% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/xmlview.R \name{xml_view} \alias{xml_view} \alias{html_view} \title{HTML/XML pretty printer and viewer} \usage{ xml_view(doc, style = "default", scroll = FALSE, add_filter = FALSE, apply_xpath = NULL, width = "100\%", height = NULL) html_view(doc, style = "default", scroll = FALSE, add_filter = FALSE, apply_xpath = NULL, width = "100\%", height = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{doc}{\code{xml2} document/node/nodeset, an \code{HTMLInternalDocument}/ \code{XMLInternalDocument} or atomic character vector of HTML/XML content} \item{style}{CSS stylesheet to use (see \code{higlight_styles()})} \item{scroll}{should the \code{
} holding the HTML/XML content scroll (\code{TRUE}) or take up the full viewer/browser window (\code{FALSE}). Default is \code{FALSE} (take up the full viewer/browser window). If this is set to \code{TRUE}, \code{height} should be set to a value other than \code{NULL}.} \item{add_filter}{show an XPath input box to enable live filtering? (default: \code{FALSE})} \item{apply_xpath}{Add and apply an XPath query string to the view. If \code{add_filter} is \code{TRUE} then this query string will appear in the filter box and be applied to the passed in document.} \item{width}{widget width (best to keep it at 100\%)} \item{height}{widget height (kinda only useful for knitting since this is meant to be an interactive tool).} } \description{ This uses the \code{vkbeautify} and \code{highlight.js} javascript modules to format and "pretty print" HTML/XML documents, nodes, node sets and plain character HTML/XML in an \code{htmlwidget} pane. } \note{ Large HTML or XML content may take some time to render properly. It is suggested that this function be used on as minimal of a subset of HTML/XML as possible or used in a browser context vs an IDE viewer context. } \examples{ if (interactive()) { txt <- paste0("ToveJaniReminder", "Don't forget me this weekend!") # xml_view(txt) } } \references{ \href{https://highlightjs.org/}{highlight.js}, \href{http://www.eslinstructor.net/vkbeautify/}{vkbeautify} }