You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

694 B

Test environments

  • local OS X install, R 3.3.1 (clang)
  • ubuntu 12.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.3.1
  • win-builder (devel and release)
  • local 32-bit Windows 10 R 3.3.1
  • local ubuntu 14.04 R 3.3.1 & R-devel

R CMD check results

0 errors | 0 warnings | 2 notes

  • This is a new release.
  • XHTML is a valid and widely used acronym

This is a new release, so there are no reverse dependencies.

There is an inst/COPYRIGHTS file. The libtidy library is used in a plethora of other packages/modules (see Perl, Python & npm for starters) and most don't even bother acknowledging the efforts of the HTML Tidy working group but I wanted to make sure their efforts were credited appropriately.