% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/jarmed-package.R \docType{package} \name{jarmed} \alias{jarmed} \alias{jarmed-package} \title{Fingerprint TLS Servers with Salesforece JARM Algorithm} \description{ The Salesforce JARM Tool \url{https://github.com/salesforce/jarm} is an active Transport Layer Security (TLS) server fingerprinting tool. JARM fingerprints can be used to quickly verify that all servers in a group have the same TLS configuration; group disparate servers on the internet by configuration, identifying that a server may belong to Google vs. Salesforce vs. Apple, for example; Identify default applications or infrastructure; and/or Identify malware command and control infrastructure and other malicious servers on the Internet. Tools are provided to generate JARM fingerprints. } \seealso{ Useful links: \itemize{ \item \url{https://git.rud.is/hrbrmstr/jarmed} \item Report bugs at \url{https://git.rud.is/hrbrmstr/jarmed/issues} } } \author{ Bob Rudis (bob@rud.is) } \keyword{internal}