#' Tidy Up and Test XPath Queries on HTML and XML Content #' #' HTML documents can be beautiful and pristine. They can also be #' wretched, evil, malformed demon-spawn. Now, you can tidy up that HTML and XHTML #' before processing it with your favorite angle-bracket crunching tools, going beyond #' the limited tidying that 'libxml2' affords in the 'XML' and 'xml2' packages and #' taming even the ugliest HTML code generated by the likes of Google Docs and Microsoft #' Word. It's also possible to use the functions provided to format or "pretty print" #' HTML content as it is being tidied. Utilities are also included that make it #' possible to view formatted and "pretty printed" HTML/XML #' content from HTML/XML document objects, nodes, node sets and plain character HTML/XML #' using 'vkbeautify' (by Vadim Kiryukhin) and 'highlight.js' (by Ivan Sagalaev). #' Also (optionally) enables filtering of nodes via XPath or viewing an XML document #' in "tree" view using 'xml-viewer' (by Julian Gruber). See #' \url{https://github.com/vkiryukhin/vkBeautify} and #' \url{https://github.com/juliangruber/xml-viewer} for more information about 'vkbeautify' #' and 'xml-viewer', respectively. #' #' @name htmltidy #' @docType package #' @author Bob Rudis (bob@@rud.is) #' @useDynLib htmltidy #' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp #' @import xml2 XML htmlwidgets htmltools NULL