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#' Scan for available wireless network (requires Wi-Fi enabled Mac)
#' @md
#' @param .quiet if `TRUE` then no progress messages will be displayed
#' @note that we have to use the characater output since the XML output is broken on Sierra.
#' @export
airport_scan <- function(.quiet=FALSE) {
message("Scanning for available wireless networks...")
) -> res
if (length(res$stdout) == 0) {
stop('Error scanning for networks Are you running on a Wi-Fi-enables macOS system?', call.=FALSE)
out <- rawToChar(res$stdout)
out <- strsplit(out, "[\r\n]+")[[1]]
out <- gsub("[\r\n]", "", out)
rl <- rle(strsplit(gsub("[[A-Z]", "X", out[1]), "")[[1]])
ssid_len <- sum(rl$lengths[1:3])
bssid_len <- sum(rl$lengths[4:5])
rssi_len <- sum(rl$lengths[6:7])
channel_len <- sum(rl$lengths[8:9])
ht_len <- sum(rl$lengths[10:11])
cc_len <- sum(rl$lengths[12:13])
security_start <- ssid_len + bssid_len + rssi_len + channel_len + ht_len + cc_len + 1
saf <- default.stringsAsFactors()
on.exit(options(stringsAsFactors = saf))
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
con <- textConnection(paste0(out[2:length(out)], collaspe="\n"))
file = con,
widths = c(ssid_len, bssid_len, rssi_len, channel_len, ht_len, cc_len),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) -> xdf
xdf <- xdf[complete.cases(xdf),]
xdf[] <- lapply(xdf, trimws)
xdf <- type.convert(xdf,
xdf$security <-
purrr::map_chr(out[2:length(out)], ~{
substr(.x, security_start, nchar(.x))
}) %>% trimws()
colnames(xdf) <- c("ssid", "bssid", "rssi", "channel", "ht", "cc", "security")
class(xdf) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")