Amazon Athena JDBC Driver Wrapper Supporting the 'metis' Package
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5 年前
5 年前
# metis.jars
6 年前
5 年前
Amazon Athena JDBC Driver Wrapper Supporting the ‘metis’ Package
6 年前
## Description
5 年前
Contents of the Amazon Athena JDBC Driver
provided to support functions in the ‘metis’ package. Version number
reflects the version number of the included ‘JAR’ file.
5 年前
Until a release of ‘rJava’ newer than ‘0.9.10’ is on CRAN signals sent
from interrupting Athena JDBC calls crash the R interpreter. You
therefore need to set the `-Xrs` option to avoid signals being passed on
to the JVM owner. That has to be done *before* `rJava` is loaded so you
either need to remember to put it at the top of all scripts *or* stick
this in your local `~/.Rprofile` and/or sitewide `Rprofile`:
``` r
5 年前
"java.parameters" = c(getOption("java.parameters", default = NULL), "-Xrs")
6 年前
## What’s Inside The Tin?
The following functions are implemented:
5 年前
- `athena_supported_types`: Retrieve the current supported type names
in Athena
- `metis_jar_path()` : Retrieve the fully-qualified path to the
included Athena JAR file
- `simba_driver_version`: Retrieve the version of the Simba Athena
JDBC driver included with the package
6 年前
## Installation
``` r
5 年前
# OR
5 年前
# OR
5 年前
6 年前
## Usage
``` r
5 年前
# current verison
5 年前
6 年前
4 年前
## [1] '2.0.9'
6 年前
``` r
5 年前
4 年前
## [1] ""
``` r
5 年前
5 年前
## [19] "MAP" "ROW" "STRUCT"
``` r
5 年前
4 年前
## [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library/metis.jars/java/AthenaJDBC42_2.0.9.jar"
6 年前
## Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to
abide by its terms.