# hrbrthemes 0.3.2 ## Changed Stuff * Removed `purrr` dependency * Tweaked `scale_`s with `expand=c(0.01,0)` * Updated tests # hrbrthemes 0.2.0 ## Changed Stuff * Added `vdiffr` tests for the two core themes. * Moved `hunspell` and `stringi` to `Suggests` and added namespace tests to `gg_check()`. * Added `dict` and `ignore` parameters (with defaults) to `gg_check()` (@karldw) [PR #3]. * Fixed typos (@benmarwick) [PR #1]. * Spelling in vignette fixed (@zx8754) [Issue #6]. * New lighter grid color default `#cccccc` [Issue #7]. * Added font auto-loading (@alexwhan) [Issue #12]. * Made base font 0.5 pts larger # hrbrthemes 0.1.0 ## New Stuff * Initial release with 'Roboto Condensed' and 'Arial Narrow' fonts based 'ggplot2' themes. * Muted discrete color palette with 9 colors. * 'ggplot2' scales for percentage and comma.