Various ‘macOS’-oriented Tools and Utilities
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#' Retrieve Software Update history
#' Modern macOS "Software Update" history is preserved in the
#' `/Library/Receipts/InstallHistory.plist` proeprty list file. The default
#' behaviour is to use this file as a source and parse the property list into
#' a data frame (tibble). The caller can also provide a path to a valid
#' property list "Software Update" history file (i.e. a systems administrator
#' may want to analyze a collected inventory of "Software Update" history files
#' from all the macOS systems on her network).
#' @md
#' @param su_hist_file path to "Software Update" history file
#' @export
software_update_history <- function(su_hist_file = "/Library/Receipts/InstallHistory.plist") {
su_hist_file <- path.expand(su_hist_file)
su_hist_file <- normalizePath(su_hist_file)
if (!file.exists(su_hist_file)) stop("'hist_file' not found.", call.=FALSE)
doc <- xml2::read_xml(su_hist_file)
kids <- xml2::as_list(xml2::xml_children(doc))
shld_be_dict <- unique(names(kids[[1]]))
if (!((length(shld_be_dict) == 1) & (shld_be_dict[1] == "dict"))) {
stop("Not a valid plist file.", call.=FALSE)
purrr::map_df(1:length(kids[[1]]), function(.j) {
grandkids <- kids[[1]][[.j]]
nm <- names(grandkids)
keys <- which(nm == "key")
dat <- vector("list", length(keys))
keynms <- vector("character", length(keys))
j <- 1
for (i in keys) {
key_name <- grandkids[[i]][[1]]
keynms[j] <- key_name
val_type <- names(grandkids[i+1])
val <- switch(
"string" = unlist(grandkids[[i+1]]),
"date" = anytime::anytime(unlist(grandkids[[i+1]])),
"integer" = as.integer(unlist(grandkids[[i+1]])),
"real" = as.numeric(unlist(grandkids[[i+1]])),
"true" = TRUE,
"false" = FALSE,
"array" = list(purrr::set_names(list(unlist(grandkids[[i+1]], use.names=FALSE)), key_name)),
"data" = "TODO",
if (length(val) == 0) val <- NA
dat[j] <- as.list(val)
j <- j + 1
purrr::set_names(dat, keynms)
}) -> xdf
xdf[,c("displayName", "displayVersion", "date", "packageIdentifiers", "processName", "contentType")]