Various ‘macOS’-oriented Tools and Utilities
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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usablestate and is being activelydeveloped. Signedby Signed commit% Linux buildStatus CoverageStatus Minimal RVersion License


Various ‘macOS’-oriented Tools and Utilities


A set of tools/methods and data that are geared towards the ‘macOS’ ecosystem.


  • Uses reticulate so a working Python 3 implementation is needed. Consider setting RETICULATE_PYTHON to a valid, working Python 3 installation if this package is not working for you.

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • airport_scan: Scan for available wireless network (requires Wi-Fi enabled Mac)
  • applescript: Execute AppleScript and Return Results
  • check_notarization: Check application notarization info
  • check_sig: Check application signature/notarization information
  • find_dsstore: Find and optionally remove .DS_Store files on a locally-accessible filesystem
  • kernel_state: Retrieve kernel state information
  • logger: Log a message to the macOS logging system (searchable from
  • read_dsstore: Read a .DS_Store from a file/URL
  • read_plist: Read a macOS property list file
  • resolve_alias: Resolve macOS Alias Files to POSIX path strings
  • software_update_history: Retrieve Software Update history
  • sw_vers: Retrieve macOS Operating System Version Information
  • system_profile: Report system hardware and software configuration


# or
# or

NOTE: To use the ‘remotes’ install options you will need to have the {remotes} package installed.



# current verison
## [1] '0.2.0'

Kernel state vars

## # A tibble: 1,294 x 2
##    setting               value                        
##    <chr>                 <chr>                        
##  1 user.cs_path          /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
##  2 user.bc_base_max      99                           
##  3 user.bc_dim_max       2048                         
##  4 user.bc_scale_max     99                           
##  5 user.bc_string_max    1000                         
##  6 user.coll_weights_max 2                            
##  7 user.expr_nest_max    32                           
##  8 user.line_max         2048                         
##  9 user.re_dup_max       255                          
## 10 user.posix2_version   200112                       
## # … with 1,284 more rows

.DS_Store example

Using built-in data

  path = system.file("extdat", "DS_Store.ctf", package = "mactheknife")
## [1] "favicon.ico"     "flag"            "static"          "templates"       ""   "vulnerable.wsgi"

From a URL

A URL I should not have let a .DS_Store file lying around in

##  [1] ""                                        
##  [2] ""                                            
##  [3] ""                                             
##  [4] ""                                               
##  [5] ""                                         
##  [6] ""                               
##  [7] ""                                    
##  [8] ""                           
##  [9] ""               
## [10] "06-Creating-a-Graph-of-Retweet-Relationships_files"            
## [11] ""            
## [12] "07-Visualizing-a-Graph-of-Retweet-Relationships_files"         
## [13] ""                                   
## [14] ""                          
## [15] ""                                       
## [16] ""                
## [17] ""                                
## [18] ""                        
## [19] ""                           
## [20] ""                      
## [21] ""   
## [22] "16-Crawling-Followers-to-Approximate-Potential-Influence_files"
## [23] ""          
## [24] ""                            
## [25] ""                               
## [26] ""            
## [27] "20-Visualizing-Geodata-with-a-Dorling-Cartogram_files"         
## [28] ""                       
## [29] "21-recipes-for-mining-twitter-with-rtweet.docx"                
## [30] "21-recipes-for-mining-twitter-with-rtweet.epub"                
## [31] "21-recipes-for-mining-twitter-with-rtweet.pdf"                 
## [32] ""      
## [33] "22-Visualising-Intersecting-Follower-Sets-with-UpsetR_files"   
## [34] "data"                                                          
## [35] "figures"                                                       
## [36] "index.html"                                                    
## [37] ""                                                      
## [38] "libs"                                                          
## [39] "search_index.json"                                             
## [40] "style.css"

A Directory of.DS_Stores

A larger example using my “~/projects” folder (use your own dir as an example).


  path = "~/projects", pattern = "\\.DS_Store", 
  all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE
) %>% 
  lapply(read_dsstore) -> x

## List of 10
##  $ : chr [1:4] "figures" "python" "R" "support"
##  $ : chr [1:4] "data" "figures" "python" "R"
##  $ : chr(0) 
##  $ : chr(0) 
##  $ : chr(0) 
##  $ : chr [1:3] "data" "figures" "R"
##  $ : chr(0) 
##  $ : chr(0) 
##  $ : chr(0) 
##  $ : chr(0)

“Software Update” History

## # A tibble: 203 x 6
##    displayName                   displayVersion date                packageIdentifiers processName     contentType
##    <chr>                         <chr>          <dttm>              <list>             <chr>           <chr>      
##  1 XProtectPlistConfigData       2103           2019-06-03 22:18:20 <chr [2]>          softwareupdated config-data
##  2 Gatekeeper Configuration Data 167            2019-06-03 22:18:20 <chr [2]>          softwareupdated config-data
##  3 Microsoft Excel               <NA>           2019-06-04 10:35:20 <chr [1]>          installer       <NA>       
##  4 Microsoft PowerPoint          <NA>           2019-06-04 10:35:53 <chr [1]>          installer       <NA>       
##  5 Microsoft Word                <NA>           2019-06-04 10:36:22 <chr [1]>          installer       <NA>       
##  6 OneDrive                      19.062.0331    2019-06-04 11:34:51 <chr [1]>          appstoreagent   <NA>       
##  7 MindNode                      6.0.3          2019-06-05 19:50:41 <chr [1]>          storedownloadd  <NA>       
##  8 MindNode                      6.0.3          2019-06-06 00:50:26 <chr [1]>          appstoreagent   <NA>       
##  9 Tweetbot                      3.3            2019-06-06 00:50:56 <chr [1]>          appstoreagent   <NA>       
## 10 Microsoft Excel               <NA>           2019-06-06 00:52:53 <chr [1]>          installer       <NA>       
## # … with 193 more rows

macOS Version Info (short)

## # A tibble: 1 x 6
##   ProductName ProductVersion BuildVersion ProductFullName        Hardware KernelVersion
##   <chr>       <chr>          <chr>        <chr>                  <chr>    <chr>        
## 1 Mac OS X    10.15          19A546d      macOS Catalina (10.15) x86_64   19.0.0


res <- applescript('
tell application "Music" 
  set r_name to name of current track
  set r_artist to artist of current track
return "artist=" & r_artist & "\ntrack=" & r_name

## [1] "artist=Sukima Switch"    "track=Golden Time Lover"

App info

check_sig("/Applications/") %>% 
## # A tibble: 25 x 2
##    key                         value                                                               
##    <chr>                       <chr>                                                               
##  1 Executable                  /Applications/                    
##  2 Identifier                  is.rud.bob.RSwitch                                                  
##  3 Format                      app bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64)                                
##  4 CodeDirectory v             20500 size=1342 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=33+5 location=embedded
##  5 VersionPlatform             1                                                                   
##  6 VersionMin                  658944                                                              
##  7 VersionSDK                  659200                                                              
##  8 Hash type                   sha256 size=32                                                      
##  9 CandidateCDHash sha256      efa512a9daabfb9402af8a91697f008b89ffa81e                            
## 10 CandidateCDHashFull sha256  efa512a9daabfb9402af8a91697f008b89ffa81ea014452821e39a5365d80fe6    
## 11 Hash choices                sha256                                                              
## 12 CMSDigest                   efa512a9daabfb9402af8a91697f008b89ffa81ea014452821e39a5365d80fe6    
## 13 CMSDigestType               2                                                                   
## 14 Page size                   4096                                                                
## 15 CDHash                      efa512a9daabfb9402af8a91697f008b89ffa81e                            
## 16 Signature size              8968                                                                
## 17 Authority                   Developer ID Application: Bob Rudis (CBY22P58G8)                    
## 18 Authority                   Developer ID Certification Authority                                
## 19 Authority                   Apple Root CA                                                       
## 20 Timestamp                   Sep 1, 2019 at 08:46:41                                             
## 21 Info.plist entries          26                                                                  
## 22 TeamIdentifier              CBY22P58G8                                                          
## 23 Runtime Version             10.15.0                                                             
## 24 Sealed Resources version    2 rules=13 files=26                                                 
## 25 Internal requirements count 1 size=212

## # A tibble: 4 x 2
##   key         value                                           
##   <chr>       <chr>                                           
## 1 application /Applications/                       
## 2 status      accepted                                        
## 3 source      Notarized Developer ID                          
## 4 origin      Developer ID Application: Bob Rudis (CBY22P58G8)

macthekinfe Metrics

Lang # Files (%) LoC (%) Blank lines (%) # Lines (%)
R 19 0.95 329 0.91 103 0.72 149 0.73
Rmd 1 0.05 33 0.09 40 0.28 54 0.27

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.