::loadfonts()} to register non-core fonts with R PDF & PostS
devices. If you are running under Windows, the package calls the same function devices. If you are running under Windows, the package calls the same function
to register non-core fonts with the Windows graphics device. to register non-core fonts with the Windows graphics device.
} }
Useful links:
\item \url{}
\item Report bugs at \url{}
\author{ \author{
Bob Rudis ( Bob Rudis (
} }


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/goldmansans.R
\title{Import Goldman Sans font for use in charts}
Goldman Sans is a trademark of Goldman Sachs and distributed under the
\href{}{Goldman Sachs Restricted Font License}.
There is an option \code{hrbrthemes.loadfonts} which -- if set to \code{TRUE} -- will
call \code{extrafont::loadfonts()} to register non-core fonts with R PDF & PostScript
devices. If you are running under Windows, the package calls the same function
to register non-core fonts with the Windows graphics device.
This will take care of ensuring PDF/PostScript usage. The location of the
font directory is displayed after the base import is complete. It is highly
recommended that you install them on your system the same way you would any
other font you wish to use in other programs.


@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ library(dplyr)
# seminal scatterplot # seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() + geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ library(dplyr)
# seminal scatterplot # seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() + geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ count(mpg, class) \%>\%
ggplot(aes(class, n)) + ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
geom_col() + geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/goldmansans.R
\title{A precise & pristine \link{ggplot2} theme with opinionated defaults and an emphasis on typoghraphy}
base_family = "Goldman Sans Condensed",
base_size = 11.5,
plot_title_family = "Goldman Sans Condensed",
plot_title_size = 18,
plot_title_face = "bold",
plot_title_margin = 10,
subtitle_family = if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "Goldman Sans Condensed" else
"Goldman Sans Condensed",
subtitle_size = 13,
subtitle_face = "plain",
subtitle_margin = 15,
strip_text_family = "Goldman Sans",
strip_text_size = 12,
strip_text_face = "bold",
caption_family = if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "Goldman Sans Condensed" else
"Goldman Sans Condensed",
caption_size = 9,
caption_face = "plain",
caption_margin = 10,
axis_text_size = 9,
axis_title_family = base_family,
axis_title_size = 9,
axis_title_face = "plain",
axis_title_just = "rt",
plot_margin = margin(30, 30, 30, 30),
grid_col = "#cccccc",
grid = TRUE,
axis_col = "#cccccc",
axis = FALSE,
ticks = FALSE
\item{base_family, base_size}{base font family and size}
\item{plot_title_family, plot_title_face, plot_title_size, plot_title_margin}{plot tilte family, face, size and margin}
\item{subtitle_family, subtitle_face, subtitle_size}{plot subtitle family, face and size}
\item{subtitle_margin}{plot subtitle margin bottom (single numeric value)}
\item{strip_text_family, strip_text_face, strip_text_size}{facet label font family, face and size}
\item{caption_family, caption_face, caption_size, caption_margin}{plot caption family, face, size and margin}
\item{axis_text_size}{font size of axis text}
\item{axis_title_family, axis_title_face, axis_title_size}{axis title font family, face and size}
\item{axis_title_just}{axis title font justificationk one of \verb{[blmcrt]}}
\item{plot_margin}{plot margin (specify with \link[ggplot2:margin]{ggplot2::margin})}
\item{grid_col}{grid color}
\item{grid}{panel grid (\code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE}, or a combination of \code{X}, \code{x}, \code{Y}, \code{y})}
\item{axis_col}{axis color}
\item{axis}{add x or y axes? \code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE}, "\code{xy}"}
\item{ticks}{ticks if \code{TRUE} add ticks}
You should \code{\link[=import_goldman_sans]{import_goldman_sans()}} first and also install the fonts on your
system before trying to use this theme.
There is an option \code{hrbrthemes.loadfonts} which -- if set to \code{TRUE} -- will
call \code{extrafont::loadfonts()} to register non-core fonts with R PDF & PostScript
devices. If you are running under Windows, the package calls the same function
to register non-core fonts with the Windows graphics device.
\section{Why Goldman Sans?}{
See \url{}.
# seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
# seminal bar chart
count(mpg, class) \%>\%
ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
theme_ipsum_gs(grid="Y") +


@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ library(dplyr)
# seminal scatterplot # seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() + geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ count(mpg, class) \%>\%
ggplot(aes(class, n)) + ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
geom_col() + geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ library(dplyr)
# seminal scatterplot # seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() + geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ count(mpg, class) \%>\%
ggplot(aes(class, n)) + ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
geom_col() + geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ library(dplyr)
# seminal scatterplot # seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() + geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ count(mpg, class) \%>\%
ggplot(aes(class, n)) + ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
geom_col() + geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +


@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ library(dplyr)
# seminal scatterplot # seminal scatterplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) + ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, wt)) +
geom_point() + geom_point() +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example", title="Seminal ggplot2 scatterplot example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ count(mpg, class) \%>\%
ggplot(aes(class, n)) + ggplot(aes(class, n)) +
geom_col() + geom_col() +
geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) + geom_text(aes(label=n), nudge_y=3) +
labs(x="Fuel effiiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)", labs(x="Fuel efficiency (mpg)", y="Weight (tons)",
title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example", title="Seminal ggplot2 bar chart example",
subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes", subtitle="A plot that is only useful for demonstration purposes",
caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") + caption="Brought to you by the letter 'g'") +
