You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/media-list.R
\title{Return multiple media sources}
mc_media_list(name = NULL, query = NULL, tags_id = NULL,
last_media_id = 0, rows = 0, tag_name = NULL,
timespans_id = NULL, topic_mode = NULL, include_dups = 0,
unhealthy = NULL, similar_media_id = NULL, sort = c("id",
"num_stories"), ..., api_key = mediacloud_api_key())
\item{name}{Name of media source for which to search; If this parameter is
specified, the call returns only media sources that match a case
insensitive search specified value. If the specified value is less
than 3 characters long, the call returns an empty list. Default: none}
\item{query}{Return media with at least one sentence that matches this Solr
query; For a description of the Solr query format, see
Default: null}
\item{tags_id}{Return media associated with any of the given tags; If this is not
a lenth 1 character vector each vector element will be passed in as
an additional "tag id" list. These lists are AND'd together on the
server. Default: null}
\item{last_media_id}{Return media sources with a media_id greater than this value; Default: 0}
\item{rows}{Number of media sources to return. Cannot be larger than 100; Default: 20}
\item{tag_name}{Name of tag for which to return belonging media; Default: none}
\item{timespans_id}{Return media within the given timespan; If this parameter
is specified, return media within the given time slice, sorted by
descending inlink_count within the timespan. If topic_mode is set to
'live', return media from the live topic stories rather than from
the frozen snapshot. Default: null}
\item{topic_mode}{If set to 'live', return media from live topics; Default: null}
\item{include_dups}{Include duplicate media among the results; Default: 0}
\item{unhealthy}{Only return media that are currently marked as unhealthy (see mediahealth/list); Default: none}
\item{similar_media_id}{Return media with the most tags in common; Default: none}
\item{sort}{sort order of media: id, or num_stories; By default, media are
sorted by media_id. If this parameter is set to 'num_stories',
the media will be sorted by decreasing number of stories in the past
90 days}
\item{...}{passed on to \code{httr} verb calls}
\item{api_key}{See \code{\link[=mediacloud_api_key]{mediacloud_api_key()}}}
Return multiple media sources
By default, calls that specify a name parameter will only return media
that are not duplicates of some other media source. Media Cloud has
many media sources that are either subsets of other media sources or
are just holders for spidered media from a given media source, both of
which are marked as duplicate media and are not included in the
default results. If the 'include_dups' parameter is set to 1, those
duplicate sources will be included in the results.