% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/aaa.r \docType{data} \name{tidy_options} \alias{tidy_options} \title{HTML, XHTML & XML Options for tidy_html} \format{A data frame with 55 rows and 3 variables} \usage{ tidy_options } \description{ This dataset contains the options (and their default settings) for tidy_html. They are passed in a named-list to tidy_html \itemize{ \item \code{Option}: Option name \item \code{Type}: Option value type \item \code{Default}: Is it the default for tidy_html? } } \note{ Last updated 2016-09-09. } \references{ The \href{http://api.html-tidy.org/tidy/quickref_5.1.25.html}{ HTML Tidy Options Quick Reference} } \keyword{datasets}