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CRAN fixes

boB Rudis 7 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 2A514A4997464560
  1. 8
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@ -6,11 +6,3 @@ r:
- oldrel
- release
- devel
- ""
nick: travisci


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: htmltidy
Title: Tidy Up and Test XPath Queries on HTML and XML Content
Version: 0.3.2
Version: 0.4.0
Encoding: UTF-8
Authors@R: c(
person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")),


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
tidy_html_int <- function(source, options, show_errors) {
.Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE = 'htmltidy', source, options, show_errors)
do_the_tidy <- function(source, options, show_errors) {
.Call(`_htmltidy_do_the_tidy`, source, options, show_errors)


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#' @name htmltidy
#' @docType package
#' @author Bob Rudis (
#' @useDynLib htmltidy, .registration=TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @import xml2 XML htmlwidgets htmltools
#' @useDynLib htmltidy, .registration=TRUE


@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
#' cat(tidy_html(txt, option=opts))
#' \dontrun{
#' library(httr)
#' res <- GET("")
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@
#' # but, you could also just do:
#' cat(tidy_html(url("")))
#' }
tidy_html <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) {
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ tidy_html <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) {
tidy_html.default <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
verbose=FALSE) {
content <- paste0(content, collapse="")
.Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
.Call('_htmltidy_do_the_tidy', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose)
@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ tidy_html.default <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
tidy_html.character <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
verbose=FALSE) {
content <- paste0(content, collapse="")
.Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
.Call('_htmltidy_do_the_tidy', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose)
@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ tidy_html.raw <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
verbose=FALSE) {
content <- content[1]
content <- iconv(readBin(content, character()), to="UTF-8")
out <- .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
out <- .Call('_htmltidy_do_the_tidy', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose)
@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ tidy_html.raw <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
tidy_html.xml_document <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
verbose=FALSE) {
content <- toString(content)
out <- .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
out <- .Call('_htmltidy_do_the_tidy', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose)
@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ tidy_html.xml_document <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
tidy_html.HTMLInternalDocument <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
verbose=FALSE) {
content <- XML::saveXML(content)
out <- .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
out <- .Call('_htmltidy_do_the_tidy', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose)
@ -143,7 +145,7 @@ tidy_html.connection <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE),
html <- paste0(readLines(content, warn=FALSE), collapse="")
.Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
.Call('_htmltidy_do_the_tidy', PACKAGE='htmltidy',
source=html, options=options, show_errors=verbose)


@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#' Default is \code{FALSE} (take up the full viewer/browser window). If
#' this is set to \code{TRUE}, \code{height} should be set to a value
#' other than \code{NULL}.
#' @param elementId element id
#' @param width widget \code{div} width
#' @param height widget \code{div} height
#' @note Large HTML or XML content may take some time to render properly. It is suggested
@ -20,22 +19,12 @@
#' @export
#' @references \href{}{xml-viewer}
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # from ?xml2::read_xml
#' cd <- xml2::read_xml("")
#' xml_tree_view(cd)
#' htmltools::browsable(
#' htmltools::tagList(
#' xml_tree_view(cd, width = "100%", height = "300px"),
#' xml_view(cd)
#' )
#' )
#' if(interactive()) {
#' txt <- paste0("<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading>",
#' "<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>")
#' # xml_tree_view(txt)
#' }
xml_tree_view <- function(doc=NULL, scroll=FALSE,
elementId=NULL, width="100%", height=NULL) {
xml_tree_view <- function(doc=NULL, scroll=FALSE, width="100%", height=NULL) {
if (inherits(doc, "character")) {
doc <- paste0(doc, collapse="")
@ -59,8 +48,7 @@ xml_tree_view <- function(doc=NULL, scroll=FALSE,
x = params,
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'htmltidy',
elementId = elementId
package = 'htmltidy'


@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
#' @param apply_xpath Add and apply an XPath query string to the view. If
#' \code{add_filter} is \code{TRUE} then this query string will
#' appear in the filter box and be applied to the passed in document.
#' @param elementId element id
#' @param width widget width (best to keep it at 100\%)
#' @param height widget height (kinda only useful for knitting since this is
#' meant to be an interactive tool).
@ -29,43 +28,12 @@
#' \href{}{vkbeautify}
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(xml2)
#' # plain text
#' txt <- paste0("<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading>",
#' "<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>")
#' xml_view(txt)
#' # xml object
#' doc <- read_xml(txt)
#' xml_view(doc, style="obsidian")
#' # different style
#' xml_view(xml_find_all(doc, ".//to"), style="github-gist")
#' # some more complex daata
#' xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/dwml.xml", package="htmltidy")))
#' xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/getHistory.xml", package="htmltidy")),
#' "androidstudio")
#' xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/input.xml", package="htmltidy")),
#' "sunburst")
#' # filter + apply an initial XPath query string
#' xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/dwml.xml", package="xmlview")),
#' add_filter=TRUE, apply_xpath=".//temperature")
#' doc <- read_xml("")
#' str(doc)
#' xml_view(doc, add_filter=TRUE)
#' xml2::xml_find_all(doc, './/dc:creator', ns=xml2::xml_ns(doc))
#' xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, './/link[contains(., "soccer")]', ns=xml2::xml_ns(doc)))
#' # xml_view(txt)
#' }
xml_view <- function(doc, style="default", scroll=FALSE, add_filter=FALSE,
apply_xpath=NULL, elementId=NULL,
width="100%", height=NULL) {
apply_xpath = NULL, width="100%", height=NULL) {
xml_doc_name <- "doc"
@ -94,17 +62,16 @@ xml_view <- function(doc, style="default", scroll=FALSE, add_filter=FALSE,
styleSheet = style,
addFilter = add_filter,
applyXPath = apply_xpath,
scroll = scroll,
xmlDocName = xml_doc_name
name = 'xmlview',
x = params,
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'htmltidy',
elementId = elementId
package = 'htmltidy'


@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
## Test environments
* local OS X install, R 3.3.2 (clang)
* ubuntu 12.04 (on travis-ci), oldrel, release & devel
* local OS X install, R 3.4.1 (clang)
* ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), oldrel, release & devel
* win-builder (devel and release)
* AppVeyor
## R CMD check results
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 notes (names)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
Fix per note from CRAN regarding checks tossing warnings
due to URL redirection.
Fix per note from CRAN regarding
checks failing, htmltidy C[++]
code has been updated and examples
that required internet access to
successfully complete have been
re-worked to use the system.file()
package exmaple files.


@ -5,21 +5,19 @@ SaveWorkspace: No
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8
RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
AutoAppendNewline: Yes
StripTrailingWhitespace: Yes
BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
PackageBuildArgs: --resave-data
PackageCheckArgs: --as-cran
PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace


@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ txt <- paste0(
cat(tidy_html(txt, option=opts))
res <- GET("")
@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ cat(tidy_html(content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"),
# but, you could also just do:
\url{} &


@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
\title{HTML/XML tree viewer}
xml_tree_view(doc = NULL, scroll = FALSE, elementId = NULL,
width = "100\%", height = NULL)
xml_tree_view(doc = NULL, scroll = FALSE, width = "100\%",
height = NULL)
html_tree_view(doc = NULL, scroll = FALSE, elementId = NULL,
width = "100\%", height = NULL)
html_tree_view(doc = NULL, scroll = FALSE, width = "100\%",
height = NULL)
\item{doc}{\code{xml2} document/node/nodeset, an \code{HTMLInternalDocument}/
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ Default is \code{FALSE} (take up the full viewer/browser window). If
this is set to \code{TRUE}, \code{height} should be set to a value
other than \code{NULL}.}
\item{elementId}{element id}
\item{width}{widget \code{div} width}
\item{height}{widget \code{div} height}
@ -38,19 +36,10 @@ Large HTML or XML content may take some time to render properly. It is suggested
or used in a browser context vs an IDE viewer context.
if (interactive()) {
# from ?xml2::read_xml
cd <- xml2::read_xml("")
xml_tree_view(cd, width = "100\%", height = "300px"),
if(interactive()) {
txt <- paste0("<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading>",
"<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>")
# xml_tree_view(txt)


@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
\title{HTML/XML pretty printer and viewer}
xml_view(doc, style = "default", scroll = FALSE, add_filter = FALSE,
apply_xpath = NULL, elementId = NULL, width = "100\%", height = NULL)
apply_xpath = NULL, width = "100\%", height = NULL)
html_view(doc, style = "default", scroll = FALSE, add_filter = FALSE,
apply_xpath = NULL, elementId = NULL, width = "100\%", height = NULL)
apply_xpath = NULL, width = "100\%", height = NULL)
\item{doc}{\code{xml2} document/node/nodeset, an \code{HTMLInternalDocument}/
@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ other than \code{NULL}.}
\code{add_filter} is \code{TRUE} then this query string will
appear in the filter box and be applied to the passed in document.}
\item{elementId}{element id}
\item{width}{widget width (best to keep it at 100\%)}
\item{height}{widget height (kinda only useful for knitting since this is
@ -49,39 +47,9 @@ Large HTML or XML content may take some time to render properly. It is suggested
if (interactive()) {
# plain text
txt <- paste0("<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading>",
"<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>")
# xml object
doc <- read_xml(txt)
xml_view(doc, style="obsidian")
# different style
xml_view(xml_find_all(doc, ".//to"), style="github-gist")
# some more complex daata
xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/dwml.xml", package="htmltidy")))
xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/getHistory.xml", package="htmltidy")),
xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/input.xml", package="htmltidy")),
# filter + apply an initial XPath query string
xml_view(read_xml(system.file("extdata/dwml.xml", package="xmlview")),
add_filter=TRUE, apply_xpath=".//temperature")
doc <- read_xml("")
xml_view(doc, add_filter=TRUE)
xml2::xml_find_all(doc, './/dc:creator', ns=xml2::xml_ns(doc))
xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, './/link[contains(., "soccer")]', ns=xml2::xml_ns(doc)))
# xml_view(txt)


@ -1,2 +1,3 @@


@ -5,16 +5,26 @@
using namespace Rcpp;
// tidy_html_int
Rcpp::CharacterVector tidy_html_int(std::string source, Rcpp::List options, bool show_errors);
RcppExport SEXP htmltidy_tidy_html_int(SEXP sourceSEXP, SEXP optionsSEXP, SEXP show_errorsSEXP) {
// do_the_tidy
Rcpp::CharacterVector do_the_tidy(std::string source, Rcpp::List options, bool show_errors);
RcppExport SEXP _htmltidy_do_the_tidy(SEXP sourceSEXP, SEXP optionsSEXP, SEXP show_errorsSEXP) {
Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen;
Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type source(sourceSEXP);
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< Rcpp::List >::type options(optionsSEXP);
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type show_errors(show_errorsSEXP);
rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(tidy_html_int(source, options, show_errors));
rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(do_the_tidy(source, options, show_errors));
return rcpp_result_gen;
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
{"_htmltidy_do_the_tidy", (DL_FUNC) &_htmltidy_do_the_tidy, 3},
RcppExport void R_init_htmltidy(DllInfo *dll) {
R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);


@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static void GetFileExtension( ctmbstr path, tmbchar *ext, uint maxExt )
* IsImage
* Checks if the given filename is an image file.
* Returns 'yes' if it is, 'no' if it's not.
* Returns 'aye' if it is, 'no' if it's not.
static Bool IsImage( ctmbstr iType )
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static Bool IsImage( ctmbstr iType )
for (i = 0; i < N_IMAGE_EXTS; i++)
if ( TY_(tmbstrcasecmp)(ext, imageExtensions[i]) == 0 )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ static Bool IsImage( ctmbstr iType )
* IsSoundFile
* Checks if the given filename is a sound file.
* Returns 'yes' if it is, 'no' if it's not.
* Returns 'aye' if it is, 'no' if it's not.
static int IsSoundFile( ctmbstr sType )
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ static int IsSoundFile( ctmbstr sType )
* The 'SRC' extension must end in ".htm", ".html", ".shtm", ".shtml",
* ".cfm", ".cfml", ".asp", ".cgi", ".pl", or ".smil"
* Returns yes if it is, returns no otherwise.
* Returns aye if it is, returns no otherwise.
static Bool IsValidSrcExtension( ctmbstr sType )
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static Bool IsValidSrcExtension( ctmbstr sType )
for (i = 0; i < N_FRAME_EXTS; i++)
if ( TY_(tmbstrcasecmp)(ext, frameExtensions[i]) == 0 )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ static Bool IsValidMediaExtension( ctmbstr sType )
for (i = 0; i < N_MEDIA_EXTS; i++)
if ( TY_(tmbstrcasecmp)(ext, mediaExtensions[i]) == 0 )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ static Bool IsValidMediaExtension( ctmbstr sType )
* IsWhitespace
* Checks if the given string is all whitespace.
* Returns 'yes' if it is, 'no' if it's not.
* Returns 'aye' if it is, 'no' if it's not.
static Bool IsWhitespace( ctmbstr pString )
Bool isWht = yes;
Bool isWht = aye;
ctmbstr cp;
for ( cp = pString; isWht && cp && *cp; ++cp )
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ static Bool hasValue( AttVal* av )
* Checks to see if there is an image and photo place holder contained
* in the ALT text.
* Returns 'yes' if there is, 'no' if not.
* Returns 'aye' if there is, 'no' if not.
static Bool IsPlaceholderAlt( ctmbstr txt )
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static Bool IsPlaceholderAlt( ctmbstr txt )
* Checks to see if there is an TITLE place holder contained
* in the 'ALT' text.
* Returns 'yes' if there is, 'no' if not.
* Returns 'aye' if there is, 'no' if not.
static Bool IsPlaceHolderTitle( ctmbstr txt )
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ static Bool IsPlaceHolderTitle( ctmbstr txt )
* Checks to see if there is an OBJECT place holder contained
* in the 'ALT' text.
* Returns 'yes' if there is, 'no' if not.
* Returns 'aye' if there is, 'no' if not.
static Bool IsPlaceHolderObject( ctmbstr txt )
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ static Bool IsPlaceHolderObject( ctmbstr txt )
* EndsWithBytes
* Checks to see if the ALT text ends with 'bytes'
* Returns 'yes', if true, 'no' otherwise.
* Returns 'aye', if true, 'no' otherwise.
static Bool EndsWithBytes( ctmbstr txt )
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ static void CheckColorContrast( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (Level3_Enabled( doc ))
Bool gotBG = yes;
Bool gotBG = aye;
AttVal* av;
/* Check for 'BGCOLOR' first to compare with other color attributes */
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ static Bool GetRgb( ctmbstr color, int rgb[] )
rgb[0] = colorValues[x][0];
rgb[1] = colorValues[x][1];
rgb[2] = colorValues[x][2];
return yes;
return aye;
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ static Bool GetRgb( ctmbstr color, int rgb[] )
rgb[0] = (ctox(color[1]) * 16) + ctox(color[2]);
rgb[1] = (ctox(color[3]) * 16) + ctox(color[4]);
rgb[2] = (ctox(color[5]) * 16) + ctox(color[6]);
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -701,30 +701,30 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
(EndsWithBytes (av->value) == no) &&
(IsImage (av->value) == no))
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
else if (TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) > 150)
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, IMG_ALT_SUSPICIOUS_TOO_LONG );
else if (IsImage (av->value) == yes)
else if (IsImage (av->value) == aye)
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, IMG_ALT_SUSPICIOUS_FILENAME);
else if (IsPlaceholderAlt (av->value) == yes)
else if (IsPlaceholderAlt (av->value) == aye)
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, IMG_ALT_SUSPICIOUS_PLACEHOLDER);
else if (EndsWithBytes (av->value) == yes)
else if (EndsWithBytes (av->value) == aye)
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, IMG_ALT_SUSPICIOUS_FILE_SIZE);
@ -744,10 +744,10 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
int width = atoi( av->value );
if ( width < 30 )
HasValidWidthBullet = yes;
HasValidWidthBullet = aye;
if ( width > 150 )
HasValidWidthHR = yes;
HasValidWidthHR = aye;
@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* Longdesc attribute needed if height attribute not present. */
if ( hasValue(av) && atoi(av->value) < 30 )
HasValidHeight = yes;
HasValidHeight = aye;
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
else if ( attrIsLONGDESC(av) )
if ( hasValue(av) && TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) > 1 )
HasLongDesc = yes;
HasLongDesc = aye;
@ -782,12 +782,12 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
else if ( attrIsUSEMAP(av) )
if ( hasValue(av) )
doc->access.HasUseMap = yes;
doc->access.HasUseMap = aye;
else if ( attrIsISMAP(av) )
HasIsMap = yes;
HasIsMap = aye;
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ((TY_(tmbstrcmp)(word,"d") == 0)||
(TY_(tmbstrcmp)(word,"D") == 0))
HasDLINK = yes;
HasDLINK = aye;
@ -846,21 +846,21 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ((TY_(tmbstrcmp)(word, "d") == 0)||
(TY_(tmbstrcmp)(word, "D") == 0))
HasDLINK = yes;
HasDLINK = aye;
if ((HasAlt == no)&&
(HasValidWidthBullet == yes)&&
(HasValidHeight == yes))
(HasValidWidthBullet == aye)&&
(HasValidHeight == aye))
if ((HasAlt == no)&&
(HasValidWidthHR == yes)&&
(HasValidHeight == yes))
(HasValidWidthHR == aye)&&
(HasValidHeight == aye))
@ -870,22 +870,22 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ((HasLongDesc == no)&&
(HasValidHeight ==yes)&&
((HasValidWidthHR == yes)||
(HasValidWidthBullet == yes)))
(HasValidHeight ==aye)&&
((HasValidWidthHR == aye)||
(HasValidWidthBullet == aye)))
HasTriggeredMissingLongDesc = yes;
HasTriggeredMissingLongDesc = aye;
if (HasTriggeredMissingLongDesc == no)
if ((HasDLINK == yes)&&
if ((HasDLINK == aye)&&
(HasLongDesc == no))
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, IMG_MISSING_LONGDESC);
if ((HasLongDesc == yes)&&
if ((HasLongDesc == aye)&&
(HasDLINK == no))
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, IMG_MISSING_DLINK);
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ static void CheckImage( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (HasIsMap == yes)
if (HasIsMap == aye)
@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ static void CheckApplet( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (av->value != NULL)
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ static void CheckApplet( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( word != NULL && !IsWhitespace(word) )
HasDescription = yes;
HasDescription = aye;
@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ static void CheckObject( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( attrIsALT(av) )
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ static void CheckObject( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( word != NULL && !IsWhitespace(word) )
HasDescription = yes;
HasDescription = aye;
@ -1120,20 +1120,20 @@ static void CheckFrame( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
else if ( attrIsTITLE(av) )
if ( hasValue(av) )
HasTitle = yes;
HasTitle = aye;
if ( !HasTitle )
if ( av->value == NULL || TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) == 0 )
HasTitle = yes;
HasTitle = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, FRAME_TITLE_INVALID_NULL);
if ( IsWhitespace(av->value) && TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) > 0 )
HasTitle = yes;
HasTitle = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, FRAME_TITLE_INVALID_SPACES );
@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@ static void CheckAnchorAccess( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* Must contain at least one letter in the text */
if (IsWhitespace (word) == no)
HasDescription = yes;
HasDescription = aye;
@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ static void CheckAnchorAccess( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (TY_(tmbstrcmp) (word, "more") == 0)
HasTriggeredLink = yes;
HasTriggeredLink = aye;
if (TY_(tmbstrcmp) (word, "click here") == 0)
@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ static void CheckArea( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* The check for validity */
if (av->value != NULL)
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ static void CheckRows( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( nodeIsTH(node->content) )
doc->access.HasTH = yes;
doc->access.HasTH = aye;
if ( TY_(nodeIsText)(node->content->content) )
ctmbstr word = textFromOneNode( doc, node->content->content);
@ -1420,13 +1420,13 @@ static void CheckRows( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (numTR == numValidTH)
doc->access.HasValidRowHeaders = yes;
doc->access.HasValidRowHeaders = aye;
if ( numTR >= 2 &&
numTR > numValidTH &&
numValidTH >= 2 &&
doc->access.HasTH == yes )
doc->access.HasInvalidRowHeader = yes;
doc->access.HasTH == aye )
doc->access.HasInvalidRowHeader = aye;
@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ static void CheckColumns( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* Table must have row of headers if headers for columns don't exist */
if ( nodeIsTH(node->content) )
doc->access.HasTH = yes;
doc->access.HasTH = aye;
for ( tnode = node->content; tnode; tnode = tnode->next )
@ -1463,16 +1463,16 @@ static void CheckColumns( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
isMissingHeader = yes;
isMissingHeader = aye;
if ( !isMissingHeader && numTH > 0 )
doc->access.HasValidColumnHeaders = yes;
doc->access.HasValidColumnHeaders = aye;
if ( isMissingHeader && numTH >= 2 )
doc->access.HasInvalidColumnHeader = yes;
doc->access.HasInvalidColumnHeader = aye;
@ -1501,20 +1501,20 @@ static void CheckTH( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ((av->value != NULL)&&
(IsWhitespace (av->value) == no))
HasAbbr = yes;
HasAbbr = aye;
if ((av->value == NULL)||
(TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) == 0))
HasAbbr = yes;
HasAbbr = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, TABLE_MAY_REQUIRE_HEADER_ABBR_NULL);
if ((IsWhitespace (av->value) == yes)&&
if ((IsWhitespace (av->value) == aye)&&
(TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) > 0))
HasAbbr = yes;
HasAbbr = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessWarning)( doc, node, TABLE_MAY_REQUIRE_HEADER_ABBR_SPACES);
@ -1551,8 +1551,8 @@ static void CheckMultiHeaders( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
Node* TNode;
Node* temp;
Bool validColSpanRows = yes;
Bool validColSpanColumns = yes;
Bool validColSpanRows = aye;
Bool validColSpanColumns = aye;
int flag = 0;
@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ static void CheckTable( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( hasValue(av) )
HasSummary = yes;
HasSummary = aye;
if (AttrContains(av, "summary") &&
AttrContains(av, "table"))
@ -1668,12 +1668,12 @@ static void CheckTable( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( av->value == NULL || TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) == 0 )
HasSummary = yes;
HasSummary = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, TABLE_SUMMARY_INVALID_NULL );
else if ( IsWhitespace(av->value) && TY_(tmbstrlen)(av->value) > 0 )
HasSummary = yes;
HasSummary = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, TABLE_SUMMARY_INVALID_SPACES );
@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ static void CheckTable( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( !IsWhitespace(word) )
HasCaption = yes;
HasCaption = aye;
@ -1880,11 +1880,11 @@ static void CheckASCII( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (newLines >= 6 || matchingCount >= 5)
IsAscii = yes;
IsAscii = aye;
/* Checks for skip over link if ASCII art is present */
if (IsAscii == yes)
if (IsAscii == aye)
if (node->prev != NULL && node->prev->prev != NULL)
@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ static void CheckASCII( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (IsAscii == yes)
if (IsAscii == aye)
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, ASCII_REQUIRES_DESCRIPTION);
if (Level3_Enabled( doc ) && (HasSkipOverLink < 2))
@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ static void CheckLabel( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* Checks for valid 'FOR' attribute */
AttVal* av = attrGetFOR( node );
if ( hasValue(av) )
doc->access.HasValidFor = yes;
doc->access.HasValidFor = aye;
if ( ++doc->access.ForID == 2 )
@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ static void CheckInputLabel( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* Must have valid 'ID' value */
if ( attrIsID(av) && hasValue(av) )
doc->access.HasValidId = yes;
doc->access.HasValidId = aye;
if ( ++doc->access.ForID == 2 )
@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@ static void CheckInputAttributes( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (AttrValueIs(av, "image"))
MustHaveAlt = yes;
MustHaveAlt = aye;
@ -2061,7 +2061,7 @@ static void CheckInputAttributes( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( attrIsALT(av) && hasValue(av) )
HasAlt = yes;
HasAlt = aye;
@ -2097,7 +2097,7 @@ static void CheckFrameSet( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( nodeIsNOFRAMES(temp) )
HasNoFrames = yes;
HasNoFrames = aye;
if ( temp->content && nodeIsP(temp->content->content) )
@ -2161,7 +2161,7 @@ static void CheckHeaderNesting( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (numWords > 20)
NeedsDescription = yes;
NeedsDescription = aye;
@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@ static void CheckHeaderNesting( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( TY_(nodeIsHeader)(node) )
uint level = TY_(nodeHeaderLevel)( node );
IsValidIncrease = yes;
IsValidIncrease = aye;
for ( temp = node->next; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next )
@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@ static void CheckParagraphHeader( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if (temp->tag == NULL)
IsNotHeader = yes;
IsNotHeader = aye;
@ -2285,7 +2285,7 @@ static void CheckHTMLAccess( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
AttVal* av = attrGetLANG( node );
if ( av )
ValidLang = yes;
ValidLang = aye;
if ( !hasValue(av) )
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, LANGUAGE_INVALID );
@ -2367,12 +2367,12 @@ static void CheckLink( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( attrIsREL(av) && hasValue(av) )
if (AttrContains(av, "stylesheet"))
HasRel = yes;
HasRel = aye;
if ( attrIsTYPE(av) && hasValue(av) )
HasType = yes;
HasType = aye;
@ -2709,24 +2709,24 @@ static Bool CheckMetaData( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Bool HasMetaData )
if ( attrIsHTTP_EQUIV(av) && hasValue(av) )
ContainsAttr = yes;
ContainsAttr = aye;
/* Must not have an auto-refresh */
if (AttrValueIs(av, "refresh"))
HasHttpEquiv = yes;
HasHttpEquiv = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, REMOVE_AUTO_REFRESH );
if ( attrIsCONTENT(av) && hasValue(av) )
ContainsAttr = yes;
ContainsAttr = aye;
/* If the value is not an integer, then it must not be a URL */
if ( TY_(tmbstrncmp)(av->value, "http:", 5) == 0)
HasContent = yes;
HasContent = aye;
TY_(ReportAccessError)( doc, node, REMOVE_AUTO_REDIRECT);
@ -2734,13 +2734,13 @@ static Bool CheckMetaData( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Bool HasMetaData )
if ( HasContent || HasHttpEquiv )
HasMetaData = yes;
HasMetaData = aye;
if ( ContainsAttr && !HasContent && !HasHttpEquiv )
HasMetaData = yes;
HasMetaData = aye;
@ -2748,7 +2748,7 @@ static Bool CheckMetaData( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Bool HasMetaData )
nodeIsADDRESS(node) &&
nodeIsA(node->content) )
HasMetaData = yes;
HasMetaData = aye;
if ( !HasMetaData &&
@ -2757,14 +2757,14 @@ static Bool CheckMetaData( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Bool HasMetaData )
ctmbstr word = textFromOneNode( doc, node->content );
if ( !IsWhitespace(word) )
HasMetaData = yes;
HasMetaData = aye;
if( !HasMetaData && nodeIsLINK(node) )
AttVal* av = attrGetREL(node);
if( !AttrContains(av, "stylesheet") )
HasMetaData = yes;
HasMetaData = aye;
/* Check for MetaData */


@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ static TidyPanic g_panic = NULL;
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetMallocCall( TidyMalloc fmalloc )
g_malloc = fmalloc;
return yes;
return aye;
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReallocCall( TidyRealloc frealloc )
g_realloc = frealloc;
return yes;
return aye;
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetFreeCall( TidyFree ffree )
g_free = ffree;
return yes;
return aye;
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetPanicCall( TidyPanic fpanic )
g_panic = fpanic;
return yes;
return aye;
static void TIDY_CALL defaultPanic( TidyAllocator* ARG_UNUSED(allocator), ctmbstr msg )


@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ static const Attribute attribute_defs [] =
{ TidyAttr_RULES, "rules", CH_TRULES }, /* TABLE */
{ TidyAttr_SCHEME, "scheme", CH_PCDATA }, /* META */
{ TidyAttr_SCOPE, "scope", CH_SCOPE }, /* table cells */
{ TidyAttr_SCROLLING, "scrolling", CH_SCROLL }, /* yes, no or auto */
{ TidyAttr_SCROLLING, "scrolling", CH_SCROLL }, /* aye, no or auto */
{ TidyAttr_SELECTED, "selected", CH_BOOL }, /* OPTION */
{ TidyAttr_SHAPE, "shape", CH_SHAPE }, /* AREA, A */
{ TidyAttr_SHOWGRID, "showgrid", CH_BOOL }, /* TABLE Adobe golive */
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ Bool TY_(AttributeIsProprietary)(Node* node, AttVal* attval)
if (AttributeVersions(node, attval) & VERS_ALL)
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
/* returns true if the element is a W3C defined element
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ Bool TY_(AttributeIsMismatched)(Node* node, AttVal* attval, TidyDocImpl* doc)
if (AttributeVersions(node, attval) & doctype)
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsAnchorElement)( TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node* node)
tid == TidyTag_IFRAME ||
tid == TidyTag_IMG ||
tid == TidyTag_MAP )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsAnchorElement)( TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node* node)
Bool TY_(IsCSS1Selector)( ctmbstr buf )
Bool valid = yes;
Bool valid = aye;
int esclen = 0;
byte c;
int pos;
@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ void TY_(RepairDuplicateAttributes)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Bool isXml )
temp = first->next;
TY_(ReportAttrError)( doc, node, first, REPEATED_ATTRIBUTE);
TY_(RemoveAttribute)( doc, node, first );
firstRedefined = yes;
firstRedefined = aye;
first = temp;
second = second->next;
@ -1376,11 +1376,11 @@ const Attribute* TY_(CheckAttribute)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attv
if (attrIsXML_LANG(attval) || attrIsXML_SPACE(attval))
doc->lexer->isvoyager = yes;
doc->lexer->isvoyager = aye;
if (!cfgBool(doc, TidyHtmlOut))
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes);
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXmlOut, yes);
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXhtmlOut, aye);
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXmlOut, aye);
@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsBoolAttribute)(AttVal *attval)
const Attribute *attribute = ( attval ? attval->dict : NULL );
if ( attribute && attribute->attrchk == CH_BOOL )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ static void CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attva
if (TY_(IsUpper)(*p)) /* #501230 - fix by Terry Teague - 09 Jan 02 */
hasUpper = yes;
hasUpper = aye;
@ -1518,12 +1518,12 @@ void TY_(CheckUrl)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
pos += sprintf( dest + pos, "%%%02X", (byte)c );
hadnonspace = yes;
hadnonspace = aye;
hadnonspace = yes;
hadnonspace = aye;
dest[pos++] = c;
@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsValidHTMLID)(ctmbstr id)
if (TY_(IsHTMLSpace)(*s++))
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsValidXMLID)(ctmbstr id)
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
static Bool IsValidNMTOKEN(ctmbstr name)
@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ static Bool IsValidNMTOKEN(ctmbstr name)
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
static Bool AttrValueIsAmong(AttVal *attval, ctmbstr const list[])
@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ static Bool AttrValueIsAmong(AttVal *attval, ctmbstr const list[])
const ctmbstr *v;
for (v = list; *v; ++v)
if (AttrValueIs(attval, *v))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@ static Bool IsValidColorCode(ctmbstr color)
if (!TY_(IsDigit)(color[i]) && !strchr("abcdef", TY_(ToLower)(color[i])))
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
/* check color syntax and beautify value by option */
@ -1993,7 +1993,7 @@ void CheckVType( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
/* checks scrolling attribute */
void CheckScroll( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
ctmbstr const values[] = {"no", "auto", "yes", NULL};
ctmbstr const values[] = {"no", "auto", "aye", NULL};
CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );


@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ static struct _charsetInfo
{ 54, "roman8", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 54, "r8", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 54, "cshproman8", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 55, "hz-gb-2312", 52936, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 55, "hz-gb-2312", 52936, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 56, "ibm-symbols", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 56, "csibmsymbols", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 57, "ibm-thai", 20838, no }, /* IANA */
@ -486,14 +486,14 @@ static struct _charsetInfo
{ 122, "csunicodelatin1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 123, "iso-10646-utf-1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 123, "csiso10646utf1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 124, "iso-2022-cn", 0, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 125, "iso-2022-cn-ext", 0, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 126, "iso-2022-jp", 50220, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 126, "csiso2022jp", 50220, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 127, "iso-2022-jp-2", 0, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 127, "csiso2022jp2", 0, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 128, "iso-2022-kr", 50225, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 128, "csiso2022kr", 50225, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 124, "iso-2022-cn", 0, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 125, "iso-2022-cn-ext", 0, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 126, "iso-2022-jp", 50220, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 126, "csiso2022jp", 50220, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 127, "iso-2022-jp-2", 0, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 127, "csiso2022jp2", 0, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 128, "iso-2022-kr", 50225, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 128, "csiso2022kr", 50225, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 129, "iso-8859-1-windows-3.0-latin-1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 129, "cswindows30latin1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 130, "iso-8859-1-windows-3.1-latin-1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
@ -859,9 +859,9 @@ static struct _charsetInfo
{ 217, "dos-874", 874, no }, /* MICROSOFT */
{ 218, "unicode-1-1", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 218, "csunicode11", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 219, "unicode-1-1-utf-7", 65000, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 219, "csunicode11utf7", 65000, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 219, "x-unicode-2-0-utf-7", 65000, yes }, /* MICROSOFT */
{ 219, "unicode-1-1-utf-7", 65000, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 219, "csunicode11utf7", 65000, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 219, "x-unicode-2-0-utf-7", 65000, aye }, /* MICROSOFT */
{ 220, "unknown-8bit", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 220, "csunknown8bit", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 221, "us-dk", 0, no }, /* IANA */
@ -875,8 +875,8 @@ static struct _charsetInfo
{ 225, "utf-32", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 226, "utf-32be", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 227, "utf-32le", 0, no }, /* IANA */
{ 228, "utf-7", 65000, yes }, /* IANA */
{ 228, "x-unicode-2-0-utf-7", 65000, yes }, /* MICROSOFT */
{ 228, "utf-7", 65000, aye }, /* IANA */
{ 228, "x-unicode-2-0-utf-7", 65000, aye }, /* MICROSOFT */
{ 229, "utf-8", 65001, no }, /* IANA */
{ 229, "unicode-2-0-utf-8", 65001, no }, /* MICROSOFT */
{ 229, "unicode-1-1-utf-8", 65001, no }, /* MICROSOFT */


@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ static StyleProp* CreateProps( TidyDocImpl* doc, StyleProp* prop, ctmbstr style
if (*value_end == ';')
more = yes;
more =aye;
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ static Bool NiceBody( TidyDocImpl* doc )
return yes;
return aye;
/* create style element using rules from dictionary */
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ static void CreateStyleElement( TidyDocImpl* doc )
node = TY_(NewNode)( doc->allocator, lexer );
node->type = StartTag;
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit =aye;
node->element = TY_(tmbstrdup)(doc->allocator, "style");
TY_(FindTag)( doc, node );
@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ static Bool Dir2Div( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **ARG_UNUSED(pnode))
node->element = TY_(tmbstrdup)(doc->allocator, "div");
TY_(AddStyleProperty)( doc, node, "margin-left: 2em" );
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1033,12 +1033,12 @@ static Bool Center2Div( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **pnode)
TY_(InsertNodeAtStart)(parent, node);
return yes;
return aye;
#endif // 00000000 what is this doing inside an nodeIsCENTER(node)??? 0000000
RenameElem( doc, node, TidyTag_DIV );
TY_(AddStyleProperty)( doc, node, "text-align: center" );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ static Bool CopyAttrs( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node *child)
TY_(InsertAttributeAtEnd)( node, av1 );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ static Bool MergeNestedElements( TidyDocImpl* doc,
MergeStyles( doc, node, child );
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ static Bool NestedList( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **pnode )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1221,9 +1221,9 @@ Bool FindCSSSpanEq( Node *node, ctmbstr *s, Bool deprecatedOnly )
{ TidyTag_B, "font-weight: bold", no },
{ TidyTag_I, "font-style: italic", no },
{ TidyTag_S, "text-decoration: line-through", yes},
{ TidyTag_STRIKE, "text-decoration: line-through", yes},
{ TidyTag_U, "text-decoration: underline", yes},
{ TidyTag_S, "text-decoration: line-through",aye},
{ TidyTag_STRIKE, "text-decoration: line-through",aye},
{ TidyTag_U, "text-decoration: underline",aye},
{ TidyTag_UNKNOWN, NULL, no }
uint i;
@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ Bool FindCSSSpanEq( Node *node, ctmbstr *s, Bool deprecatedOnly )
&& TagIsId(node, CSS_SpanEq[i].id) )
*s = CSS_SpanEq[i].CSSeq;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ static Bool CanApplyBlockStyle( Node *node )
&& !nodeIsDIV(node) && !nodeIsP(node)
&& !nodeIsTABLE(node) && !nodeIsTR(node) && !nodeIsLI(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1302,14 +1302,14 @@ static Bool BlockStyle( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **ARG_UNUSED(pnode) )
MergeStyles( doc, node, child );
TY_(AddStyleProperty)( doc, node, CSSeq );
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
return yes;
return aye;
else if ( nodeIsFONT(child) )
MergeStyles( doc, node, child );
AddFontStyles( doc, node, child->attributes );
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1345,14 +1345,14 @@ static Bool InlineStyle( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **ARG_UNUSED(pnode)
MergeStyles( doc, node, child );
TY_(AddStyleProperty)( doc, node, CSSeq );
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
return yes;
return aye;
else if ( nodeIsFONT(child) )
MergeStyles( doc, node, child );
AddFontStyles( doc, node, child->attributes );
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1374,11 +1374,11 @@ static Bool InlineElementToCSS( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node,
|| CanApplyInlineStyle(node->parent)) )
return no;
if ( FindCSSSpanEq(node, &CSSeq, yes) )
if ( FindCSSSpanEq(node, &CSSeq,aye) )
RenameElem( doc, node, TidyTag_SPAN );
TY_(AddStyleProperty)( doc, node, CSSeq );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ static Bool Font2Span( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **pnode )
if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyDropFontTags) )
DiscardContainer( doc, node, pnode );
return yes;
return aye;
/* if node is the only child of parent element then leave alone
@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ static Bool Font2Span( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Node **pnode )
node->attributes = style;
RenameElem( doc, node, TidyTag_SPAN );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ void TY_(List2BQ)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
StripOnlyChild( doc, node );
RenameElem( doc, node, TidyTag_BLOCKQUOTE );
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit =aye;
node = node->next;
@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ static Bool NoMargins(Node *node)
if (!TY_(tmbsubstr)(attval->value, "margin-bottom: 0"))
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
/* does element have a single space as its content? */
@ -1891,14 +1891,14 @@ static Bool SingleSpace( Lexer* lexer, Node* node )
if ( (node->end - node->start) == 1 &&
lexer->lexbuf[node->start] == ' ' )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( (node->end - node->start) == 2 )
uint c = 0;
TY_(GetUTF8)( lexer->lexbuf + node->start, &c );
if ( c == 160 )
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1953,7 +1953,7 @@ void TY_(CleanWord2000)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node)
if (NoMargins(node))
Node *pre, *next;
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_PRE, no, yes);
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_PRE, no,aye);
PurgeWord2000Attributes( doc, node );
@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ void TY_(CleanWord2000)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node)
if (AttrValueIs(attr, "MsoListNumber"))
listType = TidyTag_OL;
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_LI, no, yes);
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_LI, no,aye);
if ( !list || TagId(list) != listType )
@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsWord2000)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
Node *html = TY_(FindHTML)( doc );
if (html && TY_(GetAttrByName)(html, "xmlns:o"))
return yes;
return aye;
/* search for <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft ..."> */
head = TY_(FindHEAD)( doc );
@ -2143,7 +2143,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsWord2000)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
attval = TY_(AttrGetById)( node, TidyAttr_CONTENT );
if ( AttrContains(attval, "Microsoft") )
return yes;
return aye;
@ -2184,7 +2184,7 @@ void TY_(BumpObject)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *html )
if ( (TY_(nodeIsText)(child) && !TY_(IsBlank)(doc->lexer, node))
|| !nodeIsPARAM(child) )
bump = yes;
bump =aye;
@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ void FixBrakes( TidyDocImpl* pDoc, Node *pParent )
if ( NULL == pNode->attributes && no == bBRDeleted )
TY_(DiscardElement)( pDoc, pNode );
bBRDeleted = yes;
bBRDeleted =aye;
@ -2641,7 +2641,7 @@ void TY_(FixAnchors)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Bool wantName, Bool wantId)
if (TY_(IsValidHTMLID)(name->value))
TY_(RepairAttrValue)(doc, node, "id", name->value);
IdEmitted = yes;
IdEmitted =aye;
TY_(ReportAttrError)(doc, node, name, INVALID_XML_ID);
@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@ void TY_(FixAnchors)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, Bool wantName, Bool wantId)
/* todo: do not assume id is valid */
TY_(RepairAttrValue)(doc, node, "name", id->value);
NameEmitted = yes;
NameEmitted =aye;


@ -233,12 +233,12 @@ static const TidyOptionImpl option_defs[] =
{ TidyErrFile, MS, "error-file", ST, 0, ParseString, NULL },
{ TidyOutFile, MS, "output-file", ST, 0, ParseString, NULL },
{ TidyWriteBack, MS, "write-back", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowMarkup, PP, "markup", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowInfo, DG, "show-info", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowWarnings, DG, "show-warnings", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowMarkup, PP, "markup", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowInfo, DG, "show-info", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowWarnings, DG, "show-warnings", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyQuiet, MS, "quiet", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyIndentContent, PP, "indent", IN, TidyNoState, ParseAutoBool, autoBoolPicks },
{ TidyCoerceEndTags, MU, "coerce-endtags", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyCoerceEndTags, MU, "coerce-endtags", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyOmitOptionalTags, MU, "omit-optional-tags", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyHideEndTags, MU, "hide-endtags", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyXmlTags, MU, "input-xml", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ static const TidyOptionImpl option_defs[] =
{ TidyLogicalEmphasis, MU, "logical-emphasis", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyDropPropAttrs, MU, "drop-proprietary-attributes", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyDropFontTags, MU, "drop-font-tags", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyDropEmptyElems, MU, "drop-empty-elements", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyDropEmptyParas, MU, "drop-empty-paras", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyFixComments, MU, "fix-bad-comments", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyDropEmptyElems, MU, "drop-empty-elements", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyDropEmptyParas, MU, "drop-empty-paras", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyFixComments, MU, "fix-bad-comments", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyBreakBeforeBR, PP, "break-before-br", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
/* obsolete */
@ -264,15 +264,15 @@ static const TidyOptionImpl option_defs[] =
{ TidyNumEntities, MU, "numeric-entities", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyQuoteMarks, MU, "quote-marks", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyQuoteNbsp, MU, "quote-nbsp", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyQuoteAmpersand, MU, "quote-ampersand", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyQuoteNbsp, MU, "quote-nbsp", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyQuoteAmpersand, MU, "quote-ampersand", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapAttVals, PP, "wrap-attributes", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapScriptlets, PP, "wrap-script-literals", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapSection, PP, "wrap-sections", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapAsp, PP, "wrap-asp", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapJste, PP, "wrap-jste", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapPhp, PP, "wrap-php", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyFixBackslash, MU, "fix-backslash", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapSection, PP, "wrap-sections", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapAsp, PP, "wrap-asp", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapJste, PP, "wrap-jste", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWrapPhp, PP, "wrap-php", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyFixBackslash, MU, "fix-backslash", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyIndentAttributes, PP, "indent-attributes", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyXmlPIs, MU, "assume-xml-procins", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyXmlSpace, MU, "add-xml-space", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
@ -280,24 +280,24 @@ static const TidyOptionImpl option_defs[] =
{ TidyEncloseBlockText, MU, "enclose-block-text", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyKeepFileTimes, MS, "keep-time", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyWord2000, MU, "word-2000", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyMark, MS, "tidy-mark", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyMark, MS, "tidy-mark", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyEmacs, MS, "gnu-emacs", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyEmacsFile, MS, "gnu-emacs-file", ST, 0, ParseString, NULL },
{ TidyLiteralAttribs, MU, "literal-attributes", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyBodyOnly, MU, "show-body-only", IN, no, ParseAutoBool, autoBoolPicks },
{ TidyFixUri, MU, "fix-uri", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyLowerLiterals, MU, "lower-literals", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyFixUri, MU, "fix-uri", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyLowerLiterals, MU, "lower-literals", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyHideComments, MU, "hide-comments", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyIndentCdata, MU, "indent-cdata", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyForceOutput, MS, "force-output", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyShowErrors, DG, "show-errors", IN, 6, ParseInt, NULL },
{ TidyAsciiChars, CE, "ascii-chars", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyJoinClasses, MU, "join-classes", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyJoinStyles, MU, "join-styles", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyJoinStyles, MU, "join-styles", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyEscapeCdata, MU, "escape-cdata", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyLanguage, CE, "language", ST, 0, ParseName, NULL },
{ TidyNCR, MU, "ncr", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyNCR, MU, "ncr", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyOutputBOM, CE, "output-bom", IN, TidyAutoState, ParseAutoBool, autoBoolPicks },
@ -313,17 +313,17 @@ static const TidyOptionImpl option_defs[] =
{ TidyPunctWrap, PP, "punctuation-wrap", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyMergeEmphasis, MU, "merge-emphasis", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyMergeEmphasis, MU, "merge-emphasis", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyMergeDivs, MU, "merge-divs", IN, TidyAutoState, ParseAutoBool, autoBoolPicks },
{ TidyDecorateInferredUL, MU, "decorate-inferred-ul", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyPreserveEntities, MU, "preserve-entities", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidySortAttributes, PP, "sort-attributes", IN, TidySortAttrNone,ParseSorter, sorterPicks },
{ TidyMergeSpans, MU, "merge-spans", IN, TidyAutoState, ParseAutoBool, autoBoolPicks },
{ TidyAnchorAsName, MU, "anchor-as-name", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyAnchorAsName, MU, "anchor-as-name", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks },
{ TidyPPrintTabs, PP, "indent-with-tabs", BL, no, ParseTabs, boolPicks }, /* 20150515 - Issue #108 */
{ TidySkipNested, MU, "skip-nested", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks }, /* 1642186 - Issue #65 */
{ TidySkipNested, MU, "skip-nested", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks }, /* 1642186 - Issue #65 */
{ TidyStrictTagsAttr, MU, "strict-tags-attributes", BL, no, ParseBool, boolPicks }, /* 20160209 - Issue #350 */
{ TidyEscapeScripts, PP, "escape-scripts", BL, yes, ParseBool, boolPicks }, /* 20160227 - Issue #348 */
{ TidyEscapeScripts, PP, "escape-scripts", BL, aye, ParseBool, boolPicks }, /* 20160227 - Issue #348 */
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ static Bool OptionValueIdentical( const TidyOptionImpl* option,
if ( option->type == TidyString )
if ( val1->p == val2->p )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( !val1->p || !val2->p )
return no;
return TY_(tmbstrcmp)( val1->p, val2->p ) == 0;
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ static Bool NeedReparseTagDecls( const TidyOptionValue* current,
if (!OptionValueIdentical(option,&current[ixVal],&new[ixVal])) \
{ \
*changedUserTags |= USERTAGTYPE; \
ret = yes; \
ret = aye; \
} \
@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ int TY_(ParseConfigFileEnc)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr file, ctmbstr charenc )
tmbchar buf[8192];
uint i = 0;
tchar delim = 0;
Bool waswhite = yes;
Bool waswhite = aye;
tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ int TY_(ParseConfigFileEnc)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr file, ctmbstr charenc )
TY_(freeFileSource)(&cfg->cfgIn->source, yes);
TY_(freeFileSource)(&cfg->cfgIn->source, aye);
TY_(freeStreamIn)( cfg->cfgIn );
cfg->cfgIn = NULL;
@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ Bool TY_(AdjustCharEncoding)( TidyDocImpl* doc, int encoding )
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyCharEncoding, encoding );
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyInCharEncoding, inenc );
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyOutCharEncoding, outenc );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ Bool TY_(AdjustCharEncoding)( TidyDocImpl* doc, int encoding )
void AdjustConfig( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyEncloseBlockText) )
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyEncloseBodyText, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyEncloseBodyText, aye );
if ( cfgAutoBool(doc, TidyIndentContent) == TidyNoState )
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyIndentSpaces, 0 );
@ -1037,17 +1037,17 @@ void AdjustConfig( TidyDocImpl* doc )
/* XHTML is written in lower case */
if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyXhtmlOut) )
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlOut, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlOut, aye );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyUpperCaseTags, no );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyUpperCaseAttrs, no );
/* TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlPIs, yes ); */
/* TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlPIs, aye ); */
/* if XML in, then XML out */
if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlTags) )
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlOut, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlPIs, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlOut, aye );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlPIs, aye );
/* #427837 - fix by Dave Raggett 02 Jun 01
@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ void AdjustConfig( TidyDocImpl* doc )
cfg(doc, TidyOutCharEncoding) != RAW &&
cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlOut) )
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlDecl, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlDecl, aye );
/* XML requires end tags */
@ -1074,9 +1074,9 @@ void AdjustConfig( TidyDocImpl* doc )
/* XML requires a BOM on output if using UTF-16 encoding */
ulong enc = cfg( doc, TidyOutCharEncoding );
if ( enc == UTF16LE || enc == UTF16BE || enc == UTF16 )
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyOutputBOM, yes );
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyOutputBOM, aye );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyQuoteAmpersand, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyQuoteAmpersand, aye );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyHideEndTags, no );
@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ Bool ParseInt( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* entry )
while ( TY_(IsDigit)(c) )
number = c - '0' + (10 * number);
digits = yes;
digits = aye;
c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ Bool ParseInt( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* entry )
return digits;
/* true/false or yes/no or 0/1 or "auto" only looks at 1st char */
/* true/false or aye/no or 0/1 or "auto" only looks at 1st char */
static Bool ParseTriState( TidyTriState theState, TidyDocImpl* doc,
const TidyOptionImpl* entry, ulong* flag )
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ static Bool ParseTriState( TidyTriState theState, TidyDocImpl* doc,
tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );
if (c == 't' || c == 'T' || c == 'y' || c == 'Y' || c == '1')
*flag = yes;
*flag = aye;
else if (c == 'f' || c == 'F' || c == 'n' || c == 'N' || c == '0')
*flag = no;
else if (theState == TidyAutoState && (c == 'a' || c =='A'))
@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ static Bool ParseTriState( TidyTriState theState, TidyDocImpl* doc,
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
/* cr, lf or crlf */
@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ Bool ParseCSS1Selector( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
/* Tidy appends last digits. */
SetOptionValue( doc, option->id, buf );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ Bool ParseTabs( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* entry )
ulong flag = 0;
Bool status = ParseTriState( TidyNoState, doc, entry, &flag );
if ( status ) {
Bool tabs = flag != 0 ? yes : no;
Bool tabs = flag != 0 ? aye : no;
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, entry->id, tabs );
if (tabs) {
TY_(SetOptionInt)( doc, TidyIndentSpaces, 1 );
@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ Bool ParseString( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
tmbchar buf[8192];
uint i = 0;
tchar delim = 0;
Bool waswhite = yes;
Bool waswhite = aye;
tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );
@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ Bool ParseString( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
buf[i] = '\0';
SetOptionValue( doc, option->id, buf );
return yes;
return aye;
Bool ParseCharEnc( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ Bool ParseCharEnc( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
tmbchar buf[64] = {0};
uint i = 0;
int enc = ASCII;
Bool validEncoding = yes;
Bool validEncoding = aye;
tchar c = SkipWhite( &doc->config );
while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && !TY_(IsWhite)(c) )
@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ Bool ParseDocType( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
tmbchar buf[ 32 ] = {0};
uint i = 0;
Bool status = yes;
Bool status = aye;
TidyDoctypeModes dtmode = TidyDoctypeAuto;
TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
@ -1530,7 +1530,7 @@ Bool ParseDocType( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
Bool ParseRepeatAttr( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
Bool status = yes;
Bool status = aye;
tmbchar buf[64] = {0};
uint i = 0;
@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ Bool ParseRepeatAttr( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
Bool ParseSorter( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
Bool status = yes;
Bool status = aye;
tmbchar buf[64] = {0};
uint i = 0;
@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ static int SaveConfigToStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, StreamOut* out )
rc = WriteOptionInt( option, val->v, out );
case TidyBoolean:
rc = WriteOptionBool( option, val->v ? yes : no, out );
rc = WriteOptionBool( option, val->v ? aye : no, out );


@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Bool TY_(EntityInfo)( ctmbstr name, Bool isXml, uint* code, uint* versions )
*code = c;
*versions = VERS_ALL;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ Bool TY_(EntityInfo)( ctmbstr name, Bool isXml, uint* code, uint* versions )
*code = np->code;
*versions = np->versions;
return yes;
return aye;
*code = 0;


@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
#include <tidy.h>
#include <tidybuffio.h>
// NOTE: cannot do "using namespace Rcpp;" b/c of annoying warnings about the ambiguity of 'yes'.
Rcpp::CharacterVector tidy_html_int(std::string source, Rcpp::List options,
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::CharacterVector do_the_tidy(std::string source,
Rcpp::List options,
bool show_errors) {
TidyBuffer output = {0};
@ -17,117 +17,117 @@ Rcpp::CharacterVector tidy_html_int(std::string source, Rcpp::List options,
TidyDoc tdoc = tidyCreate();
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyXhtmlOut")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, options["TidyXhtmlOut"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, options["TidyXhtmlOut"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyHtmlOut")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyHtmlOut, options["TidyHtmlOut"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyHtmlOut, options["TidyHtmlOut"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyOmitOptionalTags")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyOmitOptionalTags, options["TidyOmitOptionalTags"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyOmitOptionalTags, options["TidyOmitOptionalTags"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyBreakBeforeBR")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyBreakBeforeBR, options["TidyBreakBeforeBR"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyBreakBeforeBR, options["TidyBreakBeforeBR"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyUpperCaseTags")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyUpperCaseTags, options["TidyUpperCaseTags"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyUpperCaseTags, options["TidyUpperCaseTags"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyUpperCaseAttrs")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyUpperCaseAttrs, options["TidyUpperCaseAttrs"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyUpperCaseAttrs, options["TidyUpperCaseAttrs"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyDropEmptyElems")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyDropEmptyElems, options["TidyDropEmptyElems"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyDropEmptyElems, options["TidyDropEmptyElems"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyDropEmptyParas")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyDropEmptyParas, options["TidyDropEmptyParas"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyDropEmptyParas, options["TidyDropEmptyParas"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyFixComments")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyFixComments, options["TidyFixComments"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyFixComments, options["TidyFixComments"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyLogicalEmphasis")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyLogicalEmphasis, options["TidyLogicalEmphasis"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyLogicalEmphasis, options["TidyLogicalEmphasis"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyBodyOnly")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyBodyOnly, options["TidyBodyOnly"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyBodyOnly, options["TidyBodyOnly"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyHideComments")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyHideComments, options["TidyHideComments"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyHideComments, options["TidyHideComments"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyJoinClasses")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyJoinClasses, options["TidyJoinClasses"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyJoinClasses, options["TidyJoinClasses"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyJoinStyles")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyJoinStyles, options["TidyJoinStyles"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyJoinStyles, options["TidyJoinStyles"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyFixBackslash")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyFixBackslash, options["TidyFixBackslash"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyFixBackslash, options["TidyFixBackslash"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyMark")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMark, options["TidyMark"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMark, options["TidyMark"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyReplaceColor")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyReplaceColor, options["TidyReplaceColor"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyReplaceColor, options["TidyReplaceColor"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyIndentContent")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyIndentContent, options["TidyIndentContent"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyIndentContent, options["TidyIndentContent"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyCoerceEndTags")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyCoerceEndTags, options["TidyCoerceEndTags"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyCoerceEndTags, options["TidyCoerceEndTags"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyMakeBare")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMakeBare, options["TidyMakeBare"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMakeBare, options["TidyMakeBare"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyMakeClean")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMakeClean, options["TidyMakeClean"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyMakeClean, options["TidyMakeClean"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyGDocClean")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyGDocClean, options["TidyGDocClean"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyGDocClean, options["TidyGDocClean"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
if (options.containsElementNamed("TidyWord2000")) {
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyWord2000, options["TidyWord2000"] ? yes : no);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyWord2000, options["TidyWord2000"] ? aye : no);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Rcpp::CharacterVector tidy_html_int(std::string source, Rcpp::List options,
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, yes);
ok = tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, aye);
if (ok == no) Rcpp::stop("Error setting TidyHTML options");
rc = tidySetErrorBuffer(tdoc, &errbuf);


@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
Check these declarations against the C/Fortran source code.
/* .Call calls */
extern SEXP htmltidy_tidy_html_int(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
{"htmltidy_tidy_html_int", (DL_FUNC) &htmltidy_tidy_html_int, 3},
void R_init_htmltidy(DllInfo *dll)
R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);


@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static Bool IsNodePushable( Node *node )
if (nodeIsINS(node) || nodeIsDEL(node))
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsPushed)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
for (i = lexer->istacksize - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (lexer->istack[i].tag == node->tag)
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsPushedLast)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, Node *node )
if (lexer->istacksize > 0) {
if (lexer->istack[lexer->istacksize - 1].tag == node->tag) {
return yes;
return aye;
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Node *TY_(InsertedToken)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
node = TY_(NewNode)(doc->allocator, lexer);
node->type = StartTag;
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit = aye;
node->start = lexer->txtstart;
/* #431734 [JTidy bug #226261 (was 126261)] - fix by Gary Peskin 20 Dec 00 */
node->end = lexer->txtend; /* was : lexer->txtstart; */
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ Node *TY_(InsertedToken)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
but, like the browser, the second should be retained ...
Like <b>bold <i>bold and italics</b> italics only</i>
This function switches the tag positions on the stack,
returning 'yes' if both were found in the expected order.
returning 'aye' if both were found in the expected order.
Bool TY_(SwitchInline)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* element, Node* node )
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Bool TY_(SwitchInline)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* element, Node* node )
IStack tmp_istack = *istack2;
*istack2 = *istack1;
*istack1 = tmp_istack;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Bool TY_(SwitchInline)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* element, Node* node )
We want to push a specific a specific element on the stack,
but it may not be the last element, which InlineDup()
would handle. Return yes, if found and inserted.
would handle. Return aye, if found and inserted.
Bool TY_(InlineDup1)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Node* element )
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ Bool TY_(InlineDup1)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, Node* element )
/* found our element tag - insert it */
lexer->insert = &(lexer->istack[i]);
lexer->inode = node;
return yes;
return aye;


@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
/* #define DEBUG_ALLOCATION special EXTRA allocation debug information - VERY NOISY */
static void check_me(char *name);
static Bool show_attrs = yes;
static Bool show_attrs = aye;
#define MX_TXT 8
static char buffer[(MX_TXT*4)+8]; /* NOTE extra for '...'\0 tail */
static tmbstr get_text_string(Lexer* lexer, Node *node)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ static tmbstr get_text_string(Lexer* lexer, Node *node)
} else if ( c == ' ' ) {
if (!insp)
buffer[i++] = c;
insp = yes;
insp = aye;
} else {
buffer[i++] = c;
insp = no;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ static tmbstr get_text_string(Lexer* lexer, Node *node)
} else if ( c == ' ' ) {
if (!insp)
buffer[i++] = c;
insp = yes;
insp = aye;
} else {
buffer[i++] = c;
insp = no;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ static tmbstr get_text_string(Lexer* lexer, Node *node)
} else if ( c == ' ' ) {
if (!insp)
buffer[i++] = c;
insp = yes;
insp = aye;
} else {
buffer[i++] = c;
insp = no;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ static tmbstr get_text_string(Lexer* lexer, Node *node)
static void Show_Node( TidyDocImpl* doc, const char *msg, Node *node )
Lexer* lexer = doc->lexer;
Bool lex = ((msg[0] == 'l')&&(msg[1] == 'e')) ? yes : no;
Bool lex = ((msg[0] == 'l')&&(msg[1] == 'e')) ? aye : no;
int line = ( doc->lexer ? doc->lexer->lines : 0 );
int col = ( doc->lexer ? doc->lexer->columns : 0 );
tmbstr src = lex ? "lexer" : "stream";
@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ int TY_(HTMLVersion)(TidyDocImpl* doc)
Bool xhtml = (cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlOut) || doc->lexer->isvoyager) &&
!cfgBool(doc, TidyHtmlOut);
Bool html4 = ((dtmode == TidyDoctypeStrict) || (dtmode == TidyDoctypeLoose) ||
(VERS_FROM40 & dtver) ? yes : no);
(VERS_FROM40 & dtver) ? aye : no);
Bool html5 = (!html4 && ((dtmode == TidyDoctypeAuto) ||
(dtmode == TidyDoctypeHtml5)) ? yes : no);
(dtmode == TidyDoctypeHtml5)) ? aye : no);
if (xhtml && dtver == VERS_UNKNOWN) return XH50;
if (dtver == VERS_UNKNOWN) return HT50;
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ void TY_(ConstrainVersion)(TidyDocImpl* doc, uint vers)
doc->lexer->versions &= (vers | VERS_PROPRIETARY);
if (curr != doc->lexer->versions) { /* only if different */
if (!dnfirst) {
dnfirst = yes;
dnfirst = aye;
vcur[0] = 0;
add_vers_string( vcur, curr );
@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ static void ParseEntity( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
if ( c == ';' )
semicolon = yes;
semicolon = aye;
@ -1144,10 +1144,10 @@ static void ParseEntity( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
if (( mode == OtherNamespace ) && ( c == ';' ))
/* #130 MathML attr and entity fix! */
found = yes;
found = aye;
ch = 255;
entver = XH50|HT50;
preserveEntities = yes;
preserveEntities = aye;
@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ Bool TY_(AddGenerator)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
TY_(AddAttribute)( doc, node, "name", "generator" );
TY_(AddAttribute)( doc, node, "content", buf );
TY_(InsertNodeAtStart)( head, node );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -1745,9 +1745,9 @@ static uint FindGivenVersion( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* doctype )
if (VERS_XHTML & vers)
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXmlOut, yes);
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes);
doc->lexer->isvoyager = yes;
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXmlOut, aye);
TY_(SetOptionBool)(doc, TidyXhtmlOut, aye);
doc->lexer->isvoyager = aye;
/* todo: add a warning if case does not match? */
@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ Bool TY_(WarnMissingSIInEmittedDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if ( (doctype = TY_(FindDocType)( doc )) != NULL
&& TY_(GetAttrByName)(doctype, "SYSTEM") == NULL )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ Bool TY_(SetXHTMLDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if (doctype)
TY_(DiscardElement)(doc, doctype);
return yes;
return aye;
if (dtmode == TidyDoctypeUser && !cfgStr(doc, TidyDoctype))
@ -1884,14 +1884,14 @@ Bool TY_(SetXHTMLDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
case TidyDoctypeAuto:
if (lexer->doctype == VERS_UNKNOWN || lexer->doctype == VERS_HTML5) {
lexer->versionEmitted = XH50;
return yes;
return aye;
else if (lexer->versions & XH11 && lexer->doctype == XH11)
if (!TY_(GetAttrByName)(doctype, sys))
TY_(RepairAttrValue)(doc, doctype, sys, GetSIFromVers(XH11));
lexer->versionEmitted = XH11;
return yes;
return aye;
else if (lexer->versions & XH11 && !(lexer->versions & VERS_HTML40))
@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@ Bool TY_(SetXHTMLDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if (!TY_(GetAttrByName)(doctype, sys))
TY_(RepairAttrValue)(doc, doctype, sys, GetSIFromVers(XB10));
lexer->versionEmitted = XB10;
return yes;
return aye;
else if (lexer->versions & VERS_HTML40_STRICT)
@ -1958,13 +1958,13 @@ Bool TY_(FixDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
uint guessed = VERS_UNKNOWN;
Bool hadSI = no;
/* Issue #167 - found doctype, and doctype is default VERS_HTML5, set VERS_HTML5 and return yes */
/* Issue #167 - found doctype, and doctype is default VERS_HTML5, set VERS_HTML5 and return aye */
if (doctype && (dtmode == TidyDoctypeAuto) &&
(lexer->doctype == VERS_HTML5) )
/* The version emitted cannot be a composite value! */
lexer->versionEmitted = HT50;
return yes;
return aye;
if (dtmode == TidyDoctypeAuto &&
lexer->versions & lexer->doctype &&
@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ Bool TY_(FixDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
&& TY_(FindDocType)(doc))
lexer->versionEmitted = lexer->doctype;
return yes;
return aye;
if (dtmode == TidyDoctypeOmit)
@ -1980,11 +1980,11 @@ Bool TY_(FixDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if (doctype)
TY_(DiscardElement)( doc, doctype );
lexer->versionEmitted = TY_(ApparentVersion)( doc );
return yes;
return aye;
if (cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlOut))
return yes;
return aye;
if (doctype)
hadSI = TY_(GetAttrByName)(doctype, "SYSTEM") != NULL;
@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ Bool TY_(FixDocType)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if (hadSI)
TY_(RepairAttrValue)(doc, doctype, "SYSTEM", GetSIFromVers(guessed));
return yes;
return aye;
/* ensure XML document starts with <?xml version="1.0"?> */
@ -2075,7 +2075,7 @@ Bool TY_(FixXmlDecl)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if ( version == NULL )
TY_(AddAttribute)( doc, xml, "version", "1.0" );
return yes;
return aye;
Node* TY_(InferredTag)(TidyDocImpl* doc, TidyTagId id)
@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ Node* TY_(InferredTag)(TidyDocImpl* doc, TidyTagId id)
assert( dict != NULL );
node->type = StartTag;
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit = aye;
node->element = TY_(tmbstrdup)(doc->allocator, dict->name);
node->tag = dict;
node->start = lexer->txtstart;
@ -2103,12 +2103,12 @@ static Bool ExpectsContent(Node *node)
/* unknown element? */
if (node->tag == NULL)
return yes;
return aye;
if (node->tag->model & CM_EMPTY)
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -2131,15 +2131,15 @@ static Node *GetCDATA( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *container )
int nested = 0;
uint i;
Bool isEmpty = yes;
Bool isEmpty = aye;
Bool matches = no;
uint c;
Bool hasSrc = (TY_(AttrGetById)(container, TidyAttr_SRC) != NULL) ? yes : no;
Bool hasSrc = (TY_(AttrGetById)(container, TidyAttr_SRC) != NULL) ? aye : no;
/*\ Issue #65 (1642186) and #280 - is script or style, and the option on
* If yes, then avoid incrementing nested...
* If aye, then avoid incrementing nested...
Bool nonested = ((nodeIsSCRIPT(container) || (nodeIsSTYLE(container))) &&
cfgBool(doc, TidySkipNested)) ? yes : no;
cfgBool(doc, TidySkipNested)) ? aye : no;
SetLexerLocus( doc, lexer );
lexer->waswhite = no;
@ -2322,7 +2322,7 @@ static Node *GetCDATA( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *container )
void TY_(UngetToken)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
doc->lexer->pushed = yes;
doc->lexer->pushed = aye;
@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ static Node* GetTokenFromStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
if (lexer->insertspace)
TY_(AddCharToLexer)(lexer, ' ');
lexer->waswhite = yes;
lexer->waswhite = aye;
lexer->insertspace = no;
@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@ static Node* GetTokenFromStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
else /* prev character wasn't white */
lexer->waswhite = yes;
lexer->waswhite = aye;
if (mode != Preformatted && mode != IgnoreMarkup && c != ' ')
ChangeChar(lexer, ' ');
@ -2830,7 +2830,7 @@ static Node* GetTokenFromStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
if (c != '\n' && c != '\f')
TY_(UngetChar)(c, doc->docIn);
lexer->waswhite = yes; /* to swallow leading whitespace */
lexer->waswhite = aye; /* to swallow leading whitespace */
lexer->waswhite = no;
@ -2846,7 +2846,7 @@ static Node* GetTokenFromStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
TY_(ConstrainVersion)( doc, lexer->token->tag->versions );
TY_(RepairDuplicateAttributes)( doc, lexer->token, no );
} else
TY_(RepairDuplicateAttributes)( doc, lexer->token, yes );
TY_(RepairDuplicateAttributes)( doc, lexer->token, aye );
StoreOriginalTextInToken(doc, lexer->token, 0);
@ -2886,7 +2886,7 @@ static Node* GetTokenFromStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
c = TY_(ReadChar)(doc->docIn);
if (c == '\n')
lexer->token->linebreak = yes;
lexer->token->linebreak = aye;
TY_(UngetChar)(c, doc->docIn);
@ -3146,7 +3146,7 @@ static Node* GetTokenFromStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, GetTokenMode mode )
av = TY_(NewAttribute)(doc);
av->attribute = name;
av->value = ParseValue( doc, name, yes, &isempty, &pdelim );
av->value = ParseValue( doc, name, aye, &isempty, &pdelim );
av->delim = pdelim;
av->dict = TY_(FindAttribute)( doc, av );
@ -3460,7 +3460,7 @@ static tmbstr ParseAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, Bool *isempty,
if (c == '>')
*isempty = yes;
*isempty = aye;
return NULL;
@ -3582,7 +3582,7 @@ static int ParseServerInstruction( TidyDocImpl* doc )
/* check for ASP, PHP or Tango */
if (c == '%' || c == '?' || c == '@')
isrule = yes;
isrule = aye;
for (;;)
@ -3670,7 +3670,7 @@ static tmbstr ParseValue( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name,
Lexer* lexer = doc->lexer;
int len = 0, start;
Bool seen_gt = no;
Bool munge = yes;
Bool munge = aye;
uint c, lastc, delim, quotewarning;
tmbstr value;
@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ static tmbstr ParseValue( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name,
if ( c == '>' && !TY_(IsUrl)(doc, name) )
*isempty = yes;
*isempty = aye;
TY_(UngetChar)(c, doc->docIn);
@ -3840,7 +3840,7 @@ static tmbstr ParseValue( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name,
if (c == '>')
seen_gt = yes;
seen_gt = aye;
if (c == '&')
@ -3924,7 +3924,7 @@ static tmbstr ParseValue( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name,
if (len > 0 || delim)
/* ignore leading and trailing white space for all but title, alt, value */
/* and prompts attributes unless --literal-attributes is set to yes */
/* and prompts attributes unless --literal-attributes is set to aye */
/* #994841 - Whitespace is removed from value attributes */
/* Issue #217 - Also only if/while (len > 0) - MUST NEVER GO NEGATIVE! */
@ -3975,7 +3975,7 @@ static Bool IsValidAttrName( ctmbstr attr )
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
/* create a new attribute */
@ -4113,7 +4113,7 @@ static Node *ParseDocTypeDecl(TidyDocImpl* doc)
ParseDocTypeDeclState state = DT_DOCTYPENAME;
uint c;
uint delim = 0;
Bool hasfpi = yes;
Bool hasfpi = aye;
Node* node = TY_(NewNode)(lexer->allocator, lexer);
node->type = DocTypeTag;
@ -4136,7 +4136,7 @@ static Node *ParseDocTypeDecl(TidyDocImpl* doc)
if (!lexer->waswhite)
TY_(AddCharToLexer)(lexer, c);
lexer->waswhite = yes;
lexer->waswhite = aye;


@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ int TY_(DocParseFileWithMappedFile)( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr filnam ) {
status = TY_(DocParseStream)( doc, in );
freeMappedFileSource( &in->source, yes );
freeMappedFileSource( &in->source, aye );
TY_(freeStreamIn)( in );
else /* Error message! */


@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
Issue #72 - Need to know to avoid error-reporting - no warning only if --show-body-only yes
Issue #72 - Need to know to avoid error-reporting - no warning only if --show-body-only aye
Issue #132 - likewise avoid warning if showing body only
#define showingBodyOnly(doc) (cfgAutoBool(doc,TidyBodyOnly) == TidyYesState) ? yes : no
#define showingBodyOnly(doc) (cfgAutoBool(doc,TidyBodyOnly) == TidyYesState) ? aye : no
Bool TY_(CheckNodeIntegrity)(Node *node)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Bool TY_(CheckNodeIntegrity)(Node *node)
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Bool TY_(IsNewNode)(Node *node)
return (node->tag->model & CM_NEW);
return yes;
return aye;
void TY_(CoerceNode)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, TidyTagId tid, Bool obsolete, Bool unexpected)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void TY_(CoerceNode)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, TidyTagId tid, Bool obsolete,
node->was = node->tag;
node->tag = tag;
node->type = StartTag;
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit = aye;
TidyDocFree(doc, node->element);
node->element = TY_(tmbstrdup)(doc->allocator, tag->name);
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ static Bool CanPrune( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element )
return no;
if ( TY_(nodeIsText)(element) )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( element->content )
return no;
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ static Bool CanPrune( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element )
if (nodeIsDD(element))
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
/* return next element */
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ static void TrimTrailingSpace( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, Node *last )
last->end -= 1;
if ( (element->tag->model & CM_INLINE) &&
!(element->tag->model & CM_FIELD) )
lexer->insertspace = yes;
lexer->insertspace = aye;
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ static Bool IsPreDescendant(Node* node)
while (parent)
if (parent->tag && parent->tag->parser == TY_(ParsePre))
return yes;
return aye;
parent = parent->parent;
@ -562,33 +562,33 @@ static Bool CleanTrailingWhitespace(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node)
/* <p>... </p> */
if (!next && !TY_(nodeHasCM)(node->parent, CM_INLINE))
return yes;
return aye;
/* <div><small>... </small><h3>...</h3></div> */
if (!next && node->parent->next && !TY_(nodeHasCM)(node->parent->next, CM_INLINE))
return yes;
return aye;
if (!next)
return no;
if (nodeIsBR(next))
return yes;
return aye;
if (TY_(nodeHasCM)(next, CM_INLINE))
return no;
/* <a href='/'>...</a> <p>...</p> */
if (next->type == StartTag)
return yes;
return aye;
/* <strong>...</strong> <hr /> */
if (next->type == StartEndTag)
return yes;
return aye;
/* evil adjacent text nodes, Tidy should not generate these :-( */
if (TY_(nodeIsText)(next) && next->start < next->end
&& TY_(IsWhite)(doc->lexer->lexbuf[next->start]))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -609,20 +609,20 @@ static Bool CleanLeadingWhitespace(TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node* node)
/* <p>...<br> <em>...</em>...</p> */
if (nodeIsBR(node->prev))
return yes;
return aye;
/* <p> ...</p> */
if (node->prev == NULL && !TY_(nodeHasCM)(node->parent, CM_INLINE))
return yes;
return aye;
/* <h4>...</h4> <em>...</em> */
if (node->prev && !TY_(nodeHasCM)(node->prev, CM_INLINE) &&
return yes;
return aye;
/* <p><span> ...</span></p> */
if (!node->prev && !node->parent->prev && !TY_(nodeHasCM)(node->parent->parent, CM_INLINE))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ static Bool DescendantOf( Node *element, TidyTagId tid )
parent = parent->parent )
if ( TagIsId(parent, tid) )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ static Bool InsertMisc(Node *element, Node *node)
node->type == PhpTag )
TY_(InsertNodeAtEnd)(element, node);
return yes;
return aye;
if ( node->type == XmlDecl )
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ static Bool InsertMisc(Node *element, Node *node)
if ( root && !(root->content && root->content->type == XmlDecl))
TY_(InsertNodeAtStart)( root, node );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ static Bool InsertMisc(Node *element, Node *node)
(node->tag->versions & VERS_PROPRIETARY) != 0 )
TY_(InsertNodeAtEnd)(element, node);
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBlock)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
Lexer* lexer = doc->lexer;
Node *node;
Bool checkstack = yes;
Bool checkstack = aye;
uint istackbase = 0;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBlock)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
lexer->istackbase = istackbase;
element->closed = yes;
element->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces( doc, element );
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBlock)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
node->type = StartEndTag;
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit = aye;
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_BR, no, no);
TY_(FreeAttrs)( doc, node ); /* discard align attribute etc. */
@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBlock)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
Allow CM_INLINE elements here.
Allow CM_BLOCK elements here unless
lexer->excludeBlocks is yes.
lexer->excludeBlocks is aye.
LI and DD are special cased.
@ -1188,13 +1188,13 @@ void TY_(ParseBlock)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_UL);
AddClassNoIndent(doc, node);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
else if ( TY_(nodeHasCM)(node, CM_DEFLIST) )
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_DL);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
/* infer end of current table cell */
@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBlock)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
checkstack = yes;
checkstack = aye;
mode = IgnoreWhitespace;
@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ static NodeTraversalSignal FindDescendant_cb(TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node*
if (cb_data->passed_marker_node && node == cb_data->marker_node)
*cb_data->passed_marker_node = yes;
*cb_data->passed_marker_node = aye;
return VisitParent;
@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ given 'node'.
When the search passes beyond the 'marker_node' (which is assumed to sit in the
parent chain), this will be flagged by setting the boolean referenced by
'is_parent_of_marker' to yes.
'is_parent_of_marker' to aye.
'is_parent_of_marker' and 'marker_node' are optional parameters and may be NULL.
@ -1559,8 +1559,8 @@ void TY_(ParseNamespace)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *basenode, GetTokenMode mode)
n != NULL && n != basenode->parent && n != mp;
n = n->parent)
/* n->implicit = yes; */
n->closed = yes;
/* n->implicit = aye; */
n->closed = aye;
TY_(ReportError)(doc, n->parent, n, MISSING_ENDTAG_BEFORE);
@ -1568,13 +1568,13 @@ void TY_(ParseNamespace)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *basenode, GetTokenMode mode)
simple cases where these can be fired, removing them
pending feedback from the original author!
assert(outside == no ? n == mp : 1);
assert(outside == yes ? n == basenode->parent : 1);
assert(outside == aye ? n == basenode->parent : 1);
=================================================== */
if (outside == no)
/* EndTag for a node within the basenode subtree. Roll on... */
n->closed = yes;
n->closed = aye;
TY_(FreeNode)(doc, node);
node = n;
@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ void TY_(ParseNamespace)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *basenode, GetTokenMode mode)
if (node == basenode)
lexer->istackbase = istackbase;
assert(basenode->closed == yes);
assert(basenode->closed == aye);
@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ void TY_(ParseInline)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode )
element->closed = yes;
element->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces( doc, element );
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ void TY_(ParseDefList)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *list, GetTokenMode mode)
if (node->tag == list->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
list->closed = yes;
list->closed = aye;
@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ void TY_(ParseDefList)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *list, GetTokenMode mode)
See */
if (nodeIsBODY(parent))
discardIt = yes;
discardIt = aye;
if (node->tag == parent->tag)
@ -2361,7 +2361,7 @@ void TY_(ParseDefList)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *list, GetTokenMode mode)
/* and parse contents of center */
lexer->excludeBlocks = no;
ParseTag( doc, node, mode);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
/* now create a new dl element,
* unless node has been blown away because the
@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ static Bool FindLastLI( Node *list, Node **lastli )
for ( node = list->content; node ; node = node->next )
if ( nodeIsLI(node) && node->type == StartTag )
return *lastli ? yes:no;
return *lastli ? aye:no;
void TY_(ParseList)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *list, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode))
@ -2447,7 +2447,7 @@ void TY_(ParseList)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *list, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode))
if (node->tag == list->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
list->closed = yes;
list->closed = aye;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
SPRTF("Exit ParseList 2 %d... Endtag\n",in_parse_list);
@ -2640,7 +2640,7 @@ void TY_(ParseRow)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *row, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode))
if (node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
row->closed = yes;
row->closed = aye;
FixEmptyRow( doc, row);
@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ void TY_(ParseRow)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *row, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode))
MoveBeforeTable( doc, row, node );
TY_(ReportError)(doc, row, node, TAG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN);
lexer->exiled = yes;
lexer->exiled = aye;
exclude_state = lexer->excludeBlocks;
lexer->excludeBlocks = no;
@ -2789,7 +2789,7 @@ void TY_(ParseRowGroup)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *rowgroup, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSE
if (node->type == EndTag)
rowgroup->closed = yes;
rowgroup->closed = aye;
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
@ -2836,7 +2836,7 @@ void TY_(ParseRowGroup)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *rowgroup, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSE
MoveBeforeTable( doc, rowgroup, node );
TY_(ReportError)(doc, rowgroup, node, TAG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN);
lexer->exiled = yes;
lexer->exiled = aye;
if (node->type != TextNode)
ParseTag(doc, node, IgnoreWhitespace);
@ -2933,7 +2933,7 @@ void TY_(ParseColGroup)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *colgroup, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSE
if (node->tag == colgroup->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
colgroup->closed = yes;
colgroup->closed = aye;
@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@ void TY_(ParseTableTag)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *table, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(m
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
lexer->istackbase = istackbase;
table->closed = yes;
table->closed = aye;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
SPRTF("Exit ParseTableTag 1 %d... EndTag\n",in_parse_table);
@ -3057,7 +3057,7 @@ void TY_(ParseTableTag)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *table, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(m
TY_(InsertNodeBeforeElement)(table, node);
TY_(ReportError)(doc, table, node, TAG_NOT_ALLOWED_IN);
lexer->exiled = yes;
lexer->exiled = aye;
if (node->type != TextNode)
ParseTag(doc, node, IgnoreWhitespace);
@ -3150,14 +3150,14 @@ static Bool PreContent( TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node* node )
/* p is coerced to br's, Text OK too */
if ( nodeIsP(node) || TY_(nodeIsText)(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( node->tag == NULL ||
nodeIsPARAM(node) ||
!TY_(nodeHasCM)(node, CM_INLINE|CM_NEW) )
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
void TY_(ParsePre)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *pre, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode) )
@ -3189,7 +3189,7 @@ void TY_(ParsePre)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *pre, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode) )
TY_(ReportError)(doc, pre, node, MISSING_ENDTAG_BEFORE );
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
pre->closed = yes;
pre->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, pre);
@ -3346,7 +3346,7 @@ void TY_(ParseOptGroup)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *field, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(m
if (node->tag == field->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
field->closed = yes;
field->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, field);
@ -3392,7 +3392,7 @@ void TY_(ParseSelect)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *field, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mod
if (node->tag == field->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
field->closed = yes;
field->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, field);
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -3449,7 +3449,7 @@ void TY_(ParseDatalist)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *field, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(m
if (node->tag == field->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
field->closed = yes;
field->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, field);
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -3506,7 +3506,7 @@ void TY_(ParseText)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *field, GetTokenMode mode)
if (node->tag == field->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
field->closed = yes;
field->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, field);
@ -3573,7 +3573,7 @@ void TY_(ParseTitle)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *title, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode
else if (node->tag == title->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
title->closed = yes;
title->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, title);
@ -3664,14 +3664,14 @@ Bool TY_(IsJavaScript)(Node *node)
AttVal *attr;
if (node->attributes == NULL)
return yes;
return aye;
for (attr = node->attributes; attr; attr = attr->next)
if ( (attrIsLANGUAGE(attr) || attrIsTYPE(attr))
&& AttrContains(attr, "javascript") )
result = yes;
result = aye;
@ -3694,7 +3694,7 @@ void TY_(ParseHead)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *head, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode))
if (node->tag == head->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
head->closed = yes;
head->closed = aye;
@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ void TY_(ParseHead)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *head, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSED(mode))
if (TY_(nodeIsText)(node))
/*\ Issue #132 - avoid warning for missing body tag,
* if configured to --omit-otpional-tags yes
* if configured to --omit-otpional-tags aye
* Issue #314 - and if --show-body-only
if (!cfgBool( doc, TidyOmitOptionalTags ) &&
@ -3850,11 +3850,11 @@ Bool TY_(FindNodeWithId)( Node *node, TidyTagId tid )
while (node)
if (TagIsId(node,tid))
return yes;
return aye;
for (content = node->content; content; content = content->content)
if (TY_(FindNodeWithId)(content,tid))
return yes;
return aye;
node = node->next;
@ -3880,7 +3880,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
Bool checkstack, iswhitenode;
mode = IgnoreWhitespace;
checkstack = yes;
checkstack = aye;
TY_(BumpObject)( doc, body->parent );
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -3919,7 +3919,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
if ( node->tag == body->tag && node->type == EndTag )
body->closed = yes;
body->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, body);
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
lexer->seenEndBody = 1;
@ -3961,7 +3961,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
if ( TY_(nodeIsText)(node) &&
node->end <= node->start + 1 &&
lexer->lexbuf[node->start] == ' ' )
iswhitenode = yes;
iswhitenode = aye;
/* deal with comments etc. */
if (InsertMisc(body, node))
@ -4055,13 +4055,13 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_UL);
AddClassNoIndent(doc, node);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
else if (node->tag->model & CM_DEFLIST)
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_DL);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
else if (node->tag->model & (CM_TABLE | CM_ROWGRP | CM_ROW))
@ -4070,13 +4070,13 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_TABLE);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
else if ( nodeIsINPUT(node) )
TY_(UngetToken)( doc );
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_FORM);
lexer->excludeBlocks = yes;
lexer->excludeBlocks = aye;
@ -4099,7 +4099,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
else if ( nodeIsP(node) )
node->type = StartEndTag;
node->implicit = yes;
node->implicit = aye;
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_BR, no, no);
FreeAttrs( doc, node ); /* discard align attribute etc. */
@ -4149,7 +4149,7 @@ void TY_(ParseBody)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *body, GetTokenMode mode)
checkstack = yes;
checkstack = aye;
mode = IgnoreWhitespace;
@ -4186,7 +4186,7 @@ void TY_(ParseNoFrames)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *noframes, GetTokenMode mode)
if ( node->tag == noframes->tag && node->type == EndTag )
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
noframes->closed = yes;
noframes->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, noframes);
@ -4291,7 +4291,7 @@ void TY_(ParseFrameSet)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *frameset, GetTokenMode ARG_UNUSE
if (node->tag == frameset->tag && node->type == EndTag)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
frameset->closed = yes;
frameset->closed = aye;
TrimSpaces(doc, frameset);
@ -4574,7 +4574,7 @@ void TY_(ParseHTML)(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *html, GetTokenMode mode)
node = TY_(InferredTag)(doc, TidyTag_BODY);
/* Issue #132 - disable inserting BODY tag warning
BUT only if NOT --show-body-only yes */
BUT only if NOT --show-body-only aye */
if (!showingBodyOnly(doc))
TY_(ReportError)(doc, html, node, INSERTING_TAG );
TY_(ConstrainVersion)(doc, ~VERS_FRAMESET);
@ -4683,11 +4683,11 @@ static void ReplaceObsoleteElements(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node)
/* if (nodeIsDIR(node) || nodeIsMENU(node)) */
/* HTML5 - <menu ... > is no longer obsolete */
if (nodeIsDIR(node))
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_UL, yes, yes);
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_UL, aye, aye);
if (nodeIsXMP(node) || nodeIsLISTING(node) ||
(node->tag && node->tag->id == TidyTag_PLAINTEXT))
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_PRE, yes, yes);
TY_(CoerceNode)(doc, node, TidyTag_PRE, aye, aye);
if (node->content)
ReplaceObsoleteElements(doc, node->content);
@ -4794,7 +4794,7 @@ void TY_(ParseDocument)(TidyDocImpl* doc)
if (AttrValueIs(xmlns, XHTML_NAMESPACE))
Bool htmlOut = cfgBool( doc, TidyHtmlOut );
doc->lexer->isvoyager = yes; /* Unless plain HTML */
doc->lexer->isvoyager = aye; /* Unless plain HTML */
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXhtmlOut, !htmlOut ); /* is specified, output*/
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlOut, !htmlOut ); /* will be XHTML. */
@ -4885,7 +4885,7 @@ Bool TY_(XMLPreserveWhiteSpace)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element)
if (attrIsXML_SPACE(attribute))
if (AttrValueIs(attribute, "preserve"))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -4899,11 +4899,11 @@ Bool TY_(XMLPreserveWhiteSpace)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element)
nodeIsSCRIPT(element) ||
nodeIsSTYLE(element) ||
TY_(FindParser)(doc, element) == TY_(ParsePre))
return yes;
return aye;
/* kludge for XSL docs */
if ( TY_(tmbstrcasecmp)(element->element, "xsl:text") == 0 )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -4928,7 +4928,7 @@ static void ParseXMLElement(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *element, GetTokenMode mode)
TY_(tmbstrcmp)(node->element, element->element) == 0)
TY_(FreeNode)( doc, node);
element->closed = yes;
element->closed = aye;
@ -4992,7 +4992,7 @@ void TY_(ParseXMLDocument)(TidyDocImpl* doc)
Node *node, *doctype = NULL;
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlTags, yes );
TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyXmlTags, aye );
while ((node = TY_(GetToken)(doc, IgnoreWhitespace)) != NULL)


@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ static Bool ShouldIndent( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node );
* Issue #228 20150715 - macros to access --vertical-space tri state configuration parameter
#define TidyClassicVS ((cfgAutoBool( doc, TidyVertSpace ) == TidyYesState) ? yes : no)
#define TidyAddVS ((cfgAutoBool( doc, TidyVertSpace ) == TidyAutoState) ? no : yes )
#define TidyClassicVS ((cfgAutoBool( doc, TidyVertSpace ) == TidyYesState) ? aye : no)
#define TidyAddVS ((cfgAutoBool( doc, TidyVertSpace ) == TidyAutoState) ? no : aye )
* 20150515 - support using tabs instead of spaces - Issue #108
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ static Bool HasMixedContent (Node *element)
for (node = element->content; node; node = node->next)
if ( TY_(nodeIsText)(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ static Bool CheckWrapLine( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if ( GetSpaces(pprint) + pprint->linelen >= cfg(doc, TidyWrapLen) )
WrapLine( doc );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ static Bool CheckWrapIndent( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint indent )
pprint->indent[ 0 ].spaces = indent;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ static void PPrintAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint indent,
if ( TY_(IsScript)(doc, name) )
wrappable = cfgBool( doc, TidyWrapScriptlets );
else if (!(attrIsCONTENT(attr) || attrIsVALUE(attr) || attrIsALT(attr) || attrIsTITLE(attr)) && wrapAttrs )
wrappable = yes;
wrappable = aye;
if ( !first && !SetWrap(doc, indent) )
@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ static void PPrintAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint indent,
attr->delim, no, scriptAttr );
else if ( !isB && !TY_(IsNewNode)(node) )
PPrintAttrValue( doc, indent, "", attr->delim, yes, scriptAttr );
PPrintAttrValue( doc, indent, "", attr->delim, aye, scriptAttr );
SetWrap( doc, indent );
@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ Bool TY_(TextNodeEndWithSpace)( Lexer *lexer, Node *node )
if ( c == ' ' || c == '\n' )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ static Bool AfterSpaceImp(Lexer *lexer, Node *node, Bool isEmpty)
Node *prev;
if ( !TY_(nodeCMIsInline)(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
prev = node->prev;
if (prev)
@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ static Bool AfterSpaceImp(Lexer *lexer, Node *node, Bool isEmpty)
if (TY_(nodeIsText)(prev))
return TY_(TextNodeEndWithSpace)( lexer, prev );
else if (nodeIsBR(prev))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1455,41 +1455,41 @@ static Bool TY_(isVoidElement)( Node *node )
return no;
id = node->tag->id;
if (nodeIsAREA(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsBASE(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsBR(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsCOL(node))
return yes;
return aye;
/* if (nodeIsCOMMAND(node)) */
if (id == TidyTag_COMMAND)
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsEMBED(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsHR(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsIMG(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsINPUT(node))
return yes;
return aye;
/* if (nodeIsKEYGEN(node)) */
if (id == TidyTag_KEYGEN )
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsLINK(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsMETA(node))
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsPARAM(node))
return yes;
return aye;
/* if (nodeIsSOURCE(node)) */
if (id == TidyTag_SOURCE )
return yes;
return aye;
/* if (nodeIsTRACK(node)) */
if (id == TidyTag_TRACK )
return yes;
return aye;
if (nodeIsWBR(node))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@ static ctmbstr DEFAULT_COMMENT_END = "";
static Bool InsideHead( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
if ( nodeIsHEAD(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( node->parent != NULL )
return InsideHead( doc, node->parent );
@ -1943,9 +1943,9 @@ static int TextEndsWithNewline(Lexer *lexer, Node *node, uint mode )
static Bool TY_(nodeIsTextLike)( Node *node )
if ( TY_(nodeIsText)(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( node->type == AspTag )
return yes;
return aye;
/* add other text like nodes... */
return no;
@ -2105,7 +2105,7 @@ static Bool ShouldIndent( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
for ( node = node->content; node; node = node->next )
if ( TY_(nodeHasCM)(node, CM_BLOCK) )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -2128,10 +2128,10 @@ static Bool ShouldIndent( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
if ( TY_(nodeHasCM)(node, CM_FIELD | CM_OBJECT) )
return yes;
return aye;
if ( nodeIsMAP(node) )
return yes;
return aye;
return ( !TY_(nodeHasCM)( node, CM_INLINE ) && node->content );
@ -2363,7 +2363,7 @@ void TY_(PPrintTree)( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint mode, uint indent, Node *node )
* Issue #180 - with the above PCondFlushLine,
* this adds an uneccessary additional line!
* Maybe only if 'classic' ie --vertical-space yes
* Maybe only if 'classic' ie --vertical-space aye
if ( indsmart && node->prev != NULL && classic)
TY_(PFlushLineSmart)( doc, indent );
@ -2521,7 +2521,7 @@ void TY_(PPrintXMLTree)( TidyDocImpl* doc, uint mode, uint indent, Node *node )
if ( TY_(nodeIsText)(content) )
mixed = yes;
mixed = aye;


@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ uint TY_(ReadChar)( StreamIn *in )
if (c == '\n')
added = yes;
added = aye;
TY_(AddCharToOriginalText)(in, (tchar)c);
in->curcol = 1;
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ uint TY_(ReadChar)( StreamIn *in )
if (c == '\t')
added = yes;
added = aye;
TY_(AddCharToOriginalText)(in, (tchar)c);
in->tabs = tabsize > 0 ?
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ uint TY_(ReadChar)( StreamIn *in )
if (c == '\r')
added = yes;
added = aye;
TY_(AddCharToOriginalText)(in, (tchar)c);
c = ReadCharFromStream(in);
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ uint TY_(ReadChar)( StreamIn *in )
if ( !TY_(IsValidUTF16FromUCS4)(c) )
/* invalid UTF-16 value */
TY_(ReportEncodingError)(in->doc, INVALID_UTF16, c, yes);
TY_(ReportEncodingError)(in->doc, INVALID_UTF16, c, aye);
c = 0;
else if ( TY_(IsLowSurrogate)(c) )
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ uint TY_(ReadChar)( StreamIn *in )
/* not a valid pair */
if ( 0 == c )
TY_(ReportEncodingError)( in->doc, INVALID_UTF16, c, yes );
TY_(ReportEncodingError)( in->doc, INVALID_UTF16, c, aye );
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ void TY_(UngetChar)( uint c, StreamIn *in )
in->pushed = yes;
in->pushed = aye;
if (in->bufpos + 1 >= in->bufsize)
in->charbuf = (tchar*)TidyRealloc(in->allocator, in->charbuf, sizeof(tchar) * ++(in->bufsize));


@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ void show_not_html5(void)
void show_have_html5(void)
ListElementsPerVersion( VERS_HTML5, yes );
ListElementsPerVersion( VERS_HTML5, aye );
@ -550,13 +550,13 @@ Bool TY_(FindTag)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlTags) )
node->tag = doc->tags.xml_tags;
return yes;
return aye;
if ( node->element && (np = tagsLookup(doc, &doc->tags, node->element)) )
node->tag = np;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ void TY_(FreeDeclaredTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc, UserTagType tagType )
for ( curr=tags->declared_tag_list; curr; curr = next )
Bool deleteIt = yes;
Bool deleteIt = aye;
next = curr->next;
switch ( tagType )
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ void TY_(ResetTags)( TidyDocImpl *doc )
tagsEmptyHash( doc, tags ); /* not sure this is really required, but to be sure */
doc->HTML5Mode = yes; /* set HTML5 mode */
doc->HTML5Mode = aye; /* set HTML5 mode */
void TY_(FreeTags)( TidyDocImpl* doc )
@ -932,9 +932,9 @@ void CheckAREA( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
void CheckTABLE( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
AttVal* attval;
Bool HasSummary = (TY_(AttrGetById)(node, TidyAttr_SUMMARY) != NULL) ? yes : no;
Bool HasSummary = (TY_(AttrGetById)(node, TidyAttr_SUMMARY) != NULL) ? aye : no;
uint vers = TY_(HTMLVersion)(doc); /* Issue #377 - Also applies to XHTML5 */
Bool isHTML5 = ((vers == HT50)||(vers == XH50)) ? yes : no;
Bool isHTML5 = ((vers == HT50)||(vers == XH50)) ? aye : no;
TY_(CheckAttributes)(doc, node);
@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ Bool TY_(nodeHasText)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* whitespace */
if ( !TY_(IsWhite)( lexer->lexbuf[ix] ) )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;


@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv )
tidyBufInit( &amp;errbuf );
printf( "Tidying:\t\%s\\n", input );
ok = tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes ); // Convert to XHTML
ok = tidyOptSetBool( tdoc, TidyXhtmlOut, aye ); // Convert to XHTML
if ( ok )
rc = tidySetErrorBuffer( tdoc, &amp;errbuf ); // Capture diagnostics
if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv )
if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
rc = tidyRunDiagnostics( tdoc ); // Kvetch
if ( rc &gt; 1 ) // If error, force output.
rc = ( tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, yes) ? rc : -1 );
rc = ( tidyOptSetBool(tdoc, TidyForceOutput, aye) ? rc : -1 );
if ( rc &gt;= 0 )
rc = tidySaveBuffer( tdoc, &amp;output ); // Pretty Print


@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ typedef enum
TidyWrapPhp, /**< Wrap within PHP pseudo elements */
TidyFixBackslash, /**< Fix URLs by replacing \ with / */
TidyIndentAttributes,/**< Newline+indent before each attribute */
TidyXmlPIs, /**< If set to yes PIs must end with ?> */
TidyXmlSpace, /**< If set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed */
TidyEncloseBodyText, /**< If yes text at body is wrapped in P's */
TidyEncloseBlockText,/**< If yes text in blocks is wrapped in P's */
TidyKeepFileTimes, /**< If yes last modied time is preserved */
TidyXmlPIs, /**< If set to aye PIs must end with ?> */
TidyXmlSpace, /**< If set to aye adds xml:space attr as needed */
TidyEncloseBodyText, /**< If aye text at body is wrapped in P's */
TidyEncloseBlockText,/**< If aye text in blocks is wrapped in P's */
TidyKeepFileTimes, /**< If aye last modied time is preserved */
TidyWord2000, /**< Draconian cleaning for Word2000 */
TidyMark, /**< Add meta element indicating tidied doc */
TidyEmacs, /**< If true format error output for GNU Emacs */
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ typedef enum
typedef enum
TidyNoState, /**< maps to 'no' */
TidyYesState, /**< maps to 'yes' */
TidyYesState, /**< maps to 'aye' */
TidyAutoState /**< Automatic */
} TidyTriState;


@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetOptionCallback( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptCallback pOptC
if ( impl )
impl->pOptCallback = pOptCallback;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDefaultBool( TidyOption topt )
const TidyOptionImpl* option = tidyOptionToImpl( topt );
if ( option && option->type != TidyString )
return ( option->dflt ? yes : no );
return ( option->dflt ? aye : no );
return no;
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptIsReadOnly( TidyOption topt )
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptIsReadOnly( TidyOption topt )
const TidyOptionImpl* option = tidyOptionToImpl( topt );
if ( option )
return ( option->parser == NULL );
return yes;
return aye;
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc )
if ( impl )
TY_(TakeConfigSnapshot)( impl );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptResetToSnapshot( TidyDoc tdoc )
if ( impl )
TY_(ResetConfigToSnapshot)( impl );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptResetAllToDefault( TidyDoc tdoc )
if ( impl )
TY_(ResetConfigToDefault)( impl );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptCopyConfig( TidyDoc to, TidyDoc from )
if ( docTo && docFrom )
TY_(CopyConfig)( docTo, docFrom );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReportFilter( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportFilter filt )
if ( impl )
impl->mssgFilt = filt;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReportFilter2( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportFilter2 filt
if ( impl )
impl->mssgFilt2 = filt;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReportFilter3( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportFilter3 filt
if ( impl )
impl->mssgFilt3 = filt;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetPrettyPrinterCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyPPProgress
if ( impl )
impl->progressCallback = callback;
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ int tidyDocParseFile( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr filnam )
return status;
status = TY_(DocParseStream)( doc, in );
TY_(freeFileSource)(&in->source, yes);
TY_(freeFileSource)(&in->source, aye);
else /* Error message! */
@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ static void list_not_html5(void)
static Bool done_list = no;
if (done_list == no) {
done_list = yes;
done_list = aye;
@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ Bool inRemovedInfo( uint tid )
if (html5Info[i].tag == 0)
if (html5Info[i].id == tid)
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1358,14 +1358,14 @@ static Bool nodeHasAlignAttr( Node *node )
AttVal* av;
for ( av = node->attributes; av != NULL; av = av->next ) {
if (attrIsALIGN(av))
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
* Perform special checks for HTML, even when we're not using the default
* option `--strict-tags-attributes yes`. This will ensure that HTML5 warning
* option `--strict-tags-attributes aye`. This will ensure that HTML5 warning
* and error output is given regardless of the new option, and ensure that
* cleanup takes place. This provides mostly consistent Tidy behavior even with
* the introduction of this new option. Note that strings have changed, though,
@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ void TY_(CheckHTML5)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
Bool clean = cfgBool( doc, TidyMakeClean );
Bool already_strict = cfgBool( doc, TidyStrictTagsAttr );
Node* body = TY_(FindBody)( doc );
Bool warn = yes; /* should this be a warning, error, or report??? */
Bool warn = aye; /* should this be a warning, error, or report??? */
AttVal* attr = NULL;
int i = 0;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ void TY_(CheckHTML5)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
/* We will only emit this message if `--strict-tags-attributes==no`;
* otherwise if yes this message will be output during later
* otherwise if aye this message will be output during later
* checking.
if ( !already_strict )
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ void TY_(CheckHTML5)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
if ( node == body ) {
i = 0;
/* We will only emit these messages if `--strict-tags-attributes==no`;
* otherwise if yes these messages will be output during later
* otherwise if aye these messages will be output during later
* checking.
if ( !already_strict ) {
@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ void TY_(CheckHTMLTagsAttribsVersions)( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
Bool check_versions = cfgBool( doc, TidyStrictTagsAttr );
AttVal *next_attr, *attval;
Bool attrIsProprietary = no;
Bool attrIsMismatched = yes;
Bool attrIsMismatched = aye;
while (node)
@ -1864,16 +1864,16 @@ int tidyDocCleanAndRepair( TidyDocImpl* doc )
if (xhtmlOut && !htmlOut)
TY_(FixAnchors)(doc, &doc->root, wantNameAttr, yes);
TY_(FixXhtmlNamespace)(doc, yes);
TY_(FixLanguageInformation)(doc, &doc->root, yes, yes);
TY_(FixAnchors)(doc, &doc->root, wantNameAttr, aye);
TY_(FixXhtmlNamespace)(doc, aye);
TY_(FixLanguageInformation)(doc, &doc->root, aye, aye);
TY_(FixAnchors)(doc, &doc->root, wantNameAttr, yes);
TY_(FixAnchors)(doc, &doc->root, wantNameAttr, aye);
TY_(FixXhtmlNamespace)(doc, no);
TY_(FixLanguageInformation)(doc, &doc->root, no, yes);
TY_(FixLanguageInformation)(doc, &doc->root, no, aye);
if (tidyMark )
@ -1918,11 +1918,11 @@ Bool showBodyOnly( TidyDocImpl* doc, TidyTriState bodyOnly )
case TidyNoState:
return no;
case TidyYesState:
return yes;
return aye;
node = TY_(FindBody)( doc );
if (node && node->implicit )
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -1990,7 +1990,7 @@ int tidyDocSaveStream( TidyDocImpl* doc, StreamOut* out )
** which gives you only the basic character entities,
** which are safe in any browser.
** if ( !TY_(FindDocType)(doc) )
** TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyNumEntities, yes );
** TY_(SetOptionBool)( doc, TidyNumEntities, aye );
doc->docOut = out;
@ -2156,7 +2156,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetText( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer* outbuf
doc->docOut = NULL;
TidyDocFree( doc, out );
return yes;
return aye;
return no;
@ -2188,13 +2188,13 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetValue( TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer* buf )
return no;
return yes;
return aye;
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsProp( TidyDoc ARG_UNUSED(tdoc), TidyNode tnod )
Node* nimp = tidyNodeToImpl( tnod );
Bool isProprietary = yes;
Bool isProprietary = aye;
if ( nimp )
switch ( nimp->type )
@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsProp( TidyDoc ARG_UNUSED(tdoc), TidyNode tnod )
case AspTag:
case JsteTag:
case PhpTag:
isProprietary = yes;
isProprietary = aye;
case StartTag:
@ -2221,7 +2221,7 @@ Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsProp( TidyDoc ARG_UNUSED(tdoc), TidyNode tnod )
case StartEndTag:
isProprietary = ( nimp->tag
? (nimp->tag->versions&VERS_PROPRIETARY)!=0
: yes );
: aye );


@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ typedef _Bool Bool;
typedef enum
} Bool;
/* for NULL pointers


@ -208,20 +208,20 @@ int TY_(DecodeUTF8BytesToChar)( uint* c, uint firstByte, ctmbstr successorBytes,
n = ch & 3;
bytes = 5;
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
else if ((ch & 0xFE) == 0xFC) /* 1111 110X six bytes */
n = ch & 1;
bytes = 6;
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
/* not a valid first byte of a UTF-8 sequence */
n = ch;
bytes = 1;
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
/* successor bytes should have the form 10XX XXXX */
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ int TY_(DecodeUTF8BytesToChar)( uint* c, uint firstByte, ctmbstr successorBytes,
if ( !buf[i] || (buf[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80 )
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
bytes = i+1;
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ int TY_(DecodeUTF8BytesToChar)( uint* c, uint firstByte, ctmbstr successorBytes,
/* End of data or illegal successor byte value */
if ( b == EOF || (buf[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80 )
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
bytes = i+1;
if ( b != EOF )
inp->ungetByte( inp->sourceData, buf[i] );
@ -263,20 +263,20 @@ int TY_(DecodeUTF8BytesToChar)( uint* c, uint firstByte, ctmbstr successorBytes,
else if ( bytes > 1 )
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
bytes = 1;
if (!hasError && ((n == kUTF8ByteSwapNotAChar) || (n == kUTF8NotAChar)))
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
if (!hasError && (n > kMaxUTF8FromUCS4))
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
#if 0 /* Breaks Big5 D8 - DF */
if (!hasError && (n >= kUTF16LowSurrogateBegin) && (n <= kUTF16HighSurrogateEnd))
/* unpaired surrogates not allowed */
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
if (!hasError)
@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ int TY_(DecodeUTF8BytesToChar)( uint* c, uint firstByte, ctmbstr successorBytes,
/* check for overlong sequences */
if ((n < validUTF8[lo].lowChar) || (n > validUTF8[hi].highChar))
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
hasError = yes; /* assume error until proven otherwise */
hasError = aye; /* assume error until proven otherwise */
for (i = lo; i <= hi; i++)
@ -363,11 +363,11 @@ int TY_(EncodeCharToUTF8Bytes)( uint c, tmbstr encodebuf,
buf[2] = (tmbchar) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
bytes = 3;
if ( c == kUTF8ByteSwapNotAChar || c == kUTF8NotAChar )
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
#if 0 /* Breaks Big5 D8 - DF */
else if ( c >= kUTF16LowSurrogateBegin && c <= kUTF16HighSurrogateEnd )
/* unpaired surrogates not allowed */
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
else if (c <= 0x1FFFFF) /* 1111 0XXX four bytes */
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ int TY_(EncodeCharToUTF8Bytes)( uint c, tmbstr encodebuf,
buf[3] = (tmbchar) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
bytes = 4;
if (c > kMaxUTF8FromUCS4)
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
else if (c <= 0x3FFFFFF) /* 1111 10XX five bytes */
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ int TY_(EncodeCharToUTF8Bytes)( uint c, tmbstr encodebuf,
buf[3] = (tmbchar) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));
buf[4] = (tmbchar) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
bytes = 5;
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
else if (c <= 0x7FFFFFFF) /* 1111 110X six bytes */
@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ int TY_(EncodeCharToUTF8Bytes)( uint c, tmbstr encodebuf,
buf[4] = (tmbchar) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));
buf[5] = (tmbchar) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
bytes = 6;
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
hasError = yes;
hasError = aye;
/* don't output invalid UTF-8 byte sequence to a stream */
if ( !hasError && outp != NULL )


@ -59,364 +59,364 @@ static struct _nameWinCPMap
uint wincp;
Bool safe;
} const NameWinCPMap[] = {
{ "cp037", 37, yes },
{ "csibm037", 37, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-ca", 37, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-nl", 37, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-us", 37, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-wt", 37, yes },
{ "ibm037", 37, yes },
{ "cp437", 437, yes },
{ "cspc8codepage437", 437, yes },
{ "ibm437", 437, yes },
{ "cp500", 500, yes },
{ "csibm500", 500, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-be", 500, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-ch", 500, yes },
{ "ibm500", 500, yes },
{ "asmo-708", 708, yes },
{ "dos-720", 720, yes },
{ "ibm737", 737, yes },
{ "ibm775", 775, yes },
{ "cp850", 850, yes },
{ "ibm850", 850, yes },
{ "cp852", 852, yes },
{ "ibm852", 852, yes },
{ "cp855", 855, yes },
{ "ibm855", 855, yes },
{ "cp857", 857, yes },
{ "ibm857", 857, yes },
{ "ccsid00858", 858, yes },
{ "cp00858", 858, yes },
{ "cp858", 858, yes },
{ "ibm00858", 858, yes },
{ "pc-multilingual-850+euro", 858, yes },
{ "cp860", 860, yes },
{ "ibm860", 860, yes },
{ "cp861", 861, yes },
{ "ibm861", 861, yes },
{ "cp862", 862, yes },
{ "dos-862", 862, yes },
{ "ibm862", 862, yes },
{ "cp863", 863, yes },
{ "ibm863", 863, yes },
{ "cp864", 864, yes },
{ "ibm864", 864, yes },
{ "cp865", 865, yes },
{ "ibm865", 865, yes },
{ "cp866", 866, yes },
{ "ibm866", 866, yes },
{ "cp869", 869, yes },
{ "ibm869", 869, yes },
{ "cp870", 870, yes },
{ "csibm870", 870, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-roece", 870, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-yu", 870, yes },
{ "ibm870", 870, yes },
{ "dos-874", 874, yes },
{ "iso-8859-11", 874, yes },
{ "tis-620", 874, yes },
{ "windows-874", 874, yes },
{ "cp875", 875, yes },
{ "csshiftjis", 932, yes },
{ "cswindows31j", 932, yes },
{ "ms_kanji", 932, yes },
{ "shift-jis", 932, yes },
{ "shift_jis", 932, yes },
{ "sjis", 932, yes },
{ "x-ms-cp932", 932, yes },
{ "x-sjis", 932, yes },
{ "chinese", 936, yes },
{ "cn-gb", 936, yes },
{ "csgb2312", 936, yes },
{ "csgb231280", 936, yes },
{ "csiso58gb231280", 936, yes },
{ "gb2312", 936, yes },
{ "gb2312-80", 936, yes },
{ "gb231280", 936, yes },
{ "gb_2312-80", 936, yes },
{ "gbk", 936, yes },
{ "iso-ir-58", 936, yes },
{ "csksc56011987", 949, yes },
{ "iso-ir-149", 949, yes },
{ "korean", 949, yes },
{ "ks-c-5601", 949, yes },
{ "ks-c5601", 949, yes },
{ "ks_c_5601", 949, yes },
{ "ks_c_5601-1987", 949, yes },
{ "ks_c_5601-1989", 949, yes },
{ "ks_c_5601_1987", 949, yes },
{ "ksc5601", 949, yes },
{ "ksc_5601", 949, yes },
{ "big5", 950, yes },
{ "big5-hkscs", 950, yes },
{ "cn-big5", 950, yes },
{ "csbig5", 950, yes },
{ "x-x-big5", 950, yes },
{ "cp1026", 1026, yes },
{ "csibm1026", 1026, yes },
{ "ibm1026", 1026, yes },
{ "ibm01047", 1047, yes },
{ "ccsid01140", 1140, yes },
{ "cp01140", 1140, yes },
{ "ebcdic-us-37+euro", 1140, yes },
{ "ibm01140", 1140, yes },
{ "ccsid01141", 1141, yes },
{ "cp01141", 1141, yes },
{ "ebcdic-de-273+euro", 1141, yes },
{ "ibm01141", 1141, yes },
{ "ccsid01142", 1142, yes },
{ "cp01142", 1142, yes },
{ "ebcdic-dk-277+euro", 1142, yes },
{ "ebcdic-no-277+euro", 1142, yes },
{ "ibm01142", 1142, yes },
{ "ccsid01143", 1143, yes },
{ "cp01143", 1143, yes },
{ "ebcdic-fi-278+euro", 1143, yes },
{ "ebcdic-se-278+euro", 1143, yes },
{ "ibm01143", 1143, yes },
{ "ccsid01144", 1144, yes },
{ "cp01144", 1144, yes },
{ "ebcdic-it-280+euro", 1144, yes },
{ "ibm01144", 1144, yes },
{ "ccsid01145", 1145, yes },
{ "cp01145", 1145, yes },
{ "ebcdic-es-284+euro", 1145, yes },
{ "ibm01145", 1145, yes },
{ "ccsid01146", 1146, yes },
{ "cp01146", 1146, yes },
{ "ebcdic-gb-285+euro", 1146, yes },
{ "ibm01146", 1146, yes },
{ "ccsid01147", 1147, yes },
{ "cp01147", 1147, yes },
{ "ebcdic-fr-297+euro", 1147, yes },
{ "ibm01147", 1147, yes },
{ "ccsid01148", 1148, yes },
{ "cp01148", 1148, yes },
{ "ebcdic-international-500+euro", 1148, yes },
{ "ibm01148", 1148, yes },
{ "ccsid01149", 1149, yes },
{ "cp01149", 1149, yes },
{ "ebcdic-is-871+euro", 1149, yes },
{ "ibm01149", 1149, yes },
{ "iso-10646-ucs-2", 1200, yes },
{ "ucs-2", 1200, yes },
{ "unicode", 1200, yes },
{ "utf-16", 1200, yes },
{ "utf-16le", 1200, yes },
{ "unicodefffe", 1201, yes },
{ "utf-16be", 1201, yes },
{ "windows-1250", 1250, yes },
{ "x-cp1250", 1250, yes },
{ "windows-1251", 1251, yes },
{ "x-cp1251", 1251, yes },
{ "windows-1252", 1252, yes },
{ "x-ansi", 1252, yes },
{ "windows-1253", 1253, yes },
{ "windows-1254", 1254, yes },
{ "windows-1255", 1255, yes },
{ "cp1256", 1256, yes },
{ "windows-1256", 1256, yes },
{ "windows-1257", 1257, yes },
{ "windows-1258", 1258, yes },
{ "johab", 1361, yes },
{ "macintosh", 10000, yes },
{ "x-mac-japanese", 10001, yes },
{ "x-mac-chinesetrad", 10002, yes },
{ "x-mac-korean", 10003, yes },
{ "x-mac-arabic", 10004, yes },
{ "x-mac-hebrew", 10005, yes },
{ "x-mac-greek", 10006, yes },
{ "x-mac-cyrillic", 10007, yes },
{ "x-mac-chinesesimp", 10008, yes },
{ "x-mac-romanian", 10010, yes },
{ "x-mac-ukrainian", 10017, yes },
{ "x-mac-thai", 10021, yes },
{ "x-mac-ce", 10029, yes },
{ "x-mac-icelandic", 10079, yes },
{ "x-mac-turkish", 10081, yes },
{ "x-mac-croatian", 10082, yes },
{ "x-chinese-cns", 20000, yes },
{ "x-cp20001", 20001, yes },
{ "x-chinese-eten", 20002, yes },
{ "x-cp20003", 20003, yes },
{ "x-cp20004", 20004, yes },
{ "x-cp20005", 20005, yes },
{ "irv", 20105, yes },
{ "x-ia5", 20105, yes },
{ "din_66003", 20106, yes },
{ "german", 20106, yes },
{ "x-ia5-german", 20106, yes },
{ "sen_850200_b", 20107, yes },
{ "swedish", 20107, yes },
{ "x-ia5-swedish", 20107, yes },
{ "norwegian", 20108, yes },
{ "ns_4551-1", 20108, yes },
{ "x-ia5-norwegian", 20108, yes },
{ "ansi_x3.4-1968", 20127, yes },
{ "ansi_x3.4-1986", 20127, yes },
{ "ascii", 20127, yes },
{ "cp367", 20127, yes },
{ "csascii", 20127, yes },
{ "ibm367", 20127, yes },
{ "iso-ir-6", 20127, yes },
{ "iso646-us", 20127, yes },
{ "iso_646.irv:1991", 20127, yes },
{ "us", 20127, yes },
{ "us-ascii", 20127, yes },
{ "x-cp20261", 20261, yes },
{ "x-cp20269", 20269, yes },
{ "cp273", 20273, yes },
{ "csibm273", 20273, yes },
{ "ibm273", 20273, yes },
{ "csibm277", 20277, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-dk", 20277, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-no", 20277, yes },
{ "ibm277", 20277, yes },
{ "cp278", 20278, yes },
{ "csibm278", 20278, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-fi", 20278, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-se", 20278, yes },
{ "ibm278", 20278, yes },
{ "cp280", 20280, yes },
{ "csibm280", 20280, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-it", 20280, yes },
{ "ibm280", 20280, yes },
{ "cp284", 20284, yes },
{ "csibm284", 20284, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-es", 20284, yes },
{ "ibm284", 20284, yes },
{ "cp285", 20285, yes },
{ "csibm285", 20285, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-gb", 20285, yes },
{ "ibm285", 20285, yes },
{ "cp290", 20290, yes },
{ "csibm290", 20290, yes },
{ "ebcdic-jp-kana", 20290, yes },
{ "ibm290", 20290, yes },
{ "cp297", 20297, yes },
{ "csibm297", 20297, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-fr", 20297, yes },
{ "ibm297", 20297, yes },
{ "cp420", 20420, yes },
{ "csibm420", 20420, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-ar1", 20420, yes },
{ "ibm420", 20420, yes },
{ "cp423", 20423, yes },
{ "csibm423", 20423, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-gr", 20423, yes },
{ "ibm423", 20423, yes },
{ "cp424", 20424, yes },
{ "csibm424", 20424, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-he", 20424, yes },
{ "ibm424", 20424, yes },
{ "x-ebcdic-koreanextended", 20833, yes },
{ "csibmthai", 20838, yes },
{ "ibm-thai", 20838, yes },
{ "cskoi8r", 20866, yes },
{ "koi", 20866, yes },
{ "koi8", 20866, yes },
{ "koi8-r", 20866, yes },
{ "koi8r", 20866, yes },
{ "cp871", 20871, yes },
{ "csibm871", 20871, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-is", 20871, yes },
{ "ibm871", 20871, yes },
{ "cp880", 20880, yes },
{ "csibm880", 20880, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cyrillic", 20880, yes },
{ "ibm880", 20880, yes },
{ "cp905", 20905, yes },
{ "csibm905", 20905, yes },
{ "ebcdic-cp-tr", 20905, yes },
{ "ibm905", 20905, yes },
{ "ccsid00924", 20924, yes },
{ "cp00924", 20924, yes },
{ "ebcdic-latin9--euro", 20924, yes },
{ "ibm00924", 20924, yes },
{ "x-cp20936", 20936, yes },
{ "x-cp20949", 20949, yes },
{ "cp1025", 21025, yes },
{ "x-cp21027", 21027, yes },
{ "koi8-ru", 21866, yes },
{ "koi8-u", 21866, yes },
{ "cp819", 28591, yes },
{ "csisolatin1", 28591, yes },
{ "ibm819", 28591, yes },
{ "iso-8859-1", 28591, yes },
{ "iso-ir-100", 28591, yes },
{ "iso8859-1", 28591, yes },
{ "iso_8859-1", 28591, yes },
{ "iso_8859-1:1987", 28591, yes },
{ "l1", 28591, yes },
{ "latin1", 28591, yes },
{ "csisolatin2", 28592, yes },
{ "iso-8859-2", 28592, yes },
{ "iso-ir-101", 28592, yes },
{ "iso8859-2", 28592, yes },
{ "iso_8859-2", 28592, yes },
{ "iso_8859-2:1987", 28592, yes },
{ "l2", 28592, yes },
{ "latin2", 28592, yes },
{ "csisolatin3", 28593, yes },
{ "iso-8859-3", 28593, yes },
{ "iso-ir-109", 28593, yes },
{ "iso_8859-3", 28593, yes },
{ "iso_8859-3:1988", 28593, yes },
{ "l3", 28593, yes },
{ "latin3", 28593, yes },
{ "csisolatin4", 28594, yes },
{ "iso-8859-4", 28594, yes },
{ "iso-ir-110", 28594, yes },
{ "iso_8859-4", 28594, yes },
{ "iso_8859-4:1988", 28594, yes },
{ "l4", 28594, yes },
{ "latin4", 28594, yes },
{ "csisolatincyrillic", 28595, yes },
{ "cyrillic", 28595, yes },
{ "iso-8859-5", 28595, yes },
{ "iso-ir-144", 28595, yes },
{ "iso_8859-5", 28595, yes },
{ "iso_8859-5:1988", 28595, yes },
{ "arabic", 28596, yes },
{ "csisolatinarabic", 28596, yes },
{ "ecma-114", 28596, yes },
{ "iso-8859-6", 28596, yes },
{ "iso-ir-127", 28596, yes },
{ "iso_8859-6", 28596, yes },
{ "iso_8859-6:1987", 28596, yes },
{ "csisolatingreek", 28597, yes },
{ "ecma-118", 28597, yes },
{ "elot_928", 28597, yes },
{ "greek", 28597, yes },
{ "greek8", 28597, yes },
{ "iso-8859-7", 28597, yes },
{ "iso-ir-126", 28597, yes },
{ "iso_8859-7", 28597, yes },
{ "iso_8859-7:1987", 28597, yes },
{ "csisolatinhebrew", 28598, yes },
{ "hebrew", 28598, yes },
{ "iso-8859-8", 28598, yes },
{ "iso-ir-138", 28598, yes },
{ "iso_8859-8", 28598, yes },
{ "iso_8859-8:1988", 28598, yes },
{ "logical", 28598, yes },
{ "visual", 28598, yes },
{ "csisolatin5", 28599, yes },
{ "iso-8859-9", 28599, yes },
{ "iso-ir-148", 28599, yes },
{ "iso_8859-9", 28599, yes },
{ "iso_8859-9:1989", 28599, yes },
{ "l5", 28599, yes },
{ "latin5", 28599, yes },
{ "iso-8859-13", 28603, yes },
{ "csisolatin9", 28605, yes },
{ "iso-8859-15", 28605, yes },
{ "iso_8859-15", 28605, yes },
{ "l9", 28605, yes },
{ "latin9", 28605, yes },
{ "x-europa", 29001, yes },
{ "iso-8859-8-i", 38598, yes },
{ "cp037", 37, aye },
{ "csibm037", 37, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-ca", 37, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-nl", 37, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-us", 37, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-wt", 37, aye },
{ "ibm037", 37, aye },
{ "cp437", 437, aye },
{ "cspc8codepage437", 437, aye },
{ "ibm437", 437, aye },
{ "cp500", 500, aye },
{ "csibm500", 500, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-be", 500, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-ch", 500, aye },
{ "ibm500", 500, aye },
{ "asmo-708", 708, aye },
{ "dos-720", 720, aye },
{ "ibm737", 737, aye },
{ "ibm775", 775, aye },
{ "cp850", 850, aye },
{ "ibm850", 850, aye },
{ "cp852", 852, aye },
{ "ibm852", 852, aye },
{ "cp855", 855, aye },
{ "ibm855", 855, aye },
{ "cp857", 857, aye },
{ "ibm857", 857, aye },
{ "ccsid00858", 858, aye },
{ "cp00858", 858, aye },
{ "cp858", 858, aye },
{ "ibm00858", 858, aye },
{ "pc-multilingual-850+euro", 858, aye },
{ "cp860", 860, aye },
{ "ibm860", 860, aye },
{ "cp861", 861, aye },
{ "ibm861", 861, aye },
{ "cp862", 862, aye },
{ "dos-862", 862, aye },
{ "ibm862", 862, aye },
{ "cp863", 863, aye },
{ "ibm863", 863, aye },
{ "cp864", 864, aye },
{ "ibm864", 864, aye },
{ "cp865", 865, aye },
{ "ibm865", 865, aye },
{ "cp866", 866, aye },
{ "ibm866", 866, aye },
{ "cp869", 869, aye },
{ "ibm869", 869, aye },
{ "cp870", 870, aye },
{ "csibm870", 870, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-roece", 870, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-yu", 870, aye },
{ "ibm870", 870, aye },
{ "dos-874", 874, aye },
{ "iso-8859-11", 874, aye },
{ "tis-620", 874, aye },
{ "windows-874", 874, aye },
{ "cp875", 875, aye },
{ "csshiftjis", 932, aye },
{ "cswindows31j", 932, aye },
{ "ms_kanji", 932, aye },
{ "shift-jis", 932, aye },
{ "shift_jis", 932, aye },
{ "sjis", 932, aye },
{ "x-ms-cp932", 932, aye },
{ "x-sjis", 932, aye },
{ "chinese", 936, aye },
{ "cn-gb", 936, aye },
{ "csgb2312", 936, aye },
{ "csgb231280", 936, aye },
{ "csiso58gb231280", 936, aye },
{ "gb2312", 936, aye },
{ "gb2312-80", 936, aye },
{ "gb231280", 936, aye },
{ "gb_2312-80", 936, aye },
{ "gbk", 936, aye },
{ "iso-ir-58", 936, aye },
{ "csksc56011987", 949, aye },
{ "iso-ir-149", 949, aye },
{ "korean", 949, aye },
{ "ks-c-5601", 949, aye },
{ "ks-c5601", 949, aye },
{ "ks_c_5601", 949, aye },
{ "ks_c_5601-1987", 949, aye },
{ "ks_c_5601-1989", 949, aye },
{ "ks_c_5601_1987", 949, aye },
{ "ksc5601", 949, aye },
{ "ksc_5601", 949, aye },
{ "big5", 950, aye },
{ "big5-hkscs", 950, aye },
{ "cn-big5", 950, aye },
{ "csbig5", 950, aye },
{ "x-x-big5", 950, aye },
{ "cp1026", 1026, aye },
{ "csibm1026", 1026, aye },
{ "ibm1026", 1026, aye },
{ "ibm01047", 1047, aye },
{ "ccsid01140", 1140, aye },
{ "cp01140", 1140, aye },
{ "ebcdic-us-37+euro", 1140, aye },
{ "ibm01140", 1140, aye },
{ "ccsid01141", 1141, aye },
{ "cp01141", 1141, aye },
{ "ebcdic-de-273+euro", 1141, aye },
{ "ibm01141", 1141, aye },
{ "ccsid01142", 1142, aye },
{ "cp01142", 1142, aye },
{ "ebcdic-dk-277+euro", 1142, aye },
{ "ebcdic-no-277+euro", 1142, aye },
{ "ibm01142", 1142, aye },
{ "ccsid01143", 1143, aye },
{ "cp01143", 1143, aye },
{ "ebcdic-fi-278+euro", 1143, aye },
{ "ebcdic-se-278+euro", 1143, aye },
{ "ibm01143", 1143, aye },
{ "ccsid01144", 1144, aye },
{ "cp01144", 1144, aye },
{ "ebcdic-it-280+euro", 1144, aye },
{ "ibm01144", 1144, aye },
{ "ccsid01145", 1145, aye },
{ "cp01145", 1145, aye },
{ "ebcdic-es-284+euro", 1145, aye },
{ "ibm01145", 1145, aye },
{ "ccsid01146", 1146, aye },
{ "cp01146", 1146, aye },
{ "ebcdic-gb-285+euro", 1146, aye },
{ "ibm01146", 1146, aye },
{ "ccsid01147", 1147, aye },
{ "cp01147", 1147, aye },
{ "ebcdic-fr-297+euro", 1147, aye },
{ "ibm01147", 1147, aye },
{ "ccsid01148", 1148, aye },
{ "cp01148", 1148, aye },
{ "ebcdic-international-500+euro", 1148, aye },
{ "ibm01148", 1148, aye },
{ "ccsid01149", 1149, aye },
{ "cp01149", 1149, aye },
{ "ebcdic-is-871+euro", 1149, aye },
{ "ibm01149", 1149, aye },
{ "iso-10646-ucs-2", 1200, aye },
{ "ucs-2", 1200, aye },
{ "unicode", 1200, aye },
{ "utf-16", 1200, aye },
{ "utf-16le", 1200, aye },
{ "unicodefffe", 1201, aye },
{ "utf-16be", 1201, aye },
{ "windows-1250", 1250, aye },
{ "x-cp1250", 1250, aye },
{ "windows-1251", 1251, aye },
{ "x-cp1251", 1251, aye },
{ "windows-1252", 1252, aye },
{ "x-ansi", 1252, aye },
{ "windows-1253", 1253, aye },
{ "windows-1254", 1254, aye },
{ "windows-1255", 1255, aye },
{ "cp1256", 1256, aye },
{ "windows-1256", 1256, aye },
{ "windows-1257", 1257, aye },
{ "windows-1258", 1258, aye },
{ "johab", 1361, aye },
{ "macintosh", 10000, aye },
{ "x-mac-japanese", 10001, aye },
{ "x-mac-chinesetrad", 10002, aye },
{ "x-mac-korean", 10003, aye },
{ "x-mac-arabic", 10004, aye },
{ "x-mac-hebrew", 10005, aye },
{ "x-mac-greek", 10006, aye },
{ "x-mac-cyrillic", 10007, aye },
{ "x-mac-chinesesimp", 10008, aye },
{ "x-mac-romanian", 10010, aye },
{ "x-mac-ukrainian", 10017, aye },
{ "x-mac-thai", 10021, aye },
{ "x-mac-ce", 10029, aye },
{ "x-mac-icelandic", 10079, aye },
{ "x-mac-turkish", 10081, aye },
{ "x-mac-croatian", 10082, aye },
{ "x-chinese-cns", 20000, aye },
{ "x-cp20001", 20001, aye },
{ "x-chinese-eten", 20002, aye },
{ "x-cp20003", 20003, aye },
{ "x-cp20004", 20004, aye },
{ "x-cp20005", 20005, aye },
{ "irv", 20105, aye },
{ "x-ia5", 20105, aye },
{ "din_66003", 20106, aye },
{ "german", 20106, aye },
{ "x-ia5-german", 20106, aye },
{ "sen_850200_b", 20107, aye },
{ "swedish", 20107, aye },
{ "x-ia5-swedish", 20107, aye },
{ "norwegian", 20108, aye },
{ "ns_4551-1", 20108, aye },
{ "x-ia5-norwegian", 20108, aye },
{ "ansi_x3.4-1968", 20127, aye },
{ "ansi_x3.4-1986", 20127, aye },
{ "ascii", 20127, aye },
{ "cp367", 20127, aye },
{ "csascii", 20127, aye },
{ "ibm367", 20127, aye },
{ "iso-ir-6", 20127, aye },
{ "iso646-us", 20127, aye },
{ "iso_646.irv:1991", 20127, aye },
{ "us", 20127, aye },
{ "us-ascii", 20127, aye },
{ "x-cp20261", 20261, aye },
{ "x-cp20269", 20269, aye },
{ "cp273", 20273, aye },
{ "csibm273", 20273, aye },
{ "ibm273", 20273, aye },
{ "csibm277", 20277, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-dk", 20277, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-no", 20277, aye },
{ "ibm277", 20277, aye },
{ "cp278", 20278, aye },
{ "csibm278", 20278, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-fi", 20278, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-se", 20278, aye },
{ "ibm278", 20278, aye },
{ "cp280", 20280, aye },
{ "csibm280", 20280, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-it", 20280, aye },
{ "ibm280", 20280, aye },
{ "cp284", 20284, aye },
{ "csibm284", 20284, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-es", 20284, aye },
{ "ibm284", 20284, aye },
{ "cp285", 20285, aye },
{ "csibm285", 20285, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-gb", 20285, aye },
{ "ibm285", 20285, aye },
{ "cp290", 20290, aye },
{ "csibm290", 20290, aye },
{ "ebcdic-jp-kana", 20290, aye },
{ "ibm290", 20290, aye },
{ "cp297", 20297, aye },
{ "csibm297", 20297, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-fr", 20297, aye },
{ "ibm297", 20297, aye },
{ "cp420", 20420, aye },
{ "csibm420", 20420, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-ar1", 20420, aye },
{ "ibm420", 20420, aye },
{ "cp423", 20423, aye },
{ "csibm423", 20423, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-gr", 20423, aye },
{ "ibm423", 20423, aye },
{ "cp424", 20424, aye },
{ "csibm424", 20424, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-he", 20424, aye },
{ "ibm424", 20424, aye },
{ "x-ebcdic-koreanextended", 20833, aye },
{ "csibmthai", 20838, aye },
{ "ibm-thai", 20838, aye },
{ "cskoi8r", 20866, aye },
{ "koi", 20866, aye },
{ "koi8", 20866, aye },
{ "koi8-r", 20866, aye },
{ "koi8r", 20866, aye },
{ "cp871", 20871, aye },
{ "csibm871", 20871, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-is", 20871, aye },
{ "ibm871", 20871, aye },
{ "cp880", 20880, aye },
{ "csibm880", 20880, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cyrillic", 20880, aye },
{ "ibm880", 20880, aye },
{ "cp905", 20905, aye },
{ "csibm905", 20905, aye },
{ "ebcdic-cp-tr", 20905, aye },
{ "ibm905", 20905, aye },
{ "ccsid00924", 20924, aye },
{ "cp00924", 20924, aye },
{ "ebcdic-latin9--euro", 20924, aye },
{ "ibm00924", 20924, aye },
{ "x-cp20936", 20936, aye },
{ "x-cp20949", 20949, aye },
{ "cp1025", 21025, aye },
{ "x-cp21027", 21027, aye },
{ "koi8-ru", 21866, aye },
{ "koi8-u", 21866, aye },
{ "cp819", 28591, aye },
{ "csisolatin1", 28591, aye },
{ "ibm819", 28591, aye },
{ "iso-8859-1", 28591, aye },
{ "iso-ir-100", 28591, aye },
{ "iso8859-1", 28591, aye },
{ "iso_8859-1", 28591, aye },
{ "iso_8859-1:1987", 28591, aye },
{ "l1", 28591, aye },
{ "latin1", 28591, aye },
{ "csisolatin2", 28592, aye },
{ "iso-8859-2", 28592, aye },
{ "iso-ir-101", 28592, aye },
{ "iso8859-2", 28592, aye },
{ "iso_8859-2", 28592, aye },
{ "iso_8859-2:1987", 28592, aye },
{ "l2", 28592, aye },
{ "latin2", 28592, aye },
{ "csisolatin3", 28593, aye },
{ "iso-8859-3", 28593, aye },
{ "iso-ir-109", 28593, aye },
{ "iso_8859-3", 28593, aye },
{ "iso_8859-3:1988", 28593, aye },
{ "l3", 28593, aye },
{ "latin3", 28593, aye },
{ "csisolatin4", 28594, aye },
{ "iso-8859-4", 28594, aye },
{ "iso-ir-110", 28594, aye },
{ "iso_8859-4", 28594, aye },
{ "iso_8859-4:1988", 28594, aye },
{ "l4", 28594, aye },
{ "latin4", 28594, aye },
{ "csisolatincyrillic", 28595, aye },
{ "cyrillic", 28595, aye },
{ "iso-8859-5", 28595, aye },
{ "iso-ir-144", 28595, aye },
{ "iso_8859-5", 28595, aye },
{ "iso_8859-5:1988", 28595, aye },
{ "arabic", 28596, aye },
{ "csisolatinarabic", 28596, aye },
{ "ecma-114", 28596, aye },
{ "iso-8859-6", 28596, aye },
{ "iso-ir-127", 28596, aye },
{ "iso_8859-6", 28596, aye },
{ "iso_8859-6:1987", 28596, aye },
{ "csisolatingreek", 28597, aye },
{ "ecma-118", 28597, aye },
{ "elot_928", 28597, aye },
{ "greek", 28597, aye },
{ "greek8", 28597, aye },
{ "iso-8859-7", 28597, aye },
{ "iso-ir-126", 28597, aye },
{ "iso_8859-7", 28597, aye },
{ "iso_8859-7:1987", 28597, aye },
{ "csisolatinhebrew", 28598, aye },
{ "hebrew", 28598, aye },
{ "iso-8859-8", 28598, aye },
{ "iso-ir-138", 28598, aye },
{ "iso_8859-8", 28598, aye },
{ "iso_8859-8:1988", 28598, aye },
{ "logical", 28598, aye },
{ "visual", 28598, aye },
{ "csisolatin5", 28599, aye },
{ "iso-8859-9", 28599, aye },
{ "iso-ir-148", 28599, aye },
{ "iso_8859-9", 28599, aye },
{ "iso_8859-9:1989", 28599, aye },
{ "l5", 28599, aye },
{ "latin5", 28599, aye },
{ "iso-8859-13", 28603, aye },
{ "csisolatin9", 28605, aye },
{ "iso-8859-15", 28605, aye },
{ "iso_8859-15", 28605, aye },
{ "l9", 28605, aye },
{ "latin9", 28605, aye },
{ "x-europa", 29001, aye },
{ "iso-8859-8-i", 38598, aye },
{ "iso-2022-jp", 50220, no },
{ "csiso2022jp", 50221, no },
{ "csiso2022kr", 50225, no },
@ -425,47 +425,47 @@ static struct _nameWinCPMap
{ "iso-2022-kr-7bit", 50225, no },
{ "cp50227", 50227, no },
{ "x-cp50227", 50227, no },
{ "cp930", 50930, yes },
{ "x-ebcdic-japaneseanduscanada", 50931, yes },
{ "cp933", 50933, yes },
{ "cp935", 50935, yes },
{ "cp937", 50937, yes },
{ "cp939", 50939, yes },
{ "cseucpkdfmtjapanese", 51932, yes },
{ "euc-jp", 51932, yes },
{ "extended_unix_code_packed_format_for_japanese", 51932, yes },
{ "iso-2022-jpeuc", 51932, yes },
{ "x-euc", 51932, yes },
{ "x-euc-jp", 51932, yes },
{ "euc-cn", 51936, yes },
{ "x-euc-cn", 51936, yes },
{ "cseuckr", 51949, yes },
{ "euc-kr", 51949, yes },
{ "iso-2022-kr-8", 51949, yes },
{ "iso-2022-kr-8bit", 51949, yes },
{ "cp930", 50930, aye },
{ "x-ebcdic-japaneseanduscanada", 50931, aye },
{ "cp933", 50933, aye },
{ "cp935", 50935, aye },
{ "cp937", 50937, aye },
{ "cp939", 50939, aye },
{ "cseucpkdfmtjapanese", 51932, aye },
{ "euc-jp", 51932, aye },
{ "extended_unix_code_packed_format_for_japanese", 51932, aye },
{ "iso-2022-jpeuc", 51932, aye },
{ "x-euc", 51932, aye },
{ "x-euc-jp", 51932, aye },
{ "euc-cn", 51936, aye },
{ "x-euc-cn", 51936, aye },
{ "cseuckr", 51949, aye },
{ "euc-kr", 51949, aye },
{ "iso-2022-kr-8", 51949, aye },
{ "iso-2022-kr-8bit", 51949, aye },
{ "hz-gb-2312", 52936, no },
{ "gb18030", 54936, yes },
{ "x-iscii-de", 57002, yes },
{ "x-iscii-be", 57003, yes },
{ "x-iscii-ta", 57004, yes },
{ "x-iscii-te", 57005, yes },
{ "x-iscii-as", 57006, yes },
{ "x-iscii-or", 57007, yes },
{ "x-iscii-ka", 57008, yes },
{ "x-iscii-ma", 57009, yes },
{ "x-iscii-gu", 57010, yes },
{ "x-iscii-pa", 57011, yes },
{ "gb18030", 54936, aye },
{ "x-iscii-de", 57002, aye },
{ "x-iscii-be", 57003, aye },
{ "x-iscii-ta", 57004, aye },
{ "x-iscii-te", 57005, aye },
{ "x-iscii-as", 57006, aye },
{ "x-iscii-or", 57007, aye },
{ "x-iscii-ka", 57008, aye },
{ "x-iscii-ma", 57009, aye },
{ "x-iscii-gu", 57010, aye },
{ "x-iscii-pa", 57011, aye },
{ "csunicode11utf7", 65000, no },
{ "unicode-1-1-utf-7", 65000, no },
{ "unicode-2-0-utf-7", 65000, no },
{ "utf-7", 65000, no },
{ "x-unicode-1-1-utf-7", 65000, no },
{ "x-unicode-2-0-utf-7", 65000, no },
{ "unicode-1-1-utf-8", 65001, yes },
{ "unicode-2-0-utf-8", 65001, yes },
{ "utf-8", 65001, yes },
{ "x-unicode-1-1-utf-8", 65001, yes },
{ "x-unicode-2-0-utf-8", 65001, yes },
{ "unicode-1-1-utf-8", 65001, aye },
{ "unicode-2-0-utf-8", 65001, aye },
{ "utf-8", 65001, aye },
{ "x-unicode-1-1-utf-8", 65001, aye },
{ "x-unicode-2-0-utf-8", 65001, aye },
/* final entry */
{ NULL, 0, no }
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Bool TY_(Win32MLangInitInputTranscoder)(StreamIn * in, uint wincp)
in->mlang = p;
return yes;
return aye;
void TY_(Win32MLangUninitInputTranscoder)(StreamIn * in)
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ Bool Win32MLangInitOutputTranscoder(TidyAllocator *allocator, StreamOut * out, t
out->mlang = p;
return yes;
return aye;
void Win32MLangUninitOutputTranscoder(StreamOut * out)
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ Bool Win32MLangIsConvertible(tchar c, StreamOut * out)
p = (IMLangConvertCharset *)out->mlang;
hr = IMLangConvertCharset_DoConversionFromUnicode(p, inbuf, &inbufsize, NULL, NULL);
return hr == S_OK ? yes : no;
return hr == S_OK ? aye : no;
void Win32MLangPutChar(tchar c, StreamOut * out, uint * bytesWritten)
