#' Tidy or "Pretty Print" HTML/XHTML Documents #' #' Pass in HTML content as either plain or raw text or parsed objects (either with the #' \code{XML} or \code{xml2} packages) or as an \code{httr} \code{response} object #' along with an options list that specifies how the content will be tidied and get back #' tidied content of the same object type as passed in to the function. #' #' The default option \code{TixyXhtmlOut} will convert the input content to XHTML. #' #' Currently supported options: #' #' \itemize{ #' \item{Ones taking a logical value: }{\code{TidyAltText}, \code{TidyBodyOnly}, \code{TidyBreakBeforeBR}, #' \code{TidyCoerceEndTags}, \code{TidyDropEmptyElems}, \code{TidyDropEmptyParas}, #' \code{TidyFixBackslash}, \code{TidyFixComments}, \code{TidyGDocClean}, \code{TidyHideComments}, #' \code{TidyHtmlOut}, \code{TidyIndentContent}, \code{TidyJoinClasses}, \code{TidyJoinStyles}, #' \code{TidyLogicalEmphasis}, \code{TidyMakeBare}, \code{TidyMakeClean}, \code{TidyMark}, #' \code{TidyOmitOptionalTags}, \code{TidyReplaceColor}, \code{TidyUpperCaseAttrs}, #' \code{TidyUpperCaseTags}, \code{TidyWord2000}, \code{TidyXhtmlOut}} #' \item{Ones taking a character value: }{\code{TidyDoctype}, \code{TidyInlineTags}, \code{TidyBlockTags}, #' \code{TidyEmptyTags}, \code{TidyPreTags}} #' \item{Ones taking an integer value: }{\code{TidyIndentSpaces}, \code{TidyTabSize}, \code{TidyWrapLen}} #' } #' #' File \href{https://github.com/hrbrmstr/htmltidy/issues}{an issue} if there are other \code{libtidy} #' options you'd like supported. #' #' It is likely that the most used options will be: #' #' \itemize{ #' \item{\code{TidyXhtmlOut} (logical)}, #' \item{\code{TidyHtmlOut} (logical)} and #' \item{\code{TidyDocType} which should be one of "\code{omit}", #' "\code{html5}", "\code{auto}", "\code{strict}" or "\code{loose}"}. #' } #' #' You can clean up Microsoft Word (2000) and Google Docs HTML via logical settings for #' \code{TidyWord2000} and \code{TidyGDocClean}, respectively. #' #' It may also be advantageous to remove all comments with \code{TidyHideComments}. #' #' @param content accepts a character vector, raw vector or parsed content from the \code{xml2} #' or \code{XML} packages. #' @param options named list of options #' @param verbose output document errors? (default: \code{FALSE}) #' @note If document parsing errors are severe enough, \code{tidy_html()} will not be able #' to clean the document and will display the errors (this output can be captured with #' \code{sink()} or \code{capture.output()}) along with a warning and return a "best effort" #' cleaned version of the document. #' @return Tidied HTML/XHTML content. The object type will be the same as that of the input type #' except when it is a \code{connection}, then a character vector will be returned. #' @references \url{http://api.html-tidy.org/tidy/quickref_5.1.25.html} & #' \url{https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5/blob/master/include/tidyenum.h} #' for definitions of the options supported above and \url{https://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/} #' for an explanation of what "tidy" HTML is and some canonical examples of what it can do. #' @export #' @examples #' opts <- list( #' TidyDocType="html5", #' TidyMakeClean=TRUE, #' TidyHideComments=TRUE, #' TidyIndentContent=TRUE, #' TidyWrapLen=200 #' ) #' #' txt <- paste0( #' c("", #' "


"), #' collapse="") #' #' cat(tidy_html(txt, option=opts)) #' #' library(httr) #' res <- GET("https://rud.is/test/untidy.html") #' #' # look at the original, un-tidy source #' cat(content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")) #' #' # see the tidied version #' cat(tidy_html(content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"), #' list(TidyDocType="html5", TidyWrapLen=200))) #' #' # but, you could also just do: #' cat(tidy_html(url("https://rud.is/test/untidy.html"))) tidy_html <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { UseMethod("tidy_html") } #' @export #' @rdname tidy_html tidy_html.default <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { content <- paste0(content, collapse="") .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy', source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose) } #' @export #' @rdname tidy_html tidy_html.character <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { content <- paste0(content, collapse="") .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy', source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose) } #' @export #' @rdname tidy_html tidy_html.raw <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { content <- content[1] content <- iconv(readBin(content, character()), to="UTF-8") out <- .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy', source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose) charToRaw(out) } #' @export #' @rdname tidy_html tidy_html.xml_document <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { content <- toString(content) out <- .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy', source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose) xml2::read_html(out) } #' @export #' @rdname tidy_html tidy_html.HTMLInternalDocument <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { content <- XML::saveXML(content) out <- .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy', source=content, options=options, show_errors=verbose) XML::htmlParse(out) } #' @export #' @rdname tidy_html tidy_html.connection <- function(content, options=list(TidyXhtmlOut=TRUE), verbose=FALSE) { html <- paste0(readLines(content, warn=FALSE), collapse="") close(content) .Call('htmltidy_tidy_html_int', PACKAGE='htmltidy', source=html, options=options, show_errors=verbose) }